An Ran took a deep breath, patted Chen Jun's back gently, and said softly: "Chen Jun, it is undeniable that fairness and justice in this world are relative, but no matter what era it is, there must be a dark side, without darkness, where does the light come from?" This is the root of human nature, and it cannot be changed at all.

"In a certain aspect, you can try to look at it rationally, look at this problem from different angles, make your life easier, and not let your psychological burden be so heavy, this is like a taut string, it is easy to break, if you are properly relaxed, there will be a melodious rhythm."

"You just have to believe that there is justice in this world, there are more good people than bad people, and this world is still beautiful, not as bad as you see."

Chen Jun looked at An Ran and said in a deep voice: "If I believe in justice, what is holding you now is Lei Zhan, and in the near future, you will be sacrificed because of the weakness of human nature." "

If it weren't for his own crossing, which caused a butterfly effect in this special forces world, Enron's life would have ended in tragedy.

Justice exists, but justice that is delayed sometimes has no meaning at all for the parties involved.

An Ran was stunned and looked at Chen Jun in amazement.

"What do you mean?"

Chen Jun said: "What I just want to tell you is that other people can coexist, but my father is the richest man in the East China Sea, and I also have the ability, why should I coexist with these human weaknesses?" Of course, I admit that I didn't do it calmly, I was impulsive.

"But I have the ability to choose this way, and it can make me happy in this way, and it can also make those procedural offenders feel uncomfortable, it's as simple as that."

An Ran nodded, Chen Jun was able to say this, which already showed that he was not impulsive, but fully considered the consequences, and he could bear the consequences.

He seems impulsive, but he should be calm inside.

"I understand, I support your decision, no matter what, I will stand by your side, and when the senior leader wants to talk to you later, you wait a minute, I will go and talk to him first."

After speaking, An Ran let go of Chen Jun, tidied up his messy clothes, and walked out with a red face.

As soon as she walked out of the conference room, Gao Shiwei and Zhang Tao immediately greeted her.

Gao Shiwei said: "How is Chen Jun's psychology? Has it stabilized? An

Ran said: "Report chief, through my careful observation and inquiry, I can be sure that he has a strong sense of justice and is relatively impulsive, but based on his strength, the most important point is that his actions are in line with justice and people's hearts." "

This is the sharp blade of the state, and if it is used well, he is the strongest blade."

Gao Shiwei said: "If you don't use it well, what will be the consequences?"

An Ran said firmly: "He will choose to retire, live a daily married life with me, and have children."

Gao Shiwei and Zhang Tao were all surprised, what is this?

Zhang Tao said: "In this way, you go back and give me a 10,000-word analysis report, and comprehensively analyze what kind of person Chen Jun is." An

Ran said: "Yes, however, 10,000 words is not enough, I can write hundreds of thousands of words, provided that I have more contact with Chen Jun and more observation, so that I can analyze more deeply."

"Chen Jun is a soldier with a sense of justice and does not play cards according to common sense, he is great!"

Zhang Tao's heart trembled slightly, and he looked at An Ran with some admiration.

That's the pattern!

People raised hundreds of thousands of words in one breath, and they didn't blink their eyes, and what Fang Tang Jing, Lei Zhan, and Tang Tianhao just now, compared with her, they are all rubbish, not even as good as a woman.

Zhang Tao suddenly felt that Chen Jun had really found a good daughter-in-law.

In this world, which woman is willing to write her husband into hundreds of thousands of research reports? If there is, I'm afraid there will only be a bunch of repetitive words, regrets, regrets, blindness, and so on.

Chen Jun, that kid has vision!

Zhang Tao said: "There is no need to worry about this, you can write as much as you can, but you must be thorough, Chen Jun is a good soldier, and I have not been in contact with him once or twice, I am still very accurate in seeing people, and he has a future." "

Comrade An Ran, it is very good that you and Chen Jun can walk together, Chen Jun has a woman like you, and he will definitely be able to let him go further."

An Ran said: "Thank you Director Zhang for your compliment, and I also hope that Chen Jun will go further."

Wang Tao turned his head to Gao Shiwei and said: "It's our turn, if there is no problem this time, you can reuse Chen Jun, I believe he will definitely be able to bring you more surprises."

Gao Shiwei nodded.

He originally wanted to reuse Chen Jun, but Chen Jun's approach is sometimes really incomprehensible, for example, last time he proposed that he go directly to the wolf's tooth, but he directly refused.

Through this matter this time, it is just time to make special arrangements for him.

Soon, the two walked into the conference room together.


The two walked into the slightly dark courtroom, and immediately saw Chen Jun with a grim face sitting there like a javelin, standing up and saluting them.

"Chief!" Chen Jundao.

Gao Shiwei nodded, and sat down with Zhang Tao.

"We all know the matter, we want to hear what you have to say." Gao Shiwei said.

Chen Jun didn't expect Director Zhang to come.

For Director Zhang, Chen Jun is very grateful, if it weren't for his help, I am afraid that there would be a lot of trouble last time when dealing with the issue of Shi Guo.

In short, the two leaders are very fond of themselves.

Chen Jun said: "Mr. Gao, Director Zhang, I disappointed you, I can choose to accept any punishment you want." "

The matter has come to this point, even Director Zhang is alarmed, and there is nothing more to say.

Zhang Tao said expressionlessly: "Chen Jun, I believe that you have already considered what kind of consequences will occur, and the punishment has not yet been decided, but you have to prepare for the worst."

Chen Jun said: "Yes!"

Zhang Tao added: "Now that things are in an uproar, causing strong controversy in society, it is very likely that it will further ferment, and I am afraid that the things involved will exceed my previous expectations."

"This will definitely have an impact on you, and it is even possible that you will have to take off your military uniform and leave the army, if you come to our military department, I can minimize the impact, not only is there no fault, but there may also be merit, do you want to think about it."

"I told you before that you can come to our military department at any time as long as you want, and this sentence is still valid now."

Hearing Zhang Tao's words, Gao Shiwei looked at the past with complicated eyes, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and his stomach began to scold his mother.

Made, I already knew that I would let this Director Wang do the impeachment of acid!

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