"Hunter special? So it seems that I will be the predator in this game……"

Holding the pen in his hand, Zaidao also had a weird smile on his lips. At this time, a man wearing a reggae wig and primitive animal skin clothes suddenly walked up to the table.

"Pfft~" Looking at the"beggar" who suddenly appeared, Han Zaidao couldn't hold it back and burst out laughing:"Yeah! Brother Dongman, what are you dressing up like~"

That's right, the primitive man standing in front of Han Zaido is the former assistant PD who was recalled to RM by SBS, Dongman!

"Ah Ni, Seyo, I am Dong Wan, the betrayer who is responsible for helping you today. The tasks given to RM by the main PDs today will be correct tasks, and you can give me fake tasks to confuse them! Dongwan suppressed a smile. Obviously, he also wanted to laugh at his own outfit. After all, the combination of reggae wig and animal skin clothes is so magical.

"is that so? I thought I was allowed to arrange all their tasks unconditionally, but this way, it becomes more difficult to hunt them.……"

After hearing Dongwan's explanation, Han Zaidao also nodded. This special episode is equivalent to him being able to intersperse fake tasks among the correct tasks. Once such fake tasks are seen by the moths, they might really think that Is the fake mission a hidden mission?……

"interesting……"Thinking about it, Zaidao showed a smirk on his lips. two hours later……

"Ani ah sai yo~~~"

When the familiar greeting sounded, Jae Suk, who arrived early every time, immediately took off his hat and greeted the camera and all the staff.

As Jae Suk arrived, the members of RM also rushed in one after another, and they were all in very good spirits. Apparently, they all went to KS's private hospital to experience a full-body examination and free treatment.

"Brother, ah, ah, ah!"

On the first floor of the coffee shop, when Kwang Soo walked into the room wearing a woolen coat and a baseball cap, Yoo Jae Suk immediately looked at him sharply, then stood up and walked towards Kwang Soo.

"Brother, ah….."

"Okay, we are filming now. If you want to sign autographs, please wait and go out first~" Seeing Kwang Soo greeting him, Yoo Jae Suk pushed the confused Kwang Soo out with a serious look, and explained the situation while pushing back, and behind him The members were laughing like crazy

"Mo! I am also a regular member! What a signature!"After realizing that he was teased again, Kwang Soo immediately explained with an embarrassed smile, while Liu Zaixi whispered in his ear.

After listening to Liu Zaixi's words, Kwang Soo was stunned for a moment, and then immediately said He slapped the other person on the face:"What do you mean by letting me out? I am also a permanent member!"

"Mo? Do not make jokes!"After being slapped on the face by Kwang Soo, Yoo Jae Suk immediately smiled and pointed at Kwang Soo, and then continued to play his own melodrama

"This uncle is probably hungover and hasn’t woken up yet!"Looking at Yoo Jae-suk who was immersed in his own world, Kwang-soo immediately framed Jae-seok against the PDs, and Jae-seok pulled Kwang-soo to express that it was over.

Seeing the master giving him a signal, Kwang-soo also Instead of continuing to struggle, he and Jae Suk stood back in their positions.

Until now, all the members still don’t know that today is the day for Jae Do to appear, because the Power PDs told everyone two days ago. We need to think of a better special episode for Jae Do, so we have to postpone Jae Do's appearance to the next episode.

Sure enough, after several years of separation, the members have not yet relived the years when they were deceived by the PDs. memories, but after this special episode, I believe everyone immediately fell into the role.

Looking at the familiar members, PD Zhao also spoke:"First of all, let me explain that today's special episode is the"King of Animals" special episode, and the winning member will be the one who won." You can get the gold medal of the King of Animals weighing 100 grams!"

"Dafa! Finally gold comes again!"

"King of Animals~ It seems like it’s a personal battle~"

When the PD said that today’s prize is 100 grams of gold, the members were immediately dazzled, but Kwang Soo, the betrayer, revealed the secret and said

After the members reacted, PD Cho continued:"In addition, the members who did not win will wear the clothes prepared by the production team and go to Myeongdong to sing the song."

Just when PD Zhao was explaining this, PD Dongwan, who had not seen him for a long time, pushed a trolley and presented pieces of lace Lolita skirts and women's wigs in front of everyone.


For a moment, the members didn't know what to say, but the master said excitedly:"Ah ~ PD Zhao! It's 15 degrees today. If you wear this to perform, you will catch a cold!""

"This old man will start exploiting us as soon as he comes back!"Haha excitedly took off his hat and threw it on the ground, while Brother Gou said calmly:"We don't have anything, but Brother Shi Zhen is already 50 years old.……"

When Brother Gou said this, the program team immediately added a black circle to Big Brother Wangbi’s face in the later stage, and noted"50-year-old Big Brother"……"

"Yeah~Why did you mention your age all of a sudden?….."Wang Nozhi"scolded" Brother Gou in a soft voice, but to outsiders, it sounded more like an aggrieved complaint.

Looking at the members making a fuss, PD Zhao laughed so much that his stomach ached. Finally, PD Mi took over and said:"Okay~ Now let’s announce the first mission!".....

Thanks to"Chenchen Chen c"、"I have never owned the monthly passes of these two book friends.

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