Chapter 133 The wild area is like a chessboard

Kosugi blinked her dexterous eyes and cautiously glanced at the girl in black, who had already looked up at the big screen again, ignoring Kosugi's tentative gaze.

Although Kosugi's family conditions are not bad, he also does not have the financial conditions to come to the scene to watch EDG's games every time, not to mention that after the emergence of the home-and-away mechanism, sometimes EDG players need to fly to other places to participate in the game, so it is even more difficult to go to see the scene.

Kosugi has only been to the scene twice in the past two months, both in the front row, and as a result, she met this slender girl dressed in black, if it wasn't a coincidence both times, then she might have come more times than herself.

Kosugi's expression was full of doubt, and there was a puzzled expression on Xiu's face, this girl seemed to be a very loyal fan, but it gave people the impression that her attitude was strange.

Because her expression is always flat, EDG played heartily in the last game, she fidgeted excitedly as a cloud player, and the men and women next to her were even more excited, but this girl did not appear emotional because of the shouts and shouts around her, she seemed to have not integrated into the atmosphere of the game from beginning to end, and she seemed a little out of place.

This person sat quietly in his seat the whole time, without even making a sound, if it wasn't for her looking at herself and Xia Feixue just now, Xiaoshan would have almost forgotten that there was such a person as her next to her.

Xiao Sugi tilted her head and meddled a little, feeling that it would be more appropriate for an audience like her to watch the live broadcast on the computer for an audience like her who didn't come to feel the atmosphere of the scene, right? Or did she use the entire LPL scene as the background for watching the game by herself?

This person should indeed be an audience, under the black brim and black lenses, her eyes are staring at the game between EDG and IG on the big screen, and the lenses reflect the light on the big screen, and she looks very seriously.

Compared with the small shirt with imagination flying out of the sky, Xia Feixue next to her sat upright, watching the game on the screen intently, this one was quite intense, Ning Qi and Rookie singles played all kinds of limits, I feel that Ning Qi's ceiling has been improved because of the face of the other party's top midlaner, is this the strong when it is strong?


The battle in the middle lane is very intense, and what is even more terrifying is that the vision layout of both sides is quite around the middle lane, and there are three false eyes and one real eye on both sides near the middle lane, which almost blocks the route of the junglers on both sides to gank, so Ning Qi and Rookie have no scruples about fighting.

Ningqi Akali sprayed Q forward, rookie stepped back, avoided Ningqi's Q skill to the limit, and immediately stepped towards Ningqi with the Enchantress's AQW triple move, and the Enchantress attacked Q and stepped towards Ningqi's Akali.

Ning Qi's eyes were quick, and when the Enchantress stepped on, he aimed at the Enchantress and threw out the E skill directly, Akali threw a shuriken to hit the Enchantress, and at the same time a backflip opened the distance, so that the W damage failed to play, and the mark damage of the Enchantress's Q skill was not triggered.

But rookie immediately made up the chain of the E skill, and the blow was precise Ning Qi, Ning Qi did not panic, and immediately spread the fog into the stealth, first pulled the chain of the demon queen backwards, and then at the last of the E skill, chose the second stage of the backhand E sprint, A stabbed and then Q, and directly hit the passive fake body of the demon queen.

The two sides distanced themselves in the middle and returned to the city one after another, with Rookie returning first.

Remember the commentary: "The enchantress was passively beaten again, so intense, this middle lane on both sides, the two sides are fighting all the time for blood, this wave of enchantress should have to go back to the city, you can eat half a wave of soldiers, and the hunter player seems to have earned a little bit~." "

Long hair commented: "This wave of fighting is very extreme, in the face of rookie, maybe the average player will not dare to rush back in the second section E, right? "

After this wave of mid-lane fighting, Ning's Kai Yin wanted to try to catch it, but there was a false eye put by Ning Qi in the corner of the river wall on the left side of the middle lane, which was taught by faker, and it was very effective to prevent gank from coming from the direction of the upper road, Ning Qi used a single crocodile in the assessment of OMG against SKT, and every time he wanted to catch it, he was seen by this eye position, so he wrote down this eye position, which is the eye position of the old middle single, and it feels stable when he puts it down.

Kai Yin caught the final futile, wasted a little time, and continued to brush the wild, and the position of the jungler is like playing chess, a collapse to the end or all the way ahead, just in a faint move or a clever move, the dead fish eyes of the factory director flashed with the light of thought, this time he brushed not so cool as in the game, but the prince has also brushed to the third level, with the W skill, the red buff on the body is about to disappear, in the turn of his mind, he has also shot at a wave of gank on the road theshy south.

clearlove poked out of his field of vision from the end of the river, theshy turned around and returned at an accelerated turn, the factory director's EQ distance was not enough, and the prince decisively EQ flashed, and picked up Kenan from a long distance.

At the moment when the prince picked Kainan, he also ate a layer of thunder and lightning marks caused by Kenan's E skill.

theshy is in the lightning form of the electric mouse, and the moment it lands, it makes a combo.

E skills stacked on top of each other;

Q skill stacked on top of each other;

W skills stacked on top of each other;

Everything seemed to happen in an instant, after the prince EQ blitzed Kenan, he seemed to be immediately stunned by Kennan, and the prince's general attack just raised his hand, and he was stunned in place before A went.

The factory director's throat was dry, and the strength of the top single on the opposite side was too strong, so even if EDG had such a big lead in the last game, he didn't dare to say that EDG could win, as long as he was a little careless, who knew what this person would do.

Scout Neko opened W to speed up to follow, Flash E controlled Kenan, Q skill Bloom (of) hit two damages, Kenan only had a third of his blood left, theshy flashed out to open the distance.

The factory director stood up with a spear, and the W skill Golden Shield slowed down Kenan, and the range of the prince W was very large, and a flash could not escape the effective range of W.

This kind of movement speed advantage appears, and the player who shows it has no choice, even if he has a skill, he can only be shortened the distance, and the prince successfully A passively added this blow of the red buff, scout also successfully caught up, A Niko W passive fourth blow of additional damage, and killed Kenan.

In this game, Ning's Kai Yin tried to squat in the middle of the lane, and indeed successfully ensured that Rookie could fight safely with Ning Qi, but at the same time, IG's upper and lower lanes were gank once.

The rhythm once again entered the hands of the EDG team, and after a few waves of gank and anti-squats, they successfully rolled the snowball wide, and they had already achieved a 3,000 economic advantage in twenty minutes. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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