Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 772: happy jpg



"Clap clap clap..."

The lights came on, and the audience, who had been holding back surprises and had nowhere to vent, applauded wildly and shouted wildly.

Nolan took the lead actors to the stage and enjoyed the honor of being recognized.

Heath Ledger was stunned, feeling a strong emotion from the sounds around him.

Because the Joker was played by him.

For some reason, at this moment, he suddenly remembered that Lyman once told him that this role will become the most important part of your life.

The process of trying to figure out the characters is not so pleasant.

He often gets angry for no reason, but I have to say that the role has enough room for performance, which is what he is really after.

After the film was completed, there was even a period of emptiness.

Spiritual emptiness.

Heath Ledger thought it was his luck to meet a character that was remembered by the audience.

It's a pity that an actor has never played a bright role in his life.

happy jpg.

As for Christian Bale, although he is also happy, his satisfaction is slightly less than that of Heath Ledger.

His role tension is relatively low in terms of the whole film. Of course, this is due to Heath Ledger's too much attention-grabbing performance, but it is also a problem with Batman himself.

This is a rather tangled character.

What about Nolan, what is Nolan thinking?

Nolan is depressed.

Because he suddenly remembered that he seemed to have promised to shoot three Batman films, and after this one, he didn't know what to say.

The completion of "The Dark Knight" is better than he imagined, which is what surprised him as a director.

But as the threshold is raised, it is followed by enormous pressure.

No one wanted to step back, and when people complained about the decline of his directing ability, Jiang Lang did what he did.

But sometimes, the director just sets the program for the machine, and the performance at runtime also depends on the cooperation between the various components.

He himself can feel that the overall feeling is better than the first one, so how should the third one surpass it?

this is a big problem.

Besides, it's boring to always shoot repetitive themes, and the director also has pursuits.

Maybe, this is the trouble of happiness.

A first-line big project is an opportunity that many directors long for, but this guy is worried about the bad filming and loss of word of mouth. After all, Nolan himself is a man who pays more attention to evaluation, unlike Michael Bay, who was scolded for being invulnerable.

The executives present at Warner Bros. were delighted.

Although they have already communicated internally and determined the quality of "The Dark Knight", they have vigorously promoted it, but until the actual screening, how good it is is still a relatively vague concept.

The applause at this time is so sweet.

What kind of momentum will the box office have in the future?

Film critics and media people couldn't hold back their writing, and all the related film drafts began to think about entry points.

Is it euphemistic praise, direct praise, or what?


They have some guesses that Warner is going to make a lot of money this time, Batman's popularity is already high, and "The Dark Knight" has added a fire to the copyright area... zi zi... cool .

The audience felt that they were here, the main creator of Yili, and they had just enjoyed a movie-watching feast, and they were very excited.

The host gags a few words and maintains the situation.

The staff of the movie hall probed their brains and were a little surprised, because the enthusiasm of the audience was not pretentious, and it was rare for a movie to be so lively after the screening - mainly because it was so lively.

Then, there was the question-and-answer session from the media, because most of the Warners had greeted them in advance, and it was very harmonious.

"Director Nolan, congratulations on making an excellent movie. I'm personally curious, how did you conceive the role of the Joker, such as his acting style, or what kind of thinking did you have when you conceived it?"

The question of this media person is probably also the question in the minds of many viewers.

The Joker is indeed a highlight of the film.

Because Hollywood's villain setting is actually quite stylized, most of which are bald men with fierce muscles and active in major action movies.

Occasionally there is a pervert, which can arouse discussion among the audience, such as Anton, such as the police detective in "This Killer Is Not Too Cold".

Moreover, throughout the whole film, the Joker is like a sudden appearance of a ghost, with no weaknesses, no fear of anything, no communication, negotiation, mastery of people, cunning and confusion, which makes the audience refreshing and inevitably very curious.

Nolan smiled and explained: "Before I created this film, director Ryman gave me a lot of inspiration. At that time, I was struggling to dig deeper into the Gotham order, but I didn't have a good expression. Plus I Looking through many comics, the image of the Joker has never been unified like Batman. I was actually thinking about how to express it.

Then, he told me that instead of spending a lot of space to establish an identity, it is better to describe it directly, without the need for a general past. If you watch it carefully, in the movie, the clown has two theories about the origin of the scar on the corner of his mouth. It just appeared suddenly, that kind of madness, I only need to express this part, pay attention to the imbalance of the scenes, and express what I want to say..."

Lyman, who was hiding underneath, pouted.

In fact, he really didn't do much, he just accelerated the preparation of the project.

Directors like Nolan and Mexico's Sanji don't actually need him to worry about them. Everyone has their own style of storytelling. He can do it, just push, provide funds and channels, and then enjoy some dividends.

After all, every studio can cultivate a large number of director talents. Lehmann just knows more than others, and the information is poor.

There's nothing to be proud of.

Heath Ledger was very honest when a reporter asked him how he was in the state to capture the role.

He doesn't brag about himself, he just said that since he received the role, he has been writing films and related comics, and then building a clearer image in his mind, so when he arrives on the set, he naturally knows how to act.

After all, the role of the Joker is quite thin in some respects, but it seems that it rarely appears on the mainstream screen to show a villain like this. I was lucky enough to come across it.

It is also a breakthrough and a change for me. As the line says, madness is like gravity, just a nudge.

Then Christian Bale, Gary Oldman and Aaron Eckhart all briefly answered some questions.

The media hurriedly hurried to ask questions, and then turned to the follow-up of the film.

"In the end, the bat logo was smashed by Chief Gordon himself, and Batman was hunted down, so how will Bruce Wayne, who is determined to take on all this and plunge into the darkness, continue to guard Gotham?"

"Director Nolan, are you still going to shoot the third film, or what?"

"Will Firefly continue to invest in this series?"


The question slowly started to deviate from the movie itself, mainly because there were too many things to ask.

Because the cooperation agreement signed by Firefly and Warner Bros. has not been announced, everyone wants to know what role Firefly plays in this~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The other is the specific revenue division, which is also of great concern to the media.

Of course, there must be a reason for secrecy. Warner's executives were vague, only saying that there would be a sequel, and the others did not answer.

The media interview lasted about half an hour. After the audience ended, the guests also left or attended Warner's reception.

The premiere was over, and it was already late at night.

But it is destined that this night will not be peaceful.

People at Paramount knew about the premiere response of "The Dark Knight", and they hurriedly announced it, worrying that the rival would be too fierce.

Lyman followed the Warners to entertain the guests.

It's all good news.

"I wish you a great sale."

"The market is hot."

Jonathan Campbell, president of Warner's production department, also said happily: "This kind of live atmosphere makes us more confident. Mr. Rust, I think we can work together a lot, and some small things will pass away. "

Lehmann said yes, and was disdainful in his heart.

He has seen too many capitalists who have changed their faces, so it is not surprising.

As long as it can bring them huge profits, their attitude must be outrageous.

And once there is a conflict or the distribution of interests is different, it will be another face.

This kind of nonsense, just listen to it.

If he doesn't show sincerity, he won't let go easily.

When the reception was over, the noisy and lively banquet hall became deserted and lonely.

Lyman exhaled, washed his face and sobered his head, then opened a room to sleep.

The days to come are still long.

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