Legendary FBI Detective

Chapter 757 Taking stock of harvest, polonium-210 appears again

As for the other two stocks shorted by Luo An, their stock prices rose steadily, causing Luo An to lose nearly US$2 million.

Luo An didn't feel the slightest anger or sadness about this. What he wanted was to lose money on these two stocks, otherwise it would be shown that his shorting of Illinois Nuclear Power Company was pure "good luck."

“Originally I spent 15 million US dollars, but spent 3 million to buy a few stocks. There will be no gains in the short term, but in the long run there will be no losses.

I spent $5 million shorting two companies and lost $2 million; I spent $4 million shorting Illinois Nuclear Power Energy Company and made $11 million..."

After carefully calculating his recent capital flow, Luo An raised his eyebrows when he looked at the tens of millions of dollars in income in the account, then put away the smile on his face, deleted all the text, stood up and walked out of the study.

"You came just in time."

In the kitchen, Mona, who was busy when she saw Luo An walking in, pointed to the beef beside her and said:

"The steak is already fried, you can take it out."

"no problem."

Luo An immediately picked up the dinner plate and processed the beef. The two quickly made dinner. Luo An took out a bottle of red wine and poured some for Mona, smiling:

"Thanks for your hard work."


Mona replied casually, picked up the wine glass and drank it in one gulp, then wiped her mouth and smiled:

"I seemed to have put too much salt in my hands just now because my hands were shaking."

Luo An took a bite:

"I don't feel anything, it tastes just right."

"That's good."

The two chatted while eating dinner, and they made a tacit agreement not to mention the Illinois Nuclear Power Company. After finishing the meal, the two cleaned up the tableware and began to sit on the sofa to rest.

"By the way, how is your father's side?"

On the sofa, Luo An hugged Mona and watched TV for a while. Suddenly he remembered something and asked:

"I remember him investigating something."

The two of them traveled to Hawaii before and saw Jawali and a beautiful woman in a restaurant, chatting while eating and touching hands from time to time.

Later, Gyawali sent a letter to the two of them, stating that an old friend of his died suddenly and may be related to the environmental organization where the beautiful woman worked. He was pretending to be investigating the matter.

"I called but he didn't answer, so I called Caroline to check."

Mona frowned slightly and said:

"Caroline said that her father would call her every once in a while to tell her that she was safe. Everything is normal now and there were no accidents.

Caroline even said that he had sneaked into the management of the organization and was in charge of nearly a hundred people. "

Luo An was speechless with black lines all over his head. After a few seconds of silence, he asked:

"Do you know who your father's superior is?"

Mona rolled her eyes:

"That's the beautiful woman we saw that time."


Luo An nodded in admiration. Jawali is indeed an agent who has worked in the CIA for most of his life. He is indeed strong and experienced.


Mona rolled her eyes and patted Luo An's chest gently. She guessed what Luo An was thinking.


Luo An coughed lightly, changed the subject and asked:

"By the way, you just said you had a phone call with Caroline. How is she doing? Is the company going well?"

"What's the meaning?"

Mona raised her eyebrows, struggled out of Luo An's arms and sat up. She stared at Luo An with narrowed eyes and asked:

"What do you want to do?"

"In no mood."

Luo An silently pinched Mona's pretty face, stretched out his hand to pull her into his arms again, and explained:

"I just want to ask Caroline about the operating conditions of her company to judge whether the British Empire's MI6 or MI5 wants to stare at me by staring at Caroline."

"should not."

When talking about business, Mona looked serious and said in a serious voice:

"Caroline's company is developing quite smoothly. There is competition in business, but it is normal competition within the industry. No problems have been found."

Luo An pondered for a while, shook his head slightly and said:

"Let's find a chance to meet and find a way to check on the people around Caroline."

Mona frowned when she heard this, and just as she was about to say something, Luo An's cell phone suddenly rang.

Jingle Bell--

Finding the phone, Luo An's eyes moved slightly when he saw the phone number on it. He pressed the answer button and said with a smile:

"Good evening, sir."

"Good evening."

An old, familiar male voice came from the phone, it was Mr. Clement.

After a brief hello, Mr. Clement went straight to the point and said:

"Luo An, come to my office, I have something to do."

"Okay, sir."

After agreeing to hang up the phone, Luo An chuckled and patted Mona on the shoulder:

"Drive a car for me."


Mona drove and took Luo An, who had an injured ankle, to the FBI headquarters in Washington, and arrived at the Hoover Building not long after.

Mona stayed in the car and waited while Luo An walked to Mr. Clement's office on crutches. When the secretary saw Luo An, he stood up quickly and opened the door for him with a smile. Luo An nodded and thanked him and walked in slowly.

In the spacious office, Mr. Clement did not sit behind the desk as usual. Today he was sitting on the sofa, wearing a pair of reading glasses and carefully reading the documents in his hand.

"Good evening, sir."

Luo An walked into the office and said hello. Mr. Clement raised his head and greeted:

"Just sit down."

"Okay, sir."

Luo An was not polite and sat directly on the sofa opposite Mr. Clement. Mr. Clement put down the documents, took off his reading glasses, and sighed:

"As I get older, my eyes are not as good as when I was young."

"You're too tired."

Luo An picked up the kettle on the table, poured a glass of water for Mr. Clement, and said:

"Your health is the most important thing. You need to get more rest, sir."

"I'm used to it."

After picking up the water glass and taking a sip, Mr. Clement said directly without continuing the pleasantries:

"Verenis hasn't contacted you for a long time, right?"

Luo An nodded:

"It's been over a week."

"Do you know what case she is investigating?"

"Not sure."

Luo An shook his head:

"According to our FBI's relevant confidentiality regulations, the commander didn't say anything, and I didn't ask."


Mr. Clement nodded with satisfaction and then asked:

"Remember the poisoning case of the former NSA director."


Roan filled Mr. Clement's water glass again and replied:

"The murderer in that case was a killer named "Blue Eyes Roy", who was arrested by me along with several other killers.

The killer organization is called "Skull Flower" and has been destroyed. "

"The killer you mentioned died not long ago."

Having said this, Mr. Clement's face slowly darkened. He handed the folder on the table to Luo An and introduced:

"This is the case that Veranith is investigating."

Luo An took the folder and opened it. Inside was the autopsy report of the killer "Blue Eyes Roy".

There is not much content and it is not complicated. One line of text instantly caught Luo An’s eye:

[The victim had a small amount of polonium 210 in his body and died of radiation poisoning]

"Polonium 210?!"

Seeing this familiar word, Luo An frowned suddenly, and Mr. Clement said in a solemn voice:

"I just received news that polonium-210 has also been detected in Veranith's body."

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