Lazy God Possession

: : The Legend of the Devil (End of Book)

Mars, Lazy God City, firecrackers are all screaming, Zhao's mother Zhao's face looks like a flower blooming.

Zhao Feng's wedding is a typical Chinese wedding.

He is going to put on a big red robe and go to marry his wife.

Because the wedding room is a lazy town, Yinghuo Town is regarded as the bride's maiden house.

As for the wedding car, it was the Silent.

Early in the morning, Zhao Xiaochu's best man regiment was alive. Captain Lu Xingcheng of the Silent took his crew to work in the middle of the night, wiped the Silent spotless, and then drove everyone down.

"No one is allowed to stand on top, all are standing below! I see who dares to leave a stamp on it!"

Then he waved his hand sternly, and Silence flew slightly, floating in the air.

"Show it!" The crew rolled their eyes one by one, unhappy with him.

At the request of Lu Xingcheng, Nanming implanted some power permissions for him, allowing him to control the silent engine of the Silent.

Just as Zhao Gaofeng was about to board the ship, suddenly a silver vortex appeared in the sky, and then a man rushed out of it.


Seeing Li Huiyun rolling on the ground, then looking around blankly, Nanming was shocked.

at this time? Ayun is back?

"Where is this ... for a thousand years ... Is it a dream again? No ... this is Mars? Holly? Holly?"

The silver vortex did not disappear this time, but rushed straight towards Nanming.

"Mr. Nan!" Zhao Fengfeng stepped forward suddenly, and the silver light of the vortex flashed, and he was to be inhaled.

"Wait, no! At least not today!"

Today is the day when Zhao Xiaofei is overjoyed, and the bride cannot be left alone!

Lu Xingcheng waved his hand: "Silent!"

Silence started suddenly, hitting the silver vortex.

In fact, this is useless at all, because in the past, the silver vortex can ignore any obstacle, it will only devour the power.

But at that moment, the silver vortex suddenly rose, swallowing the silence completely.

"My boat! You bastard, return my boat!" Lu Xingcheng yelled angrily at the swirl.

Then ... a silver light came out of the vortex, drawing him in ...

"I'm going ..." All this shocked everyone.

Most of you know what's going on, but you can't figure it out.

Why were Silence and Lu Xingcheng swept away?

So who is the big devil? Silence or Lu Xingcheng?

"Well ... Lu Xingcheng has power." Yang Ji noticed a little.

"So, the power authority is Lu Xingcheng or Silence. What about Hu Dali?"

"He probably ... has been a boiler for his whole life."

In the basement, Hu Dali cried and fainted in the toilet.


June 20.

Above the lazy **** city, a huge vortex suddenly appeared, and then a spaceship emerged from the vortex.

The migrants on Mars looked up blankly, did the aliens invade?

Not afraid, we have lazy gods too!

Wait, why is this ship so familiar? Although the appearance has changed a little, the color seems different, but ...

Wait, this is Silence? Is Silence back?

Silence! Silence is back!

When the Silence lowered gently, there was a circle around him, Nan Ming heard the news and stared nervously at the door.

With a bang, the hatch opened, and a young man in a white uniform appeared at the gate.

"I'm finally back, Mars!" The Sao Bao youth laughed on his hips and laughed twice without being struck off the stairs.

"Dad, why hit me?" The young man scratched his head aggrieved.

At the back, a young gangster came out: "Don't pretend to be someone else!"

"I'm not pretending to be someone else ..." Before the young man spoke, he heard someone angry afterwards: "Why do you want to kill my grandson?"

"Grandpa, beat him!"

Another Sao Bao youth appeared at the back.

Everyone stayed, Nanming's mouth could be stuffed with a goose egg.

This is the third generation?

Is this Lu Xingcheng behind?

At this moment, another one came out ... another ...

After half an hour.

The two white-faced Lu Xingcheng looked at Nanming with emotion, and then reached out and touched his head, saying, "After all these years, you are still so young! By the way, Mr. Nan, I will introduce you. This is my son. It's my daughter-in-law, this is my grandson, this is my great-grandson, this is my great-grandson ... President Nan, I want to process capital, otherwise I ca n’t afford to raise a family! "

Nan Ming has stayed alive, the winner of life!

Look at Lu Xingcheng and look at you!

Loser one by one! Back from the endless future, even my wife didn't bring it back!

"That's it!" Seeing this scene, a single dog was shocked!

Don't grab me next, I'm going!

I want to broadcast a lot of Harem Stallions!

Said a blind person who loves live broadcasting.


Five years later.

Proximal galaxies.

A huge spaceship slowly approached one of its planets.

Shi Buqing is very nervous, they have been away from Mars for five years.

Because they have been flying at a speed close to the speed of light, the passage of time is not strong. In their opinion, it is only a few months.

This is not a difficult journey, except for the loneliness that always accompanies left and right.

Everyone on the boat is a person with a story. Getting along with them makes Shi Buqing feel that his five years have been very fulfilling.

"A planet similar to the size of Earth was discovered in the neighboring galaxy, named Planet 1 and no sign of life was found." Shi Buqing took down the captain's log and ordered: "Send a combat team to detect and eliminate danger."

This is the first time that humans have reached a planet outside the solar system.

After some exploration, Lazy God landed on the surface of the neighboring star.

"According to the current survey situation, Proxima can be transformed into a livable city for human beings. This will be the first stronghold outside the solar system for human beings. Now the transformation process will be initiated ..."

At this moment, he suddenly heard the system prompt: "Lazy God's beacon system is activating, Lazy God City requested positioning coordinates, open the portal ..."

"Buzz", a light door opened behind Shi Buqing.

Shi Buqing was scared to pee. What the **** is this?


Then several people came out of the portal.

"Mr. Nan?" Shi Buqing gaped at the young man in front. "What the **** are you? Wait, we haven't seen each other for five years. Why haven't you changed? Are you flying at the speed of light?"

"No ... It's just that this body seems too lazy to grow up. I went out with Fei Lin, and they all said she was my sister!" Nan Meditation cried.

"You have finally reached the neighboring star. We are almost anxious. You can rest, and the neighboring galaxy will be handed to us." Nanming said, "When is the rest good, let's continue to the next galaxy ..."

Shi Buqing gaped, what is the so-called star sea?

The Lazy God is a moving beacon pointing the way to Nanming's portal?

Ten months later, Lazy God continued to set off, but this time it was not just Lazy God, but two other immigration spacecraft that flew in the other two directions.

"Will you find an alien civilization?" Nanming looked forward to.

The reality of the endless future tells Nanming that humans are not alone.

But where are the aliens?

Nanming cannot go to the endless future, but he is curious.

I really want to see alien civilization.

The first to say hello to the aliens must be very interesting.


After a few years.

A planet hundreds of millions of light years away from the earth is busy.

A group of creatures like creeping meatballs are building their first immigration spacecraft.

This is the first time this planet named Gum has emigrated into space.

A few light years away, a spacecraft is constantly folding space and jumping forward.

This is Lazy God 17, one of Lazy God's latest immigrant spaceships.

The spacecraft uses the latest space-jump technology to fly at speeds far beyond the speed of light.

After previous observations, there are likely to be intelligent creatures on the Gum planet, so Nanming has high expectations for it.

I was very happy to see extraterrestrial civilizations for the first time.

If we follow the normal historical trajectory, this planet will establish diplomatic relations with humans ...

But more than a dozen Heipao people had to pronounce their fate before that.

Like gods, they stood above the planet and looked down.

"The Gum planet cannot stay. This planet is one of the deadly enemies of humanity. It once slaughtered seven immigrant stars.

"Agree, the rest of the planet Gum, once ambushed my fleet."

"Agree, the people on Planet Gum are so disgusting."

"Then kill it."

"Come on." An old man with all white hair stood out. "It's better not to let General Manager Nan know what's going on here."

He stretched out his hands, with one hand fixed, and the other hand, as if flicking something, swung gently to the left.

Suddenly, as if time was going backwards, the high-rise building became a piece of dirt, the towering spaceship was decomposed into minerals, the Gum stars disappeared quickly, and the entire Gum planet became a wild world.

Then, the old horse swung the palm to the right again, and time flowed forward again, but this time the evolution of the creature completely deviated, all kinds of beasts ran rampant, and the ancestors of the Gum people disappeared into the river of time.

"Old horse's branch permissions are really strange. Don't you hate permissions, old horse? Why do you have time to switch branches?"

"Because ..." Lao Ma smiled slightly.

Because I have a past that I want to come back to.

But I can never come back.

Because man can never turn his past.

"Okay, Gommer is ready, Mr. Nan will be here soon. I can find some beasts this time, and I will be very happy."

"Nan has already owned more than ten pets."

"Unfortunately there are no intelligent creatures."

"No way, almost all intelligent creatures are our enemies."

"Who makes us the Devil?"


There is a terrible legend in the universe ~ ~.

On the other side of the universe, there is a terrible great devil.

They continue to capture other galaxies, will wipe out all intelligent creatures encountered, and kill all the rebels.

He is the enemy of all intelligent beings and the enemy of the universe.

All the intelligent races in the universe, we are united to fight this terrible devil!

The name of this big devil is called Nanming!


Nanming: Where are you aliens? Don't be shy, come out and show me!

(End of book)

(I'll cry for a while, and write later ... I'll see you in the all-around manor.) 8)

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