League of Legends God-level Summoner

Chapter 339 Return to Demacia


When Lu Chuan once again stood at the foot of the city gate, he was filled with emotions.

It was an indescribable feeling.

Once upon a time, this was my first stop, and it was also half of my home in Valoran.

But now in Demacia, the city gate is closed, and you can even see a purple light slowly emerging from the city.

The footsteps of the monsters in the void have obviously invaded here.

"Lu Chuan, does it really not matter about the gods?" Janna asked worriedly.

After coming down the mountain, Lu Chuan didn't say a word to them, but rushed back to Demacia without stopping.

"It's okay, let's go back to the palace with me." Lu Chuan took out the blood-drinking sword and said to Ahri and Janna behind him.

It is worth mentioning that although the deity has completely recovered to the divine level, she did not ask Lu Chuan for the small bead.

Holding two girls in his arms, the Blood Crow wings spread out behind him, and he flew past the tall city wall in an instant.

Looking around, the whole city is shrouded in purple-black mist. In the mist, you can see a few strange shadows emerging from time to time.

They must be creatures from the void.

"Whoa!" Lu Chuan stepped forward with the blood-drinking sword and directly cut off the nearest void creature.

Even void creatures are divided into strengths and weaknesses. For example, these soldier-like reptiles or flying insects are only around the gold level in strength.

Of course, even if this is the case, one has to lament the power of the void creatures. Even if any of the woven troops are picked out, they have a gold level. This level of combat power is obviously beyond the reach of the human legions in Valoran. .

"Die!" Ahri burned her ancient bloodline, and lines slowly appeared on her pretty face. At the same time, the blue ball of light appeared in her hand and attacked the group of creatures wandering in the city.

Janna exerted wind shield and wind energy on the two of them behind her. Although it was weak, it was somewhat effective.

The three of them rushed all the way, cutting a green bloody road and heading straight to the palace.

At this time, the palace is no longer what it used to be. It is far less majestic and beautiful than it used to be. The corpses of human soldiers are piled up in mountains, and blood flows into rivers, spreading deep into the palace.

"Can't even the imperial palace be spared?" Lu Chuan frowned and shouted, "Follow me!"

With that said, he raised the blood-drinking sword again and killed all the void creatures he saw along the way.

The three of them rushed to kill and broke into the palace.

Nothing could be seen except corpses, piles of corpses, not even a shadow of a human being.

Lu Chuan's face became even more gloomy.

In Nuoda's palace, three people ran quickly, looking for those familiar faces from the past.

At this moment, Lu Chuan suddenly heard a movement.

"Shh." Lu Chuan stretched out his hand to stop the two girls, made a silencing gesture, and stepped softly.

The voice became clearer and clearer, coming from behind a door in the distance.

In addition to the sound of swords clashing, a woman's cry could also be heard faintly.

"Let's go!" Lu Chuan waved his hand without further ado and rushed forward. Janna and Ahri looked at each other and followed closely behind.

After arriving at the door, Lu Chuan kicked it open and immediately saw a room full of people.

Those familiar faces.

Jiawen, Galen, Xin Zhao, Demi, Sona, Lux, and even Casey who has been helping him take care of the department store on West Street.

But they were all tied together and their mouths were stuffed with linen.

Seeing Lu Chuan suddenly barging in, the group of people were stunned and immediately overjoyed.

Especially the expressions of Demi and the other three girls can even be described as excited.

But now was not the time to reminisce about old times. Lu Chuan saw the man next to him who exuded a purple-black aura.

He had some memories. The man seemed to be the commander of the Demacia army and was in charge of the ordinary army. During the battle in Demacia, he went into battle himself and suffered a lot of injuries.

But looking at his appearance at this time, it was obvious that he had been infected by the purple-black mist, and now his whole aura had a faint hint of evil and hostility.

"Ahri, Janna." Lu Chuan said calmly, and the two girls behind him understood and ran to Jiawen's side.

The legion commander who was stained by the void mist was about to make a move, but Lu Chuan got one step ahead and put the blood-drinking sword on his neck.

"Don't move, this sword can easily cut your throat." Lu Chuan said coldly, while glancing aside with his peripheral vision.

After Ahri and Janna loosened all the ropes tied to everyone, he continued, "Take them out first, and I'll handle it here."

"Okay." Janna agreed, and walked out of the door behind Lu Chuan with the group.

But Lu Chuan suddenly felt a pair of small hands wrapping around his waist from behind.

Turning around to look, he found that it was Demi who was hugging him tightly and pressing her face against his back, "Honey, you are finally back."

Lu Chuan flicked his wrist and almost shook the blood-drinking sword away.

"Demi... you go out first, I'll tell you after I finish handling this place."

Who knew that Demi would not let go, "I don't care, we haven't seen each other for so long, I thought you would never come back after sleeping with me."

Lu Chuan could feel more than two cold gazes behind him without looking back.

"Ahri!" He could only shout helplessly, and Ahri stepped forward and dragged Demi away forcefully.

"Don't pull me! I'm talking to my husband, get out of the way! Why do you touch her!" Demi's voice gradually faded away.

After everyone left, Lu Chuan turned his head and slowly looked at the officer.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Although you have contributed to Demacia, but the matter has come to this, I can only hope that you will live a happier life in heaven." Lu Chuan said solemnly, then raised his sword and dropped it.

"Pfft!" The officer spurted out a mouthful of blood, looking down at the sword that was inserted straight into his chest with his eyes widened.

It wasn't until the last moment that the air around him quickly dissipated, and he returned to his original appearance. He said to Lu Chuan with blood on his lips and teeth, "I...I don't blame you...please save our country..."

"I'll try my best." Lu Chuan clenched his fists and lowered his head.

With a splash, the officer fell to the ground, his breath completely dissipated, and Lu Chuan could only sigh silently.

Scenes like this must have occurred countless times before he arrived. People infected with the breath of void began to become cruel, their strength increased, and they would be cruel to their most loyal and even their loved ones.

How many innocent lives were killed by the invasion of the Void Clan?

Even now, he has to take away the people closest to him.

When he thought that the gods might be killed by the Lord of the Void soon, Lu Chuan's heart felt like it was being squeezed tightly by a strong hand, and it hurt.

But there is no way around it, because he is too weak now.

At this moment, Lu Chuan suddenly felt a black shadow flash out of the corner of his eye.

"Who?" Lu Chuan turned his head and found a black shadow slowly floating and stopping not far in front of him.

"Come here, young man. I have something to say to you." The black shadow said slowly with an old voice.

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