“It’s trouble for girls to change their clothes or something,” Han Xiaoyue was bored waiting in place, and wanted to lie down and sleep in.

“Hahaha” In the distance, there was the girl’s laughter like spring water, which was refreshing.

“Ha, Akatsuki is over there” The cherry girl looked left and right, and finally looked at a lazy figure sitting under a parasol in the crowd.

“Elder, Lord Secretary, let’s go” The cherry girl grabbed the wrists of the two beauties and ran in the direction of Han Xiaoyue.

“Hey, are those three beauties models?”

“Yes, yes, then Opera, I’m afraid they all have D.”

“What a envy, if only I had such a girlfriend”

As the three girls ran away, the crowd also started talking, but it was mostly dick.

On the other side, Han Xiaoyue still sat idly under the parasol, looking at the bustling crowd, and felt the beauty of swimsuit MM with these eyes that are good at discovering beauty.

“Ah~~~ It’s really good, sure enough, this time I came to the beach, so many swimsuit MMs really feast my eyes,” Han Xiaoyue sighed, and then lay back.

“Well? What kind of person” Han Xiaoyue felt as if her head had hit something, and then opened her eyes.

From left to right, they are the cherry girl, the night girl, and the lilac girl, and it is the jade foot of the girl who knocked down the night girl.

“Roar~~ Did you see the beauty very cool just now, do you want to see it again” The girl exuded a dangerous aura and said in a gloomy tone.

Han Xiaoyue quickly shook his head, but only then did he see clearly the swimsuits on the women.

“Poof” Han Xiaoyue’s nose suddenly spurted nosebleeds, thinking that the stimulation given to him by the three girls was too great.

On the left, the cherry girl is wearing a cherry bikini with some lace, while the middle girl is wearing a black bikini with a sun hat and a triangle around her crotch with a bath towel, while the lilac girl is a white bikini with the same outfit as the night girl, but with an extra pair of sunglasses.

“Hahaha” The third daughter saw Han Xiaoyue’s embarrassment, and laughed heartlessly.

“Cut, what a laugh,” Han Xiaoyue muttered dissatisfiedly, and then got up and wanted to walk away.

“Oh, wait, petty, let’s see if this swimsuit fits” The cherry girl grabbed Han Xiaoyue’s wrist and didn’t let him run away.

“Okay, it’s good-looking, okay, I’m going to play with Qingfeng and them,” Han Xiaoyue said impatiently, and then broke free from the cherry girl’s hand and walked towards the beach.


“Did we make him angry?” asked the cherry girl weakly.

And the girl shook her head, no way, originally wanted to surprise Han Xiaoyue, but Han Xiaoyue didn’t appreciate it.

“Okay, let’s go to the beach and play” The girl finally sighed, no longer thinking about Han Xiaoyue’s question.

At this time, Han Xiaoyue walked the beach alone, feeling the feet washed by the sea, but his mind did not know where to fly.

“In third grade… Xi will not appear in the situation in the original book,” Han Xiaoyue suddenly remembered something, I’m afraid that the third grade is the time when the entire basketball department is really true.

“Xiaoyue, let’s play together” Suddenly, a voice stopped Han Xiaoyue.

“Well??” Han Xiaoyue looked at the sea, it turned out to be Qingfeng and Huangse.

“Oh, I’m coming” Han Xiaoyue collected her mood and ran towards the sea, because he also knew that the purpose of this trip was to play.

In the evening, the entire beach had already walked, and Han Xiaoyue and his group were ready to return to the luxurious villa.

“Wow, it’s worthy of being a local tyrant, it’s really different” After entering the villa, Qingfeng and Huangse were not idle, and they were looking around.

“Okay, okay, let’s go directly to the restaurant,” Han Xiaoyue greeted, and then led everyone towards the restaurant.

“Sure enough, the restaurant is also super luxurious.”

“Okay, everyone sit down,” Han Xiaoyue motioned for everyone to sit down, and then beckoned the butler to serve the food.

After a while, a team of maids came to the hall and placed the food in front of everyone one by one.

“I’m moving”

“Wow, this is delicious”

“This is not bad.”

In the restaurant, everyone was playing happily, but they didn’t notice that there were two people missing.

Observation deck.

Han Xiaoyue was blowing the wind alone, looking at the sea, not knowing what she was thinking.

“Akatsuki-kun, what are you doing” came Kuroko’s voice.

“Well… Wow, ahhh,” Han Xiaoyue was naturally taken aback.

“Hehe, this feeling really hasn’t been experienced for a long time,” Han Xiaoyue patted his Yue Hun mouth and calmed his mood.

“I’m looking at Haiyo, then, Tetsuya, why did you come out” Han Xiaoyue’s mood recovered and continued to maintain her previous movements.

“Because I’m full”


“Xiaoyue-kun, you look very worried today, can you tell me?”

“Ah, I was thinking, this team might be about to split”

“Why do you say that??”

“If I hadn’t played against the ‘Five’, I probably wouldn’t have understood, you know in the fourth quarter.”

“Well, the five generals have really joined forces”

“yes, if Akaji hadn’t said something to me at the end, maybe I would have thought I could beat them alone, but it turns out I couldn’t”

Kuroko understood that Han Xiaoyue was afraid that this team would split, and in the end it would evolve into playing each other and never passing the ball.

“Then, let me be the shadow of Xiaoyue-kun and defeat the ‘miracle'”

“Huh!?” Han Xiaoyue looked at Kuroko in disbelief, isn’t Kuroko the shadow of the fire god in the original work, is it because the addition of this butterfly made the plot change.

“I said let me be the shadow of Akatsuki-kun to defeat the ‘miracle'” Finally, Kuroko stretched out his fist.

“Ah, it won’t disappoint you,” Han Xiaoyue also stretched out her fist.


PS: OK, officially entering the high school plot, the position of the protagonist of the summer league is a small forward, the winter cup is a point guard, and there are three more today. _

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