Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 694: his circle of friends

Seoul's attractions are Gyeongbokgung Palace and Namsan Tower, and these two places are very close to Junxiu's home. In fact, for Yui Aragaki, who is not chasing stars, Seoul is not necessarily more fun than Tokyo. At least in Tokyo, she is easy to communicate with, and the Japanese are not as enthusiastic as Korean fans. Even if most Japanese fans recognize her on the road, Yui Aragaki will not take the initiative to ask for a group photo or something.

But it is different in Korea, because the surrounding countries are influenced by the Hallyu wave, so more and more people travel to Korea. And most of the people who come here are the younger brothers and younger sisters of the group. Whether it is Gyeongbokgung Palace or Namsan Tower, these landmark buildings in Seoul, like Tokyo Tower, are places where tourists must check in.

So when Junxiu appeared in such a scenic spot with Yuyi, he was quickly discovered. In this cold winter, Junxiu and Yui were both wrapped in scarves, hats, and masks, but they were still smashed by fans who came to the scenic spot. For tourists who come to Seoul, celebrities who are hard to see in the first place suddenly appear in the scenic spots, which is a blessing for them.

Therefore, tourists don't care about etiquette, and swarms around them, asking for handshakes, for group photos, and for autographs. Junxiu and Yui, it was too late for the two of them to visit the scenic spots in a clean way, so they could only escape back to the car under the pursuit of fans, and drove away from these check-in points.

When coming down from Nanshan, Yui smiled and said to Junxiu: "Actually, there is no need to go to these 'check-in points', just like we never go to Tokyo Tower in Tokyo! There are too many tourists, and the scene may get out of control."

Two scenic spots were discovered twice, and Junxiu said helplessly: "Fortunately, we ran away immediately after being discovered, otherwise it would be really difficult to get down from the mountain. I didn't expect such a cold day. There are still people who ran to Nanshan Tower to blow the cold wind."

"Tokyo Tower, no matter how cold it is, there are people who want it. For tourists, it is not easy to come here once, so these check-in attractions must be reported. By the way, where do we go next?"

"Let's go eat some Korean snacks?" Isn't it fun to just go and eat? And Yui is a person who doesn't like to go shopping very much, so Junxiu didn't think about taking her to any commercial street such as Cheongdam-dong or Boulevard.

After the two came down from the mountain, they went directly to the traditional market in South Korea. The traditional market in winter will be more lively and discounted. Because the market has no heating supply, many people choose to eat snacks. This makes the traditional market snack street seem deserted a lot.

The relatively deserted traditional market is heaven for Junxiu and Yui. It's impossible for the aunts to let them take off their scarves, right? At most, when they sit down to eat, they will take it off, and the market aunt just shakes hands with Junxiu after seeing it. After all, Junxiu is eating, and they will not ask for a photo or anything.

For the first time, Yui felt Junsu's popularity among Korean aunts. The enthusiastic aunt shook hands and gave Junsu some free snacks. They all smiled brightly on their faces, and Yui felt very warm to the smiles of the aunts.

But Junxiu smiled and said to Yui: "Don't underestimate the Korean aunts, they are crazy. I was touched by aunts in the traditional market before."

If this is the case, you will have been accused in Japan long ago. Don't think that the scenes in the small movie are real Japan. Because of the existence of small movies, Japan takes Sao's harassment very seriously, especially in the workplace! !


Junsu and Yui are shopping and eating in South Korea. The news of the two is raging in South Korea, and there are constantly online news about where Junsu and Yui are, where, and where. In the morning, everyone was paying attention to how the news of Junsu and Yoona will develop next. Who knows that the morning has not yet passed, and the news will be updated immediately.

After Yui Aragaki arrived in Korea, a large part of the media naturally came out and said that Junxiu and Yui were lovers. Now it's Yoona, Yui, and Taeyeon, the chaotic battle of the three. S.M finally made a statement while taking advantage of the chaos, Junsu and them are just friends! !

Of course, some fans asked, since Junxiu and Yui are friends, why did the two hug so intimately at the airport?

However, such inquiries were quickly overwhelmed by netizens' answers, and friends couldn't hug each other? In Europe and the United States, don't friends still hug each other's faces?

On the first day of the new year, Junxiu grabbed all the entertainment headlines in the news, whether it was him and Yoona, or him and Yui, after these two news came out, Junxiu's love really began to enter an era of revealing secrets. . This time, it seems that all the media and netizens are cruel, and we must find out who Junxiu's 'girlfriend' has been hiding? Is it Yoona~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is it Taeyeon, or is it Yui?

The media recently discovered that the number of "suspects" beside Junxiu gradually began to increase. They all smelled a conspiracy, so the media thought they must solve the mystery before it was completely disrupted..! !

Of course Junsu couldn't let the media solve the mystery so easily. Because he was heading to Hongdae, the busiest place at night..

After night fell in Seoul, Ha Dong-hoon became busy. There were more and more diners queuing at the entrance of his barbecue restaurant, and the barbecue show was also in full swing in the store. Many diners who were waiting for their meal at the door saw a lot of entertainers coming to Ha Dong Hoon store today. Kim Jong Kook came in front, followed by Girls' Generation's Taeyeon with Pani, and Shun Gyu also appeared.

Many diners who were waiting to eat picked up their mobile phones and took pictures of the 'red carpet' of today's barbecue restaurant. After the appearance of Kim Jong Kook, Girls' Generation and others, many people who were waiting to eat at the door knew that Junsu would be coming soon. The answer is obvious. If Junsu didn't show up, it would be absolutely impossible for Girls' Generation and others to come and dine in such a place where fans gather.

They will come here only if Junsu invites them. Otherwise, Ha Dong-hoon alone wouldn't be able to invite Girls' Generation for dinner.

Sure enough, Junsu and Yui Aragaki appeared in everyone's sight within five minutes of their arrival at Girls' Generation. This caused fans to take pictures of the two violently again.

Yui was terrified by the large group of people waiting in front of the barbecue shop, because Junxiu forgot to tell her that the place where they ate today was the restaurant opened by a celebrity friend!

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