Legend of Infinite Mecha

Chapter 269: Kingdom Defense

The first to act was not the consortium in the universe, but the earth.

The reason for the war is also very irrational-"Since it was discovered in the last battle that the Shank Kingdom’s defense team had deserters from the OZ side, we launched an attack on your country that has unlimited access to OZ deserters."...

No matter how ruthless and arrogant the Rome Fira Consortium is, Lilina, who upholds complete pacifism, cannot take any action that affects the consortium.

Therefore, with a sigh, Lilena ordered the people of the whole country to enter the emergency evacuation procedure.

Using radar, before the enemy arrived, the guards discovered the incoming large forces.

Leo, the remaining tanks of the United Army, and all the land warfare weapons that can be used, surrounded the Great Wall of steel on the border of the Shank Kingdom.

The Scorpio (Scorpio) unit headed by the heavily armed Gundam and the team leader. Hidden in the high ground as a mobile support force.

The heavy-armed Gundam uses two double Gatling machine guns to provide fire control, while the Scopio, each with an 18mm smoothbore gun, uses the largest-caliber projectile weapon used by this body as an anti-material sniper rifle. .

The Aquarius Gundam flew in the air with Aiyaritz's forces as a frontal attack team. Also the vanguard of the resistance team.

However, the Aquarius under the operation of the Zero System is far less calm than it looks on the outside.

Endless data was sent into Hero's mind forcefully, urging him to launch an indiscriminate attack on all the surrounding organisms.

"Shut up... Shut up, shut up! Agoures!" Shiro couldn't make any resistance to this process. He could only use his own will to resist the impulse, and at the same time, uttered like a chick. Roar.

The Zero System is by no means a kind or beautiful device. The word ZERO is named only because of its full name, ZoningandEmotionalRangeOmittedSystem. Territory and emotional area truncation system is just an abbreviation. Through the collection and analysis of a large amount of data, various possible options and corresponding results are calculated, and then transmitted to the driver. In this way, the system "tells the driver the way to win". The side effects of this process are very obvious. People who do not have a fully convinced purpose will gradually become a part of the body's combat in the process of using this system, falling into endless killing; there is not enough will and judgment. A powerful person will gradually collapse between the real and illusory pictures.

The next-generation system mounted on the Aquarius Gundam and the zero system mounted on the flying wing zero type. Under such a mechanism, they are better at winning at the tactical level than pursuing victory at the strategic level. In other words, it's just that the battle is invincible.

He is obsessed with victory in battle, and when he looks back, he will only lose something more precious-this is what Telles meant by saying, "You can only become a loser if you sit on this high platform."

As the MS team continued to fly forward, it was already at a distance to witness the enemy.

There were 600 MDs that were dispatched directly on foot, and there were also fleets on the sea and body formations in the air. These teams contained an incalculable number of MDs.

It can be said that it is not an exaggeration to gather a legion to come here to fight. The whole team is so mighty that you can't even see it at a glance.

"Sure enough, the number is still too bad..." Seeing such a scene, Nuo Yin could only bit his lip unwillingly, and his voice became gritted his teeth.

However, due to the fact that the air body team has been too far forward, in fact this team has entered the distance of fighting with MD.

Splitting the first MD with a beam sword, naturally announced the start of the battle.

but. At the disadvantage of numbers, they can no longer take the initiative to continue their offensive.

"Everyone retreat to the defensive line!" Following Noin's order, the pilots who have fought so far have started to adjust their positions without panic.

However, only one machine in the team rushed forward regardless of the order.

The blue machine shadow and the red afterimage are also drawn, which is the highest of Aquarius.

"Hero, you rushed too far!" Nuoin stopped loudly.

"No way...Under the Zero System, once I start the fight, no one can stop me..." Shiro struggled to say this, and there was no more words after that.

Two thermal whips shot out from the hole in the forearm armor, waving a hot and strange curve, and splitting the MD along the way.

Under the guidance of the Zero System. The high-speed Aquarius Gundam didn't even touch it in one attack. Using the engine's propulsion as an air cushion, it moved lightly and high-speed between enemy aircraft.

Seeing this, Noin could no longer say anything to Shiro, so he could only return to where he should be and command the remaining troops.

It was not only the MD, but also the aircraft and fleet, so there were hidden attacks such as missiles and torpedoes.

And this, for the drivers who have concentrated their energy on the boundless MD, they are already a little overwhelmed.

Noin used the gun in his hand to shoot the incoming torpedo while evading the shelling of the MD, and the white Tauras moved at high speed.

Under her control. The spray and water mist aroused when the MD shell hits the water surface, on the contrary, gained space to ensure the safety of the aircraft.

The Heavy Armed Gundam took off from a high ground, and while turning around at high speed in the air like acrobatics, it fired a bullet toward the MD fleet that landed in the first step.

Although the electromagnetic floating anti-shield has a blocking effect on both live ammunition and light beam in principle, it is obviously not as perfect for a weapon that relies on kinetic energy such as live ammunition. As long as the number of shots is increased, the energy reserves of each of the three anti-shields of each body can be exhausted faster, resulting in effective damage-this is also the previous tactic of the heavy armed Gundam to deal with MD. Only now, he only needs to be responsible for "dispelling the enemy's protective position".

Although the live ammunition weapon looked very weak in front of Gundam Nim alloy-just like the previous Rio's machine gun attacked Gundam. It will hardly cause any damage, but once the anti-shield is broken, there are more ways to deal with that layer of Nim alloy.

Following the mountains covered by the jungle, several golden light dots draw a high-speed trajectory, approaching the coast.

"HE-FRAG-FS (Flag Stabilized Fragment High Explosive Projectile), the secondary projectile is loaded!" Pulling the trigger, the next projectile was loaded into the barrel.

Taking into account the strength of Gundam Nim’s terror, the Scopio team abandoned the priority armor-piercing attack mode and instead tried to use the high-speed fragments of the fragmentation high-explosive bombs to penetrate into the armor gaps, thereby breaking through the relatively more fragile internal structure. Destroy the body's electronic system or drive motor deeply. So as to achieve the purpose of blocking the operation of the body

The slender but streamlined single core wrapped in huge kinetic energy and arrived at the fighting area.

The pre-set fuze exploded, and the high-speed fragments slammed into Bilge's armor, making a harsh metal impact sound. There are also a few that follow the body’s joints or tiny gaps and go deep into the body.

The facts show that the Bill Song produced by Zbarov does not seem to do as well as imagined in this respect. The MD nearest to the detonation point of each shell was effectively destroyed.

Maintain the auxiliary observation mirror for sniper and shelling. Wellington, who confirmed the results of the battle, showed a pleasant smile.

"It seems that even if it is the same armor as Gundam, it is still crispy inside!" He joked to his teammates through the channel.

The special short-distance communication channel was filled with open laughter.

After that, Wellington fell slightly again.

"Then, let's have a beautiful shelling battle this time!"


For Scopio. The 18mm smoothbore gun may barely be regarded as a sniper firearm-which means that even if it is a manual gun, the firing frequency of this weapon is much higher than that of the automatic guns of the past.

The muzzles of the five artillery guns emit loud noises regularly, and after each attack, there will be MDs that are either exhausted by the electromagnetic floating anti-shield, or directly hit by fragments and lose their action. On the contrary, they are greatly improved. Boosted morale.

While keeping shooting, Troy turned his head and looked back at the forest behind him, smiling.

This team that has long studied combat tactics against Gundam, even if formed into a three-machine team, has the ability to pose a huge threat to the previous generation Gundam-especially when using 18mm smoothbore guns.

In order to meet MD, Trovar simply discussed with them new tactics against MD.

MD Bilge, relying on beam cannons, electromagnetic floating anti-shields and Gundam Nim alloy, the difficulty of defeating it is not lower than Gundam—or several times higher.

"However, the electromagnetic floating shield that uses the power contained in the floating unit to maintain its protection. It also has a fatal disadvantage, that is, the energy of the floating unit is limited." Troy once said to them, "In other words Therefore, as long as there are enough attacks, it can theoretically invalidate its anti-shield."

"The MD that neutralized the anti-shield is no more difficult to deal with than the Wing Gundam." Charlie Wellington smiled and continued, "No, because they don't have the procedures to adapt to the changing and complex terrain on the earth. And If the powerful driving technology of Hiro is only for a single MD, I am afraid it will be much easier than defeating the previous generation of Gundam."

Thinking of this, Troy couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"This one is called Charlie Wellington, and he is not much worse than us as an MS driver-it's just a pity that he only drives a mass-produced MS... No, it's not a complaint at this time. when."

"The shelling support, I'll leave it to you next."

Lilena is still standing in her room, looking at the battlefield.

The roar of mobile suits and wars has gradually become accustomed to Shiro.

But now, even as a layman in the war, she can see that she is in a very bad state due to the disadvantage of numbers.

The successor is weak, but the enemy's military replenishment continues. If this continues, the Shank Kingdom may not last long.

Perceiving the sound of footsteps coming from behind, Lilena turned her head.

"In this situation, it’s not safe to stand there, Mrs. Princess." In dark green, in addition to the driving suit called the standard suit, which is almost never seen in this world, it also wears a bulletproof vest and In his tactical pocket, his best sniper rifle is slung behind his back.

Yes, this is the driver of the Wisdom Angel Gundam, Neil Dylandi.

"On the contrary, you are still here to protect me at this time. Are you not afraid of danger?" Lirina asked with a slight smile.

"This is my battle," Lok Ang shrugged, "protect you, protect the flame of complete pacifism... Take another ten thousand steps and say, there is a kid who wants you to be safe."

I deliberately used vague references, and no one can say exactly who the "boy" refers to.

——Or, it's just that these two people tacitly agreed.

"If you say that, I'm afraid I have to take up my weapon." Lirina's expression gradually became serious from the smiling face of her elders.

"Hero, Noyn, Trovar, and Wellington are all fighting in their own way," Lilena walked back from the French window. "As the prince and daughter of the Shank Kingdom, I can't seem to sit still. what."

Lok Ang seemed to understand what she meant.

"So, do you need my help?" he asked.

"...Then I will trouble you."

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