Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 692: The handsomeness in the eyes of the mother-in-law (Part 2)

After tidying up the room and letting Yui sleep peacefully on the bed, Junxiu told Yui's mother to let her rest, just leave it to him, Yui's mother nodded and called Junxiu Also rest early. But Junsu can rest comfortably? It was Junxiu's fault that Yui was so drunk for the first time, so he had to atone for himself.

The weather in Tokyo this big summer can be described as very hot. Junxiu can only choose to open all the windows in the bedroom for ventilation after Yui vomited, but there is no such thing as a fan in the bedroom. Because the floor of Junxiu's house is a little hot, you can pass by with the windows open and the natural wind blowing. If it is hotter, you can sleep with the air-conditioning on at night. So, Junsu and Yui, who are fans, have never been prepared.

But now there is no fan, and there is no way to open the window and turn on the air conditioner. Junxiu can only squat down beside the sleeping Yuyi with the fan and fan the wind. Of course, she is worried that she will vomit due to discomfort after sleeping for a while. If she vomits like this again, Junxiu plans to take her to the hospital.

Junxiu just squatted like that, constantly fanning Yui. It lasted for almost half an hour, and Yui's mother came over to take a look at Yui's situation. Because Japanese women walk lightly, and Yui's mother didn't wear slippers when she came over, Junxiu didn't feel that Yui's mother was coming. On his side, the door is open, and the window is open to ventilate the room. So when Yui's mother came over, she happened to see Junxiu squatting beside Yui's bed.

She did not choose to alarm Junxiu, but stood there quietly and looked at the man who kept fanning her daughter. At this moment, Junxiu's heart for Yui, as a bystander, had already reached her. A perfect percentage. So she felt that even if Yui married in Korea in the future, she also believed that Junxiu would treat her daughter well.

Yui's mother smiled warmly, and at the same time gave Junxiu a very high rating. In her eyes, Junxiu is definitely a rare good man! !

Seeing that Yui's mother here did not disturb Junxiu's tenderness, if she had a camera in her hand at this time, she would definitely record his tenderness. In this way, they can add a touch of love to the TV wall of the two of them.

Yui's mother slept soundly after returning to her room. With such a man beside her little daughter, can she not feel at ease? It's just that whether this love can blossom and bear fruit in the end depends on the young couple. After all, she lives in remote Okinawa, and far water can't save near fire. After all, she believed that Yui knew how to manage the thing "love".


The sun in Tokyo rises very early in summer, and Junxiu stood in the kitchen very early to make breakfast. Japanese breakfast is very simple, miso soup or miso soup, with grilled or grilled fish, rice, seaweed, with some Japanese pickles, fried eggs or something. In fact, it feels similar to the Korean breakfast, the only difference is that the Japanese breakfast is light and gray. Junsu is used to Korean breakfast, so instead of using pickles for breakfast, he uses kimchi, which is delicious.

Of course, the simpler one is Western style! But Yui's mother is here today, so Junxiu can only make breakfast according to the appearance of Japanese breakfast. Fortunately, it is not difficult.

Yuikai's miso soup, Junxiu learned it after seeing her make it. Grilled fish, needless to say, is a very simple thing.

When Junxiu was cooking breakfast in the kitchen, Yui's mother also got up early, because she was going to get up to make breakfast for her husband in Okinawa. When she came to the living room and saw that Junxiu was already standing in the kitchen, she was even more surprised: "Junxiu-kun, I'll have breakfast, you can go and rest for a while."

"It's okay, I also get up early to make breakfast when Yui is busy on weekdays. Usually, we both get up early to eat at home and then go to work. I made coffee in the coffee machine over there, you can Go to the balcony to sit and rest for a while, I'll be fine in a while."

When Yui's mother looked at Junxiu's familiar kitchen movements, she knew that Junxiu was not a man who knew nothing about housework. And a man is willing to get up early to cook for his woman, which is very rare in Japan. So Junxiu has already reported the score in her heart.

Yui's mother nodded and walked into Yui's room. She came to Yui's side and kept pushing Yui: "Yi, Yui, wake up, Yui..."

After being pushed twice by her mother, Yui finally opened her eyes with still dizziness~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After seeing that it was her mother, she scratched her head and said, "Mother, what's wrong? Wait? Wait... isn't this our home?"

Although Yui opened her eyes with an uncomfortable hangover and saw her mother in front of her, everything she was familiar with around her indicated that this was her and Junxiu's home. But why is his mother here? Even if she was dizzy, she still tried hard to recall how her mother appeared here?

The memories in her mind include the meal with her family yesterday, and the appearance of Junxiu later, because Junxiu's appearance finally loosened her nerves after she was drunk, and she can rest assured with Junxiu by her side. And then..and then gone, can't remember.

Yui rubbed her temples with a headache, really not sure why her mother was here?

"You still know this is your home, you...you were really embarrassed yesterday, you know? Junxiu came to pick you up, you vomited in the car, and when you got home, the whole bedroom was covered in filth. , Junxiu personally helped you clean up! And now you are still making breakfast, the man is making breakfast, you sleep soundly like this?"

Junxiu's breakfast is a common thing for Yui, so her focus is not here. What she cares about is her shame: "Really..I vomited at home yesterday?"

"You think I lied to you? Look at the trash can under your head."

The trash can was brought in by Junxiu after she vomited, so Yui looked down and said, "Isn't there nothing here?"

"That's because you all vomited on the floor!! It's disgusting, really disgusting." Yui's mother recalled the situation where Yui vomited last night, and the disgust on her face was completely real, so Yui also knew that she really threw up yesterday.

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