Chapter 148: What else are you going to learn from the Demon King?

2016, League of Legends Mid-Season Championship, Semifinals, RNGvsSKT Game 2.

Ning Qi let out a sigh.

Bang and Wolf's anti-pressure can also make people dumbfounded, and they are anti-pressure, while resisting pressure, they also chase the mending knife tightly, this wave of spiders also came to gank successfully, and all of a sudden the pressure reversed, and Bang's wheel mother took the lead.

The time is close to nine minutes, looking at the whole team, RNG only mlxg has about 20 knives to lead the field, 1ooper Ruiz's mending knife has not opened up the distance with duke, SKT is theoretically counted in the wild area, and the lineup that is not easy to play on the four lines is now almost over, and most of the lines are actually advantageous.

It's horrible, horror game.

Nine and a half minutes, xiaohus was a little anxious to play the advantage, seized an opportunity that mlxg was nearby, and suddenly flashed a hammer to the faker Tsar, and when faker handed over E and wanted to leave, Jace interrupted the Tsar's E skill displacement with a hammer E thunder blow.

This wave of xiaohu was very bold, and the timing was perfect, and the tsar was hammered to the side.

Jace: "Electrical!"

mlxg Qianjue flashed Q plus E, E skill Hengsheng fear hung to the Tsar, Qianjue's damage was not low, the Tsar's blood volume dropped a lot at once, xiaohu Jace switched back to the cannon form, and opened W overspeed triple attack A to the Tsar.

Ningqi: "There is hope!"

The doll explains: "Wow! There seems to be a chance to kill the Tsar here!"

xiaohu used the acceleration line on the sole of his feet, and instantly threw out a QE, and a strengthened cannon quickly flew towards the Tsar, faker was also slowed down by Qianjue's E skill at this time, and he was about to be directly seconded.

At this moment, faker suddenly pressed a flash, and the tsar made xiaohu's reinforcement cannon fall behind him through this flash, and at the same time, faker reversed R. A big move summoned soldiers, the wall of the forbidden army, and the human wall charged into the tower, pushing Jace and Qianjue into the defense tower together!

mlxg hissed and took a breath, Qianjue's residual blood instantly opened R, and the ultimate immortal circle protected Jace and himself, and finally the two escaped from the tower smoothly, and they didn't die, while faker didn't waste time, even the soldiers within the range of Qianjue's ultimate couldn't die, he walked to the upper river and easily survived from the gank.

Doll: "It's a pity, xiaohu started very well, but he was pushed by the tsar by two people! "

Miller: "Nakano handed over two flash kills, and it hurt a little. "

The tsar fled two steps, and Wolf Xing's mother rushed over, and took two mouthfuls of Aker, and faker's blood volume was full in a few clicks, and he was very bold and continued to brush troops in the middle lane.

Miller: "This, it's disgusting, one person's milk." "

Ning Qi watched very attentively, MLXG played very well, and the brush knife was almost twice as good as the blank spider.

But Qianjue's hero jungler is a bit like a male gun, brushing and brushing, brushing can be used as a C position in the middle of the brush, but correspondingly, Qianjue's ability to gank is not very strong, mlxg feels nk, but there is no chance in the three ways, the wheel mother and the star mother started only to change to the upper road, and suddenly turned over after ten minutes, and duke's burbby didn't give a chance at all, and the result of gank czar was almost a double kill, this situation is really difficult to play.

Ning Qi: "Now unless the other side gives me a chance." "

However, SKT didn't give a chance, but at the twelve minutes, faker caught a wave of xiaohu flash opportunities in the middle lane, first poked Jace into half blood with two consecutive pokes, and suddenly an EQR moved back to spin and pushed, pushing out Jace who did not flash accurately, xiaohu immediately fled to the upper road, faker did not have sand soldiers, but he could do it himselfA, S6 version of the Tsar, the hero attack speed is naturally fast, chasing A twice, and finally faker completed a wave of single kills.

In this MSI, xiaohu became a single killer of faker in the group stage and became famous in a fight, but today he was found back on the field by faker.

SKT easily controlled Xiaolong, and the next situation was a very good situation for SKT, whether it was dragging or playing, it took the initiative.

Sixteen minutes, at the Xiaolong River Road, Duke Poppy went around the back to open the group, the position was tricky, E arrived at the spear of revenge, Poppy directly opened W to prohibit displacement, no one could move in it, Poppy hammered the hammer and flew the spear of revenge Gabron three people, this is the big move that Poppy put in seconds, it will not hammer the enemy far away, but will only make the enemy be hammered to the spot.

Bang Wheel Mom already has the Scythe of Excellence plus the Yellow Fork, spinning damage splash, instantly melting the RNG trio, Wuxx pulls out the spear before falling to the ground, and with Jace's booster cannon, the blank spider is replaced.

Ning Qi looked up at the screen, now S9 is in IG to retire duke, at this time it feels stable and fierce, and it is also a difficult point to deal with.

One for three, SKT won the Canyon Pioneer, and finally bulldozed the lower road high ground with the Canyon Pioneer in nineteen minutes, the Tsar and the Wheel Mother had already turned over to be the master, although they were repelled by RNG again, but the Tsar took out a three-piece set of equipment after returning to the city this time, and easily took down the big dragon that had just been refreshed.

The blank spider also issued a command banner, which strengthened the minions that had been strengthened by the dragon buff, and led the minions to push through the middle lane and attack the incisor tower.

RNG was forced to go over to pick up the team, but the equipment gap was too large, and the team battle was lost and the game was ended in a wave.

The blue square crystal shattered, and mlxg stomped his foot a little impatiently.

In fact, this game was basically over in about ten minutes, and the line had to play an advantageous lineup, but the end of the line period was inferior.

Doll: "SKT, equalized, now the score is 1-1. "

Miller: "It's really a good game.,rng next game you can't put this kind of double C to the opposite side.,SKT is now three guarantees two.,You look at the blank spider.,He came out with a jungle knife and a banner of command.,He's here to sell it.,Let the double C hit zero damage.。 "


"Mission failed!"


Ning Qi: "Damn, how can I win them... First of all, the double C hero of the wheel mother and the emperor of the Gazar must not be put on the other side, and then... The opposite line can't let the opposite side change the line change successfully, maybe you can consider letting rng take the lineup formed in the late stage of double C, and have an offensive and defensive switch?"_

See the ununderlined version of the novel please

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