Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 699: Another "Human Observation" (Part 2)

Junxiu was asked, 'What else? ' Confused, he thought he needed to say something else? And the expression of the male reporter also became a little funny, Junxiu looked at the reporter and asked kindly: "Do I need to say another one?" After saying this, Junxiu continued to think about 'wish' and said: " If I can, I want to go back and see the moment I was born."

Who knew that Junxiu was asked by the male reporter just after saying this: "What else?"

"Do you want to say more?" Junxiu scratched his head, realizing that he was bothering him on purpose. However, such repeated inquiries did not make Junxiu irritable. Junxiu continued to talk about his 'wish': "If possible, I would like to take a break for a while. I haven't given myself a vacation since my debut."

Junxiu's voice fell, and the reporter said again, "What else??"

"Well, I hope that one day I will be able to marry the woman I love. Just like me and Yui's movie "Hana Mizuki", a lover will eventually get married."

"what else?"

"I hope to have a cute baby in the future."

"what else?"

"With my wife and baby, live happily in this peaceful world."

Finally, it's still this 'what else? ’ Junsu got irritated by the question, and Junsu finally stopped his endless questioning by saying ‘world peace’. I don't know if he will get tired of repeating a word like this?

Junxiu was forced to smile wryly by this reporter. The reporter also responded with a smile: "What do you think of my new way of asking questions? Junxiu-sang."

"Well, I feel very good, I feel like I have to answer when asked." Junxiu couldn't help laughing after saying this, and the female reporter asked Junxiu at this time: "You said earlier that you need a vacation. So, Junxiu-sang, what are you going to do after you have the vacation? Is there anything you want to do in particular?"

"I don't have anything I really want to do. Holidays are just rest. As long as I don't have to think about work, I can relax and relax. If it's winter, I can go to Hokkaido for a bath, and in summer, I want to go for a bath."

I finally encountered a normal problem, but when Junxiu had not finished what he wanted to say, a dog barked suddenly in the waiting room. After two barks, Junxiu turned to look for it. sound source.

After the dog's bark appeared, the male reporter suddenly said to Junxiu, "It's time to eat."

After saying these words, Junxiu looked at him with an expression of "I'm not hungry" and said, "Uh? Time for dinner?"

In the end, the reporter took a chihuahua from under the table and put it on the table. Junxiu covered her mouth and laughed. Eat? Feed the dog? However, when Junxiu was smiling, the male reporter suddenly called out to the Chihuahua absurdly: "Xiao Miao, Xiao Miao, it's time to eat."

Obviously it's a dog, but it's called Xiao Miao? This made Junxiu really think that this trick was too weird. Junxiu smiled and touched the puppy, then stretched out his hand and said to it, "Hand."

The cute puppy put its paw on Junxiu's hand. It was very cute. Junxiu hugged the dog and stroked it twice, and then returned the dog to the male reporter: "Kawaii."

"Does Junxiu like puppies very much?"

"It's okay, I can't say I like it very much. The main problem is that I don't have the energy to take care of it."

At this time, the female reporter said, "This time we are interviewing Junxiu-sang, and I hope to get your autograph from Junxiu and give it to the fans."

"Okay." Junxiu nodded and agreed. Who would have guessed that this male reporter suddenly took out a history book for Junxiu to sign. Junxiu just stared at the reporter sluggishly, wondering what he was doing. Still stupid? Is the history book that Junsu can randomly sign on it?

Either Korea or Japan. Everyone who appears in the history books needs to be respected. How could Junxiu not understand the superficial truth of ancestors? Junxiu just stared blankly at the male reporter and reminded in a low voice: "History"

Junxiu reminded me gently, all the guests in the studio laughed when the show was broadcast: "Hahaha Junxiu is too gentle, right? If someone comes out with a history book and asks me to sign it to fix me, I will definitely give a book to me. on his head."

Junsu's interview ended here. From the spoof of the interview at the beginning to now, Junsu has always maintained an extremely gentle state. He used his warmth to infect the show team and the fans who appreciated the show after the broadcast.

The ** of the program team came in, and this vj happened to be Junsu's last time the cameraman of "Human Observation", he came to Junxiu with his **. As for Junxiu, he laughed immediately after seeing him: "What, it's your "Human Observation" again?"

"Yes, Junsu-sang, I have interrupted your work during your busy schedule. Do you have any thoughts on this interview?"

"Me? I noticed something was wrong when this gentleman came out with an oversized 'Victory Cup', but he did a good job, and I was taken away without knowing it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I propose that this method be used once on Yui's body."

"Okay, we'll contact Aragaki-sang's agent in a while, and we'll say that Junxiu suggested it from you."

"Is it alright when I didn't say it?"

"It's been filmed."

Junxiu could only show a thumbs up towards the program team with a wry smile, indicating "you guys are amazing".


After the studio came out, Junxiu sat in the nanny car and sent a text message to Yui: "When are you going home?"

Junsu only knew that Yui was going to the meeting today, but it was not clear when it would end or when Junsu would come back after the meeting. And Junxiu really wanted to have dinner with her at home today, so he sent a message to Yui to ask her when she was going home.

After Yui's text message passed, it was like a rock sinking into the sea, and there was no reply. So it seems that Yui's side is either not finished yet, or she fell asleep on the way back on the highway.

Yui still didn't reply to Junxiu's text message, and the car just drove quietly on the streets of Tokyo.

On the way home today, Junxiu sat in the co-pilot's seat. The co-pilot with a wide field of vision suddenly appeared in Junxiu's eyes with a height, body shape, back, dress, and her hairstyle, etc. A woman who is very similar to Yui in every aspect.

Junxiu instantly frowned and stared intently at the woman's back.

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