Legend of Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 299: Refuse

"Legend of Xiangjiang Tycoon (

"The question asked by Mr. Li really makes me wonder how to answer it. What can I do when I come to a venture capital company? Of course I am looking for investment." Simpulao said.

"Oh? This is very interesting. I don't know how much money Mr. Simprao needs, how many shares can be sold, and what is the company's development goal?" Li Zhiwen asked three questions in a row and then sat quietly on the sofa watching Xin. Plough.

"Mr. Blank must have investigated my situation. In fact, I am not short of money, so I am not here to seek financial support." Simplo said, spread his hands.

"Did Mr. Simprao come to entertain me? Since you don't need funds, what are you doing with Mars Capital?" Li Zhiwen frowned and asked.

"What is the relationship between Mr. Li and Mr. Jobs of Apple? I remember that Mars Capital is also one of Apple's shareholders." Simplot asked knowingly.

"Of course, Mr. Jobs is my best friend, and Mars Capital is indeed a shareholder of Apple. If Mr. Simpro is here to buy shares in Apple, I am sorry, the company has no idea to sell shares in Apple for the time being, Simp Mr. Lao, please go back." Li Zhiwen said.

Where are Li Zhiwen and Jobs close friends? They only met two sides.

The first aspect was when Li Zhiwen went to invest in Apple. In the second year, it was a roadshow before Apple went public. Li Zhiwen also participated, but he just hid in a corner and was not exposed in front of the stage.

"Mr. Li is misunderstood. I am not here to buy shares of Apple. In fact, I understand that even if I put forward this condition, Mr. Li will not agree to it." Simpulao said.

"Mr. Simprao doesn't need to go around, just talk about your purpose!" Li Zhiwen frowned and asked. He really didn't want to circle with Simprao anymore, it didn't make much sense.

"Mr. Li, let me be straightforward, Micron Technology can accept Mars Capital's investment, but Mr. Li needs to use Micron Technology's products for Apple's personal computers." Simpulao said.

"Mr. Simprao is joking. You are looking for Mars Capital to invest, not Mars Capital who insists on investing in your Micron Technology. The order is reversed." Li Zhiwen laughed angrily.

"And I don't know what Micron Technology does, whether we should invest in Mars Capital."

Although Li Zhiwen knows that Micron Technology has finally developed into a world-renowned semiconductor supplier, and Li Zhiwen has a lot of interest in Micron Technology, Li Zhiwen cannot show any interest here, or he will be led by Simploo. This is absolutely Things that can't happen.

"I believe that Micron Technology will become a great company. Mr. Blank already understands this." Simpulao said.

This is Curatos Blank whispering in Li Zhiwen's ear for a long time, apparently introducing the business of Micron Technology and so on, Li Zhiwen also pretended to be a while.

After Curatos Blanc finished speaking, Li Zhiwen was silent for a while and said: "Mr. Simplo, I admit that Micron Technology may grow up, but today in the semiconductor industry, companies such as IBM, Texas Electric and Intel have carved up the entire market. , How can Micron Technology take food from these giants."

"Mr. Li, investment is risky. If there is no risk, then who needs to invest, just stick to success in one breath," Simprao said.

"Mr. Simprao is right, but you may not have worked with Mr. Jobs. He is a bad-tempered guy. For an uncertain company like you, the relationship between me and Jobs has deteriorated. This is not in line with me. So Mr. Simprao please come back.” Li Zhiwen issued an order to expel the guest.

After Li Zhiwen finished speaking, Simprao was silent, while Li Zhiwen leisurely tasted the coffee on the table.

"Mr. Li, this is indeed a difficult problem for you, but please believe me, you will never be disappointed with this investment of Micron Technology, so how many shares do you see, Mr. Li, for you to communicate with Mr. Jobs?" Simp Law said.

Li Zhiwen shook his head and said, "Mr. Simprao, it's not a question of how many shares. I can't make a bet on the relationship between me and Jobs with an uncertain future. Such investment is obviously asymmetrical. I wouldn't do that. of."

Simprao was silent for a while. When Li Zhiwen's patience was gradually exhausted, Simprao finally said again: "Mr. Li, that can only be said to be sorry."

"Mr. Simprao, I should say sorry. In fact, I think that even if you find Jobs, the answer will still be rejection, so it is better not to take this step. Another point is that although I cannot introduce Jobs to Micron, But I have some other contacts in the network. If Mr. Simprao needs it, I can introduce it to you as a shareholder. In fact, I am also very interested in Micron Technology, but Mr. Simprao does not accept cash. Just invest." Li Zhiwen spread his hands and said apologetically.

"Mr. Li, I will seriously consider your words, then we will have a period of time~www.wuxiaspot.com~ said Simprao.

"There will be a period!" Li Zhiwen said.

When Mars Capital got away after Simprao left, Curatos Blank asked Li Zhiwen: "Boss, Micron Technology is a very worthy investment company, why don't we contact Mr. Jobs, in case Mr. Jobs agrees? ?"

"Kuratos, first of all, you said that Micron Technology is worth investing is not correct, it should be very worth investing."

"But I can't agree to Simplo's suggestion, because then we won't get many shares at all, and a few shares are completely meaningless to us."

"The reason why I didn't contact Jobs is because what I said to Simprao is true. Jobs is a bad-tempered guy, but Jobs is very talented. I really don't want to have **** for this. Jobs." Li Zhiwen said.

"Then what should we do with Micron Technology, are we just letting go?" Curatos Blank said.

"Kuratos, you have to learn to bypass thinking. Who is Simprao? He is just an investor in Micron Technology. Let's just bypass him and find the founder of Micron Technology." Li Zhiwen said .

"But we don't have anything they are interested in." Curatos Blank said.

"Why not, our Mars Capital is what they are interested in, Kuratos, if you have only one investor, would you be very generous, afraid that others will take your property, but it is completely different when you introduce one. Three forces have formed a three-legged situation, so that they can stand firmly, and they will feel relieved." Li Zhiwen said with a smile.

"It turned out to be the case, I immediately sent someone to contact the founder of Micron Technology." Curatos Blank said.

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