Legendary FBI Detective

Chapter 379 Battle in the factory, extra gains

The moment she saw the bald white man raising his pistol, Chenelle's pupils suddenly shrank after she had moved to the other side behind the movie props.

The pistols on the two men had been taken away by the men of the bald white man and placed on a wooden box not far away.

Chenelle originally planned to quickly go around from behind the movie props to the wooden box to retrieve the pistol and fight back against the bald white man, but she was shot in the right foot and was forced to slow down her actions.

Now that the other party aimed his pistol at Cooper, Chenelle immediately stopped, picked up a plate-type prop from her side, and threw it hard at the bald white man.

At the same time, Cooper saw the bald white man raising his pistol and preparing to attack him. A cold light flashed in his eyes. With the help of his tied and hung hands, Cooper jumped up suddenly, raised his legs and kicked the bald white man with all his strength.


The plate Chenelle threw successfully hit the bald white man, causing him to move.

Cooper's kick was blocked by the bald white man's hand. Although he took a few steps back, he did not fall. The pistol was still aimed at Cooper's chest.

The bald white man sneered, and immediately pulled the trigger under Cooper's frown and Chenelle's angry gaze.


boom! boom! boom!


Several gunshots rang out in the center of the warehouse. The next second, Cooper fell to the ground. He was not shot.

The bald white man, under Cheniel's surprised gaze, lay bleeding on his side and fell to the ground with a puzzled look on his face.

Looking at the bald white man lying on the ground in front of him, Cooper picked up the pistol that the other man had dropped on the ground and quickly looked in the direction of the gunfire.

Chenelle also turned her gaze to the direction where the gunfire came from. What caught their eyes was Luo An, Winslow and Anwar.

Luo An was still holding his pistol, so it was obvious that he was the one who fired the gun just now.

Unlike Cheanne and Cooper who didn't see clearly what happened just now, Winslow and Anwar were always by Luo An's side and clearly saw all of Luo An's actions just now.

When the three arrived here, they happened to see the bald white man preparing to pull the trigger. Upon seeing this, Winslow and Anwar immediately prepared to kill the bald white man, and Luo An had already pulled the trigger before them.

Luo An fired four times in a row, and four bullets were fired one after another. One of them successfully broke the rope that tied Cooper's hands. The rope broke and Cooper sat on the ground.

The other three bullets hit the right hand, left arm and left leg of the bald white man holding the gun respectively, causing the bald white man to miss the shot and then lay heavily on his side and fell to the ground.

Luo An's superb and accurate shooting skills and extremely fast reaction speed made Winslow look in disbelief. Anwar also looked moved and took a breath.

But now is not the time to ask how Luo An practiced to such an extent. Winslow and Anwar, who are rich in tactical knowledge, suppressed the shock in their hearts, raised their weapons and quickly walked to the middle-aged white man, took out the handcuffs and controlled the other man. stand up.

Roan nodded satisfied with Winslow and Anwar's actions, put away his pistol, looked at Cooper and Chenier, and asked:

"Are you guys okay?"

Cooper quickly got up from the ground, shook his head and thanked:

"I'm fine, thank you, Team Leader Luo An."


Luo An answered casually, and then looked at Chenille. When he learned that she had been shot in her right foot, he immediately called the SWAT team to help her stop the bleeding. He and the bald white man carried her to the ambulance and sent her to the hospital. Lacey was sent to follow her with a gun. same.

Five minutes later, the entire warehouse was processed, and the SWAT team members escorted a group of people into the car. Luo An leaned on the new SUV with his arms folded and watched the scene. Seeing Cooper coming over after finishing his work, he asked directly:

"What exactly happened today?"

"The doctor Chenelle and I found out about this serial murder case definitely knows something about it!"

Upon hearing Luo An's question, Cooper immediately frowned and explained what happened.

As a clinical respiratory stimulant, the share of nicosamide used by hospitals each month generally does not fluctuate much.

However, at this hospital in the XC area of ​​Los Angeles, there has indeed been no significant fluctuation in the usage share of nikxamid in the past three months, but some of the usage records are far more blurry than before.

Cooper and Chenier immediately realized the problem and began investigating. When they received a call from Luo An to return to the special investigation team, they had already found three suspects directly related to Nikoshami.

"One of them was a doctor named Nickmi, who told me and Chenelle lies."

Cooper said that both he and Chenelle had received training within the FBI and knew some routine ways to identify whether others are lying, and continued:

"While Chenelle and I were questioning the second suspect, we saw Nickmi walking downstairs and driving away, so we immediately drove to follow him."

The situation after entering the alley was the same as what Winslow and Anwar had speculated. When the two were about to capture Nikmi, a group of guys with guns rushed out from the sewer and surrounded them. Outnumbered, the two were forced to Capture.

Cooper didn't see the scene where Annie Qie threw her phone, so he didn't mention it. Luo An's brows moved slightly when he heard this, and he continued to ask:

"What are the identities of the bald man and these guys?"

Without waiting for Cooper to answer, Winslow and Anwar came over carrying several transparent bags containing green dumplings.

Passing the packaging bag to Luo An, Anwar grinned and said:

"We found these things in several small movie props. We just dismantled a few large movie props and found a large amount of OxyContin and a large amount of drugs similar to oxycodone inside."

Looking at the ball of marijuana leaves in his hand and hearing Anwar's words, Luo An was speechless.

If they guessed correctly, this time they seemed to have found a criminal gang that used movie props as disguises and secretly smuggled large amounts of addictive drugs.

Doctors in the federal government have been abusing addictive opioids for a long time. Many patients who have been taking these drugs all year round have only two options after becoming addicted. They can either continue to take this type of drug, or take something more addictive. Such as white flour or white rock sugar.

The Federation is a free capitalist country. If there is demand, supply will naturally arise. Even compared to smuggling white flour, smuggling of opioids is a highly profitable blue ocean industry.

“There’s also an unexpected bonus.”

After returning the transparent packaging bag to Anwar, Luo An called Michelle and asked her to come to the scene with agents from the Trace Inspection Section. Such a large batch of goods is worth a lot of money, and the special investigation team can also get a lot of extra gains afterwards.

"no problem."

Just as Michelle nodded in agreement, Mona's voice suddenly came from the other end of the phone:

"Roan, Lacey asked me to check on the doctor named Nickmi before, and I found that he has a big problem."

Luo An was not surprised by this. Since the bald man and his group were engaged in drug smuggling, it was only natural that Nikmi, the doctor who was obviously related to the bald man, would have financial problems.

"No, that's not what I'm talking about."

Mona on the other end of the phone shook her head and explained:

“In Nikmi’s consumption records in the past three months, I found that he had purchased disinfectant containing sodium hypochlorite many times.

But during the surveillance of Nickmi’s community, I never saw him coming home with disinfectant. This is strange, isn’t it? "

Luo An grinned when he heard this, and immediately took Cooper's mobile phone and called Lacey:

"Lacie, where is the doctor I asked you to arrest before?"

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