

Youido Plaza, when the whistle of the RM production team blew, these artists and friends who performed for free immediately launched a search in Yeouido.

"Wow~ This is exactly the same as the zombies in Train to Busan."On the roof of a certain building, Zai Dao had already used five minutes to get here.

Looking at the one hundred and four artists running below, Zai Dao immediately saw ten figures representing his white sportswear inside. four pursuers

"Yeah, those who are chasing me are all young children~" Looking at the new faces downstairs, Zaidao didn't feel very anxious.

The time set by the program team was that the arrests must be completed before 14:00 in the afternoon, and now it is 9 in the morning Yes, there are still 5 hours left, so there is still plenty of time, so there is no need to be in a hurry.

Facing the camera, Jae Do also analyzed:"Actually, the members who are most hopeful of tearing down their pursuers are Gary, Zhong Guo hyung, Me, there are three of us"

"Isn’t it okay with Brother Seok, Brother Kwangsoo, and Brother Haha?"VJ Minze next to me asked

"In Shi Ge, there are 18 people to deal with, that is, at least six people have to be torn off with one name card. Kwang-soo is very strong, but at least five people have to be torn off with one name card, haha.……."

Speaking of Haha and Jae Do, he took a breath:"Actually, among the members' ability to tear off famous brands, Ha Ha is the third from the bottom."

"Haha, I always find it difficult to tear apart eight people.……."


Just as Zaidao was talking, his phone suddenly rang. The caller was Brother Shi.

"Um, brother~" After picking up the phone, Zai Dao took his time, but the master on the other side was extremely flustered. After all, there were 18 people behind him. Even if he had three lives, the situation was still very critical.

"Zaidao, where are you?"Hearing Zaidao's voice, the great god asked

"Haha~ Brother, I won’t tell you. Who knows if there are any pursuers of mine around me?"

Facing the great god's question, Zaidao was very vigilant. In order to show that he was safe, the great god said:"Zai Dao, let's make an alliance."

"Mo? alliance? Why should I join an alliance? Brother, if there are 14 people, I can tear it apart easily."Zai Dao smiled and rejected the Great God's alliance request, while the Great God continued:

"Yeah, think about it, if Brother Seokjin and I are torn apart, then your pursuers will increase, so protect me, Zai Dao!"

"Oh, what you said is very interesting."Listening to the explanation from the master on the other side of the phone, Zaidao smiled and nodded, but continued:

"Brother, don’t worry. If you go out, then all the children will go to Brother Zhong Guo. Not many of them will come back to me."

"Zhong Guoge has four name strips. I think he should be able to tear off at least 10 people before OUT."

As a carnivore character, Zai Dao does not need any allies, and because he is not well-known, he is actually the safest among the members. Many young children do not know him.

He has come all the way to tear Zai Dao, After tearing it up, it's very likely that it won't be played. Artists won't do this kind of thing, so I think I'm pretty safe.

"Stop talking, bro. I’ll hang up first. I wish you peace~" After saying that, Zaidao didn’t give the master a chance to continue to induce him, and hung up the phone with a mean tone.

"Brother Zaishi actually wants to form an alliance with me~" Looking at the hung up phone, Zaidao immediately smiled at the camera:"But carnivores are loners, I believe Brother Zhong Guo thinks the same way."


Just as Zai Dao finished speaking his opinion, unexpectedly, the phone rang again. However, when Zai Dao picked up the phone with a smile and looked at it, the smile on his face immediately stiffened.

Because the caller is the traitor Lee Kwang-ju!

"Brother, won’t you answer?"Seeing that Zaidao didn't open the screen to answer the phone for a long time, Minze immediately asked

"Hey…..Kwang Soo was in danger. He still didn’t answer his phone. In the end, he just said that I was avoiding the pursuer."With that said, Zaidao put the phone in his pocket as if he couldn't see it.

At the same time, Guangzhu, who was hiding in a dark corner, looked at Zaidao who hadn't answered the phone for a long time, and the premonition in his heart immediately came over.

"Zaidao must have deliberately not answered my call."Looking at his VJ Yun Sang, Kwang Soo insisted

【Is this the spiritual connection between relatives and friends who have been friends for many years? ]

Kwang Soo and Jae Dao's amazing operation allowed the program team to immediately add text. At this time, Kwang Soo also immediately changed the phone number to a text message, edited the text message and sent it to Jae Dao.


"kindness?"Feeling the vibrating cell phone, Zaidao, who was standing on the rooftop, immediately felt a bad premonition in his heart.

[Giraffe Kwangsoo: Jae Dao, I know you didn’t answer the phone on purpose. Make an alliance with me. If you don’t make an alliance with me, after I’m torn apart, I’ll have all my pursuers put on white sportswear. Chasing you! Love you Kwang Soo~]

".….."When Kwang Soo’s text message was read by Zai Dao, Zai Dao’s brain immediately froze.

【Giraffe's dark regime threatens predators……】

Jae Dao couldn't see the later editing, otherwise he would have added chicken legs to the editing. Kwang Soo's behavior was really too mean.

"Brother, what should I do?"Looking at Zaidao who was speechless, Minze asked curiously

"well……."Hearing Minze speak, Zaidao turned around speechlessly, held the wall with his hands, and sighed heavily.

"This guy Lee Kwang-ju……"Forced by Kwang Soo, Zai Dao could only give his position to the despicable giraffe.

Ten minutes later, the door to the rooftop was opened, and a devastated Kwang Soo walked straight into the rooftop and closed the door.

"Were you torn?"Seeing Guangzhu's embarrassed look, Zaidao asked with wide eyes.

".……"Kwang Soo didn't say anything, but nodded while suppressing a smile, and then revealed the fact that there were only two name tags behind him.

"How many did you tear?"Looking at Guangzhu's embarrassed appearance, Zaidao asked straight to the point.


"Mo? two?"When Guangzhu said that he was actually trading one for two, Zaidao was immediately speechless by this guy.

So if you say that, doesn't this guy only have two lives left to tear four people apart?

"Wow~Are you a little too weak? How can we be an alliance with you like this?"Looking at Kwang Soo, Zai Dao felt very tired for a moment.

"It's very simple. Don't I still have 14 pursuers? Zai Dao... Just tear off 10 of them for me, and leave the remaining 4….."


Before Guangzhu could finish his words, Zaidao slapped him in the face. This guy really dared to say

"ah! Are you crazy? You should leave quickly, I'd better be alone."Ze Dao looked at Guang Zhu and said what was in his heart very speechlessly.

"Ani~ I can leave, but if I leave, I will go down and call my pursuers over now, and then let them tear me apart, put on white clothes and chase you on the rooftop."

【This guy…..What's the origin……..】

Seeing Kwang Soo threatening him with his pursuers, Jae Dao sighed directly in front of the camera:"Being a teammate with Kwang Soo will make me very tired. Not being a teammate with him will make me even more tired.""

"So what did I do wrong? Why did God send you to torture me? ah!"With that said, Zaidao grabbed Guangzhu's collar, and Guangzhu said with a bang:

"Anyway, I can't win. If you don't ally with me, I will go down and let them take me out."

【scary giraffe……】

Kwang-soo’s terrifying declaration not only left Jae-do confused about how to reply, but also gave the post-production editors some insight.

" many pursuers do you have downstairs?"Seeing Kwang Soo smashing the broken jar, Zai Dao asked with a headache.

"There are about 5 or 6 downstairs."Now Kwang Soo is honest.

"OK、Then you go and lure them up. After they are brought up, I will hide at the door, and then I will restrain them, and you will tear them apart at the right time."

Ze Dao is worthy of being a predator, because he is fully confident in his own strength and physical strength, and Kwang Soo's pursuers cannot tear off his name tag.

From this look, as long as he restrains about three pursuers, Kwang Soo will Soo was able to deal with them one by one and reduce his 14 pursuers to less than 10.

However, when Jaedo revealed his plan, Kwang Soo and VJ were immediately stunned, and Kwang Soo was even more stunned. He was accusing the camera:"Who is this person? Why is he so scary?""

"ah! I am doing it for you!"Looking at Kwang Soo's silly look, Zaidao said speechlessly.

"I understand. In this case, I will go and seduce them now, but if you are not with me by then, I will have all my pursuers change into white clothes and chase you."

Kwang Soo's suspicious character is most vividly displayed at this moment.���Even if Zaidao helped him tear someone apart, he would threaten him before leaving. This made Zaidao speechless and wanted to go up and kick him.

The building where Zaidao and Guangzhu were located was not high, only 13 floors, and there were two elevator entrances. As long as Guangzhu appeared fast enough, he could even attract enough pursuers before the elevator closed.

While waiting for Kwang Soo, Zai Dao also observed the pink pursuers who appeared downstairs from time to time.

In Zai Dao's sight, there were about three of Kwang Soo's pink pursuers, but he didn't know if there were any more in the building.

In order to capture Kwang Soo, they should take the stairs in one team and the elevator in another team. In this case, Zai Dao could catch them all.

Just as Zaidao was thinking this, the three pursuers downstairs immediately rushed into the building at the foot of Zaidao.

"ah! Minze, hide!"Seeing Guangzhu succeed in luring the enemy, Zaidao immediately hid in a corner on the side of the rooftop door.

In order not to be discovered, Zaidao could be said to have held his breath, and in this tense atmosphere, Zai Dao also vaguely heard the sound of running footsteps.

"coming……"Zaidao muttered, and a few seconds later, the 1.9-meter giraffe immediately rushed into the rooftop, and the following three pursuers also rushed in.

"Kwang Soo hyung! Stop running, this is a dead end!"Seeing Kwang Soo actually running to the rooftop, Hong Zhouxuan, the captain of the 24K group, immediately began to persuade him.

Liang Hui, the only member of Huachao in the team, was also about to speak, but was suddenly caught by a black shadow!

"Kwang Soo! Hurry!"

Zai Dao stretched out his two hands and directly controlled Liang Hui and another member. To Zai Dao, their strength was like that of children.

Seeing Zai Dao controlling Liang Hui and another member, Kwang Soo immediately took advantage of his long arms and legs and tore Hong Zhouxuan apart in a few seconds.

Then before several other pursuers came in from climbing the stairs, Liang Hui and another member also became Kwang Soo. prey

""Biyana, children~" Looking at the two people who were frightened by him, Zaidao patted them gently, and then let go of his hand.

As soon as Zaidao let go, these children immediately collapsed. on the ground

"Brother, the way you just came out, I thought I saw a beast.……."Liang Hui, who comes from the Chinese Dynasty like Zaidao, expressed his feelings in friendly Chinese.

Zaidao, who had not heard his native language for a long time, happily helped the two people up, and then asked:"How many people from your other team came up together?""

"4, are all members of our team."Captain Hong Zhouxuan explained.

Originally, before they came to RM, they wanted to attack the Kingdom of Jin. They never thought that the predator's path alone would frighten them into this state.

For a moment, they did not feel that they were OUT. I feel sorry for the fourteen friends who want to pursue Zai Dao. Isn't it a joke that such a man would kill him three times?

The other four members of their team also rushed to the rooftop, but the result���It was Zai Dao who instantly restrained three of them, and then Kwang Soo tore them off one by one.

"Children, Biaane~"

"Anyo~Senior Huaiting~"

Seeing the 24K children leaving, Guangzhu immediately relaxed, and after wiping his sweat with his hand, he applauded:"OK! Now I only have seven pursuers!"

"Then you can go, right?"Looking at Guangzhu who was full of pride, Zai Daoleng couldn't help but said.

"Arnie…..I'm just proud, why do you say such things?……"Looking at Zai Dao who was speechless, Guang Zhu was immediately convinced.

At this time, both Kwang Soo and Jae Dao received a text message on their mobile phones.~~~

【The current status of the pursuit of famous brands is as follows:】

【1 pursuer of Jin Xianguo's three name strips】

【Haha, two name strips, 6 pursuers】

【Song Zhixiao’s three name strips and 6 pursuers】

【Lee Kwang-ju’s two name strips and 7 pursuers】

【Gary has 10 pursuers per name strip】

【Han Zaidao's three name strips, 14 pursuers】

【There are 15 pursuers of Yoo Jae Suk’s three name slips】

【There are 20 pursuers in Jiseokjin’s three name strips]

When the pursuit situation was sent to the members via text message, Jae Do immediately sighed:"Sure enough, Jungkook hyung has almost eliminated all the pursuers."

"Ji Hyo Nu must have formed an alliance with Brother Gary, otherwise he wouldn't have defeated four pursuers without tearing up their name strips."

Kwang Soo also started to analyze, and Zai Dao thought for a while and then continued:"No, how about we take the initiative, otherwise when Brother Seokjin and Brother Zaishi are torn apart in the later stage, there will be many pursuers. of"

"OK! Then just kill all my pursuers first!"Hearing what Zai Dao said, Guang Zhutian said shamelessly.

Looking at the shameless Guang Zhu, Zai Dao really felt so tired:"Ah! If you say that, how about I tear you apart right now?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zai Dao made a move to tear Kwang Soo apart, which frightened Kwang Soo so much that he fell to the ground.

"Arnie! Arnie! I was joking! I am so sorry! I shouldn't have made such a joke!"It's about OUT, but Kwang Soo is flexible and flexible.

Looking at Kwang Soo sitting on the ground, Zaidao can only sigh and say:"Let's go and deal with my pursuers first."

"Wait a minute when you go out and are discovered by the white team's pursuers on purpose. Then you tell them that as long as they don't snitch, you will tell them where I am. Then you spot it and ask a relatively small number of people to come to me. After leading the way, we Two tore them apart."

Zaidao's plan is perfect. After all, Guangshu is a betrayer. Even the children in Hanguo know this. With his reputation as a guarantee, it is really possible that Zaidao will be betrayed.

But just after Zaidao said, Guangzhu stammered and discussed:"Then let's do this. I'll help you kill a member of the white team, and then you can help me kill one of my pursuers. How about that?""


While discussing the plan, Guangzhu was still making his own little calculations. This moment left Zaidao speechless. He directly threatened with a smile:"Or I will tear you apart now, and then I will tear you apart by myself." How is it?"

"I am so sorry! I seemed to be possessed by a ghost just now. I misjudged my position! terribly sorry!"When Jae Dao's threatening expression appeared, Kwang Soo was immediately frightened.

"Oh~ is the ghost possessed? Just now?"Seeing Guangzhu explaining himself just now, Zaidao also rolled down the slope along the donkey's back.、

"I'm so sorry," Kwang Soo explained shamelessly. Those who didn't know would have thought that this guy had just been possessed by a ghost.

"Ani~ What if you wait and a ghost comes and rips off my name tag? Otherwise, I might as well tear you apart now."As he said that, Zaidao was about to take action, while Guangzhu's expression twitched and said:

"alright! I just drove away the evil spirits! That won't happen anymore!"

"Ah...really?"Zai Dao asked in a long tone.

"It will never happen again!"Kwang Soo said honestly and sworn

"OK! Then I will believe you again. If you betray me, I will definitely tell you about your visit to the supermarket that day at the end of today's show! Zaidao

, who was frightened by Kwangsu's betrayal factor, finally brought out Kwangsu's gossip.

Sure enough, just as Zaidao's finger pointed at Guangsu, Guangsu grabbed Zaidao's hand and said affectionately. :"rest assured! I will never betray you today!"

"OK! Then let’s go! Zaidao seemed full of confidence in Guangzhu's guarantee.

When the two left the rooftop, Guangzhu asked:"If I win, will I get half of the gold?""

Han Zai said:"Of course~"

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