Chapter 131: Take a step forward with your back to the abyss


Young players really know how to play.


It's a dead day, Wayne rushed up to start a group!

This Wayne can't help it, the big dragon buff is almost gone, and I haven't gone to the highlands yet, and I'm Wayne rushing up to start a group!

EDG will be opened by me!

Hunt Brother Cattle Pie!

Is there still such an operation?

This hunter is so ruthless.

It does feel completely different from the other players.


There were shouts and discussions on the audience, Xia Feixue smiled slightly, Ning Qi is indeed this style, he doesn't like to stay the same, and he will definitely make a move at a critical moment, even if he has to take risks.

Once he opened the black with him, and when he hit the late stage, he was broken by the enemy in two ways, and the scorpion on the opposite side had a big move in his hand, and the Jinx of the six gods was already super god under the protection of the Japanese girl, and he opened the "Eight Forty Zero" to start dismantling the front tooth tower, and he saw that he was going to lose, and he wanted to point it, but after Ning Qi was resurrected, he accelerated out of the guard state of the blood pool home, flashed and dodged the Japanese girl's ultimate, and a blue card with the highest damage directly dropped half of the blood Jinx in seconds, and held the wave.

Although the card was immediately suppressed by the scorpion, the opposite wave was without Jinx and failed to end the game in one wave, and finally succeeded in turning the tables on his side.

The W skill of the card selection skill, the three cards actually have different damage, the basic damage of the blue card is about eighty points higher than the yellow card, at that time Ning Qi knew that he would be controlled by the scorpion immediately when he entered, and he only had a chance to play a card, so he chose the blue card that seemed a little contrary to common sense.

Memories are like water, Xia Feixue looked up at the player's lens in the lower right corner of the big screen, the director was giving Ning Qi the camera, Xia Feixue's eyes seemed to be a little star twinkling, this wave of Ning Qi's Wayne is the same, it seems to be a very impulsive choice, how can Wayne take the initiative to take the lead, QRE flash, stealth flash on the high ground to nail the opposite adc? The normal gameplay is that teammates go up to eat and eat skills first, Wayne wanders away from the edge of the battlefield, alive and looking for harvesting opportunities.

But Ning Qi knew that Ah Shui's spear of revenge did not have a mercury ribbon, as long as he was stunned, he would definitely die, even if Wayne went up, he would be killed in seconds, and the spear of revenge on the opposite side would definitely be dead, and the remaining four to four would still have a great chance of winning.

What's more, this wave of the team is the most critical wave of EDG's advancement, but it has not been pushed to the high ground for a long time, which is also the weakness of the EDG team this season, and the ability to end the game is not strong enough, so Ning Qi directly helped his teammates make a choice and forcibly started this wave of advantageous team battles.

Iboy kept up with Ning Qi the fastest, young is quick to react, he saw Ning Qi's position close to jklove when he had already guessed that Ning Qi might make a move, seeing that Ning Qi really made a move, he shouted a bull batch, Ezreal immediately aimed at the revenge spear that was nailed to the highland tower and threw out a big move, REWQ combo, EZ threw four streamers in his hand, and the jklove revenge spear blood bar disappeared.

Red Ezreal kills Blue Side!

Everyone on IG frowned slightly.

Always following Ning Qi's side, meiko, who is completely Ning Suke, has already used W to come to Wayne's side, and the big ice door raised blocked a large number of skills that smashed at Wayne, this wave is also difficult for him to react quickly enough, Lucian aimed at Wayne A set of instant explosions, once again blocked by his security door.

Factory director: "Is there weakness? weakness to the opposite Vayne position, blind monk blind monk, be careful of blind monk kicking!"

EDG all members hit the high ground, Ning Blind Monk flashed and touched his eyes to reach Bron's side, suddenly raised his foot, this kick kicked out at the speed of light, and used Meiko's Bron as a ball, kicking out and hitting Ning Qi's Wayne.

Meiko: "Oh no! "

Factory director: "Wayne Wayne, look at Wayne's position, win, win." "

Iboy: "I have therapy. "

Scout: "Lucian is gone, I'm going to kill him in seconds!"

EDG's voice in the team is a little confused, Bovien's, cut the back row, and look at Kenan's voice.

Ning Blind Monk's kick was indeed fast and accurate, and Ning Qi's Q skill was taken to the sky by this kick before he could get better.

Theshy Nan was not in front of him for the first time, and he just arrived at the battlefield.

This wave of theshy flashed, but his movement speed was terrifying enough, it was still the same as the old three, the aura cloak, the orb, the E skill, the triple acceleration of Kenan's lightning was everywhere, pressed out the rocket belt, and rushed directly to Ning Qi Weien, Ning Qi pressed out the mercury, but the speed of the electric light was too fast, and he couldn't pull the distance, iboy treated, but theshy ghost book, the treatment effect was not obvious.

Zhao Xin: "A little cold man arrives first, and then the gun comes out like a dragon"

The factory director did not enter the market for a long time, just staring at this Kennan, the factory director's mind is still very clear, although sometimes the operation will not keep up, but he is very clear about the reversal point that the opposite game can rely on, now there is only theshy, only Kenan has the opportunity to power out the devastating team battle reversal, so the factory director waited until Kenan opened the big rush, he flashed into the field.........

This wave of Kenan did not flash, no matter how fast he moved, he had to come step by step.

A crescent moon guard flashed, and there was only one target, Zhao Xin's spear swept and repelled Kenan directly!

Ning Qi raised his eyebrows: "I seem to be able to live." "

Meiko: "Nice, Lao Zhao believes it!"

At the same time, Scout's Akali slashed Lucian to death with a set of skills, and it was too difficult for Lucian to show off in front of Akali, who had a tech gun.

Theshy uses a stopwatch to avoid damage, and the ultimate damage replaces a Bron.

Hammerstone threw a lantern at Kenan's stopwatch, trying to save Kenan, but as soon as Kenan's stopwatch ended, he was knocked away by Zhao Xin's third blow, and iboy Ze pressed up WQ to cripple Kenan, scout sprayed Q again to take Kenan, and got a double kill, and he didn't give Kenan a little bit of operation gap.

Ning Qiweien had already Q to the side, walked back and continued to dismantle the tower, the sheep knife was in hand, and the dismantling was fast, and there were still more than twenty seconds left in the big dragon buff.

Remember the commentary: "It should be a wave." "

Longhair explained: "My God, the fight will be over in twenty-four minutes, who can withstand this?"

Hammer Stone and the Blind Monk still want to try to block, Ning knows that EDG's big dragon buff is not long left, the Blind Monk's Q skill kicks Zhao Xin, the second stage Q skill rushes away, and the Hammer Stone also immediately throws a lantern at the blind monk's feet, but Ning Qi shot when the blind monk was still in the process of 3.8 second stage Q, and directly nailed the blind monk to the highland crystal, and the three-ring damage was hit, and the kill was completed in an instant.

Red Wayne dominates the game!

The small soldiers strengthened by the big dragon buff continued to advance, and the sheep knife Wayne quickly pushed through the two incisor towers, and the bang bang was dismantled quickly, and the final basic attack shot hit IG's blue base crystal, and the crystal exploded, and the first game was over.

The duration of this round is only locked at 24 minutes and 51 seconds, which can be regarded as a very short time.

Ning Qi shook his hand, and Iboy Ning Qi jumped up from the seat on his right and shook Ning Qi's shoulder vigorously.

Iboy: "Cool, brother, our firepower is too fierce, right?"

Ningqi: "This one is a very painful fight. "

Clearlove: "Win one more game and celebrate." "

meiko: "Yes, let's try to get off work early, and the two rounds are over!"

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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