Shigeru Kamiki carefully controlled the ball, because he had already seen Akaji’s information before, and naturally knew that Akaji’s steal was very powerful.

Akaji looked at Shigeru Kamiki who looked very careful in front of him, and sneered in his heart, really thinking that this would be okay.

On the side, Shibasakii thought that he had put Han Xiaoyue behind him, so he reached out for the ball.

Shenmu naturally saw it, so he impatiently passed the ball to Shibasakii.

“You actually dare to pass the ball in front of me, and it’s so close” Akaji’s voice sounded, and at the same time, and…

“Snap” Chiji intercepted the ball in Shenmu’s hand, and then threw it to Han Xiaoyue, who had already run to the opponent’s half.

“What, why is his speed so fast, is it…” In the end, Shibasaki didn’t open his eyes wide, because Han Xiaoyue’s speed couldn’t be so fast, and he ran to the opponent’s half all of a sudden, the only possibility was that as early as when Shibasaki reached out for the ball, Han Xiaoyue had already started running.

“How is it possible, is he so selfless to believe that there is” Shibasaki felt so unreal about everything that happened in front of him, if Akaji hadn’t intercepted the ball, wouldn’t Han Xiaoyue have run for nothing.

“Hmph, how can it fail” Chiji snorted coldly, as early as when Chiji discovered the state of Shenmu, Han Xiaoyue also found out, so he laid a set and let Shenmu get in.

First, Han Xiaoyue deliberately showed weakness, let Shibasaki reach in front of him, let him reach out for the ball, sure enough, Shenmu, whose nerves were already extremely sensitive, immediately passed the ball in his hand to Shibasaki, speaking of which, everyone understood what was going on.

Han Xiaoyue was already standing outside the three-point line at this time, standing dryly and throwing the ball into the net.

The score became 6:0, which was already an incomparably long distance for everyone at Komagi Middle School.

“Damn, how could this be” Shibasaki’s heart was already full of powerlessness at this time, what should this kind of powerful and good head opponent do.

Akaji looked at everyone in Komagi Middle School with a sneer on his face and thought in his heart.

“Komagi Middle School, from the time you said that ‘Generation of Miracles’ was bullshit, your end was already doomed, that is, to be crushed”

The crowd of Komagi Middle School rushed back to serve with little interest, and Shenmu and Shibasaki were like walking corpses.

“You two, cheer up, it’s still in the game,” Nozawa yelled, trying to wake up the two.

“No, the ‘Miracle Generation’ are all a bunch of monsters, how should we fight” Shenmu’s face already showed a look of fear, it seemed that he was really afraid.

“Yes, no matter how hard we try, we can’t beat each other,” Shibasaki also said.

“You two bastards, think I don’t want to win, I think, I don’t want to experience the taste of failure, but we are already doomed to the outcome of the last ‘Generation of Miracles’, but I want to play basketball, I want to play a basketball happily, don’t you two just make a mistake once or twice, what’s the big deal, since you are doomed to fail, let’s have a good fight” Nozawa Haru said and then let go of Shenmu and left them alone.

Shibasaki and Shenmu were a little moved when they heard this, but they still looked drowsy.

Nozawa Haru sighed, it was because of these people in the team that people’s hearts dispersed so quickly.

The game resumed, and Shenmu held the ball, desperate to pass it out.

Nozawa helplessly stretched out his hand and signaled Shenmu to give him the ball, and Kamiki naturally passed the ball to Nozawa.

“Well?? What’s going on, Komagi Middle School’s No. 8 actually passed the ball to No. 4 just after halftime, is this a new tactic?”

“No, this is not a tactic, the will of the opposing point guard has been broken by Akaji, and now the feeling of the ball in his hands is tantamount to a hot potato, naturally he can’t wait to give the ball to the opposing power forward” The voice of the young girl sounded after the host’s voice.

“Huh? Is that so?” the cherry girl didn’t turn her head either.

“That’s right, the cooperation between Akaji and Akatsuki just now, not only to score the ball so simple, but directly crushed the nerves of the two people on the other side of the river, resulting in the current situation, but Akatsuki and Akaji they are really ruthless, the point guard thinks of the head of a team, and the small forward is equivalent to the hand most commonly used by people, if the fighting spirit of these two people is lost, then the whole team is not far from falling” The girl Xiaoye immediately saw the purpose of Chiji and Han Xiaoyue.

The cherry girl looked at Akaji and Han Xiaoyue like a ghost, marveling at the intelligence of the two of them that was almost like a monster, and the same was true when she looked at the girl in the night, thinking that the girl saw it at once.

Soon, the fighting spirit on Komagi Middle School’s side had completely disappeared, no, there was one more person, Nozawa Haru, only this one was fighting alone here, while his teammates looked at each other coldly, and did not mean to help him in the slightest.

Aomine brought out all his strength, not only because of how tricky Nozawa was, but also because of the respect he had as a player for another player.


Nozawa slapped the basketball, and although the numbers on the scoreboard were desperate, Nozawa still stubbornly slapped the basketball.

Qingfeng opened his hands and concentrated his mind highly as he watched Nozawa Haru’s every move.

Nozawa Chun moved, thinking of Qingfeng’s right side rushed, Qingfeng naturally saw it, and immediately blocked Nozawa Chun’s way, Nozawa Chun did not panic, but leaned his back against Qingfeng, suddenly, a turn, left the stunned Qingfeng behind, just when approaching the basket, resources came up to make up for defense.

Nozawa Haru smiled bitterly, how nice it would be to have teammates at this time, but his teammates were all standing on the outside, and they had no intention of coming in, and Nozawa Haru stopped looking at them and decided to score the ball by himself.

Nozawa Haru changed direction, thinking of rushing to the left, Shibara took a step and followed, Nozawa Haru suddenly accelerated, and then used a jump step, leaving Shibara behind.

The ball was rebounded into the net, and Komagi Middle School scored two more points.

This continued until the end of the game.

“128:45, Diguang Middle School wins, both sides salute”

“Thanks for the advice”

Han Xiaoyue was changing clothes in the dressing room, and shook her head when she thought of the situation on the field, there is no way not to be afraid of opponents like gods and pig-like teammates, how hard a person works hard can not go against the sky after all.

But these are all things that can only be thought of in the event of victory.

“Let’s all pack up, then let’s go back to school training and prepare for the next game,” Akaji said and got into the car.

“Oh,” the crowd roared.

The journey of ‘miracles’ will not stop

PS: Second more.

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