League of Legends Invades Another World

Chapter 607: The Cruel Cold Lizard Knights

The night sky is full of stars and moon.

The frigid wind and the stars and moon shadows set off each other, covering this barren plain with a dark gray veil.

A small group of camouflaged scouts of the lizardmen tribe, with the help of the night, wandered in the desolate wilderness where everything was silent.

"Hey, did you hear anything weird?"

The sudden sound broke the silence between the scout teams, and at the same time shocked the other lizardmen to clench the death weapon in their hands.

In the gloomy and gloomy environment, the sound of heavy breathing was clearly audible, the lizardmen held their breath and stared, their hearts beating thumping, and they looked at each other a few times.

However, after a short while, the lizardmen reacted immediately and complained: "Kaibit, please say hello in advance when you speak during the mission next time?"

In the moment just now, they thought they were attacked by the scouts from the Valoran Territory again.

In the Kekel jungle, the members of the main ship scout team gave these lizardmen scouts endless fear of death and elusive killing skills, engulfing the elite scout teams.

"As for the strange sound, don't worry, Kebitt, it's probably the sound of those gnoll soldiers stepping on the mushroom trap ahead."

As if talking about something interesting, the lizardmen looked at their partners and said excitedly, "Hey, should we take a gamble, how many gnolls can survive safely this time?"

The lizardman who spoke earlier shrugged his shoulders, his scaly body reflecting the light was exposed in the field, and the frigid wind attacked, it could not help but gently move its limbs and relax its body.

"Okay, maybe I heard it wrong? Anyway, those human soldiers really damn, they are so crazy, burying so many magic traps!"

Hearing this, the companion beside him smiled and said, "It's just the last struggle, and it's not too long before you can reach the Fortress of Fosbyro, the human fortress that was once broken."

"And we will return to the glory of the blood of yesteryear..."

Before the words in his mouth were finished, the camouflage scout moved slightly and turned his head to look east. It wasn't just him. The other camouflage scouts also noticed that something was wrong, and it seemed that there was really an abnormal movement quietly approaching.

The dim moonlight fell on the plains.

A large area of ​​dark shadows descended on the far-off land, carrying rolling waves, surging forward, sweeping the barren plains.

The ground began to vibrate slowly, and fine dust and grass shreds floated up.

The camouflage scouts, the absolute elite legions of the lizardmen tribe, reacted quickly through subtle traces, which were human cavalry marching fast.

"Be careful, enemy attack!"

The sharp and ear-piercing warning sound echoed in the night sky, and all the camouflage scouts immediately started to act, and the scaled body flashed with inexplicable brilliance, blending into the vast night.

The hunting instinct and the unquenchable desire to kill revive deep within their souls, driving them toward the source of the anomaly.

trap? It's time for the Lizardmen to enjoy their 'feast'...

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The endless sound of thunder rang through the silent night, and in the hazy, the barren plains trembled gently, the stars in the sky kept shaking, and the world was turned upside down at this moment.

Overlooking the restless wilderness.

From the far east, there is a surging black flood, like an arrow from the string, across the distance of space, destroying all obstacles in front of the road.

The earth-shattering roar instantly attracted the attention of all the gnoll soldiers and lizardmen warriors scattered on the plain, and they realized that something was wrong.

This is definitely not the small group of human cavalry encountered before!

With the dim light from the sky, the sneaking camouflage scouts recognized the original appearance of the shadows. They were the expected human cavalry, but the number of them appeared completely beyond imagination.

Within the field of vision, a little black shadow quietly emerged, mixed with the low sound of horseshoes trampling, and then clusters of sharp heavy cavalry lances reflected a bleak cold light, reflecting a black figure.

Finally, the pupil of the camouflage scout appeared...

Countless armored warhorses, and Noxian cavalry with heavy lances on horseback!

Immediately, a lizardman scout couldn't bear the horror and fear, and turned around and ran away.

This was a very correct choice, even a strong lizardman warrior on the plains could not fight against the human heavy cavalry unless the same cavalry existed.

There are also those gnoll soldiers who are resting in place. Magic traps have made them highly nervous. Now they are suddenly attacked by large-scale human cavalry, and the situation collapses directly. in the sound.

However, after all, some elite lizardmen realized that the situation was not right, and hurriedly took out the magic item bestowed by the priest from their waists and sounded the war alarm.

boom! boom! boom!

The white light continued to illuminate the night, and after more than ten seconds, it dissipated into nothingness.

This has also become the last point that the elite lizardmen can do. They have no time to escape. They abandon their fears, clench the weapon of death in their hands, and the black tide is rolling in front of them, launching a desperate counterattack.

Unfortunately, their fragile counterattacks are like small stones falling into the waves, causing blood-colored ripples, and then disappearing completely.

The black tide continued to surge forward, engulfing all the rebels along the way, and even the hidden camouflage scouts could only hopelessly endure the arrival of death.




In the barren plains, the ear-piercing howls unique to the gnolls were incessantly transmitted to the vanguard camp, arousing the vigilance of the warriors of the night.

Cup of tea kung fu.

The camp was brightly lit, and countless gnoll soldiers and lizardmen warriors woke up from their slumbers and gathered in a mess. Fortunately, there were lizardmen guarding the army, and there was no trouble.

In the central area, inside the huge felt tent, the brazier at the four corners was burning, and the warm breath filled the air, dispelling the cold.

"Human heavy cavalry?" The tall lizardman sitting above listened to the report of the guards, frowning, showing a thoughtful look.

"Can you determine the number?"

"Sorry, General, the exact number cannot be determined." The guard who was on the ground replied in a deep voice, "But some scouts have estimated that the number of human heavy cavalry dispatched this time is at least 10,000 people, and there may be 20,000 to 30,000 people. ."

"Interesting!" The main lizardman general stood up gently, and his scaled body flashed a crimson light: "With so many heavy cavalry dispatched, it seems that the magic traps in the plains have been dismantled almost, otherwise they would not be so impulsive. "

Lifting the heavy felt door curtain, the Lizardman General stared at the recovering camp, hot blood burning in his body.

No matter what kind of war, the play of heavy cavalry plays an extremely crucial role.

It can not only swim around to strengthen the defensive position of the legion, but also wait for an opportunity. After the enemy relaxes, use the speed and the impact of the charge and the sense of oppression to give a strong blow, the last time when the enemy is defeated. Follow and kill to expand the results.

What the Lizardmen Legion now encounters is that the Noxian cavalry use their mobility to swim around, slaughtering gnoll soldiers and lizardmen warriors.

"The opportunity to purge the failure comes."

The lizardman general gently wiped the heavy hammer on his waist with a grim expression.

The failure of the war on the Great Plains of Shatar caused unimaginable damage to the kingdom of Bethlik. It is rumored that even the projection of the Blood God Kingdom of the great Lizardman God was destroyed in that war.

This brought an inexplicable sense of shame to all the lizardmen in the kingdom of Bethlik. When did the lizardmen suffer such a big loss in front of the human kingdom, especially the earlier Kingdom of Stoke was taken by the temple of the lizardmen Fertile area.

"Notify the Cold Lizard Knights and prepare to set off." The Lizardman General commanded in a cold voice, the killing engraved in the bones cannot be eliminated, so the Lizardmen rarely think about failure.

Because in their eyes, failure is nothing but death, which is normal. The jungle survival law of the Kingdom of Bethlik has existed since the establishment of the kingdom.

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