"Speed up, don't talk nonsense! If Chen Jun dies here, Lao Tzu will really raise a pig for a lifetime, and your boss will be the same! Fan Tianlei urged.

Whether it is Lao Gao or Director Zhang of the Ministry of Military Affairs, how much importance does it attach to Chen Jun? Ten Fan Tianlei can't compare.

If he takes Chen Jun out and something happens, who will be responsible? I don't know who he is?

Deng Zhenhua was surprised: "The dog's head is high because of Chen Jun to raise pigs?" I'm obedient, no wonder the dog-headed Lao Gao will personally take Chen Jun's luggage, what is the situation? The

hygienist said: "I'll just say that Chen Jun is not simple, now you see it, right?" Lao Gao is planted in his hands, no wonder Lao Gao is so polite to him, there is no shelf. Lao

Pao said: "It's really not simple, I feel that the dog-headed Lao Gao is scolding Chen Jun." Qiangzi

said depressedly: "One by one, when you are looking for him to learn, why don't you keep silent?"

"That's it! Hurry up! Fan Tianlei scolded and quickened his pace.

Chen Jun's ability is strong, but the scorpion is scheming, once there is a helper arranged, Chen Jun is easy to suffer a big loss.

Finally, after running for about a kilometer, everyone found a corpse in a dense forest.

Deng Zhenhua stared at the corpse and said: "It's another field battlefield, bruises and bites, and the head is twisted, and the preliminary inference is that the two sides are hugging each other, fighting desperately, crazy output, and being twisted at the last moment is crazy."

Fan Tianlei couldn't help but scold: "Dog, talk well, don't drive, Chen Jun is more auspicious, and it's not you who raises pigs!" "

When the first helper appears, there will definitely be a second, and the third ... The first scene is so tragic, indicating that the battle is fierce, and the situation of Chen Jun is not optimistic.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for them to find a second, a third, a fourth.

This time Deng Zhenhua was also shocked, some of the killed militants were hung up with their necks broken, some were twisted and their necks were broken, and in their final posture, someone knelt and held their heads with both hands!

It's so tragic that it makes people's scalps tingle when they look at it.

How much blood and hatred does Chen Jun have against these militants to be like this?

And who would have thought that Chen Jun would be so ruthless when he looked at the sunshine young man who looked so white and clean, seemingly harmless to humans and animals?

The hygienist lowered his voice and said: "It's a ruthless man, fortunately he is our comrade-in-arms, otherwise, we don't know how we died."

Qiangzi swallowed his saliva, thinking that he took the initiative to challenge Chen Jun, only to feel a cold sweat on his back.

"Staff Officer Fan, there are blood stains here, and the preliminary inference is that Chen Jun rolled down with the person in his arms, and in the process, he made close contact and broke the other party's teeth." Deng Zhenhua made a judgment after observation.

Fan Tianlei ignored the paratroopers and frowned.

In the battle situation ahead, Chen Jun should have taken the initiative, but after arriving here, he should be passive, and the teeth that fell on the ground should be Chen Jun's.

The horror of the scorpion, Fan Tianlei was deeply aware of it, and directly turned him into a sinkhole.

Fan Tianlei suddenly shouted: "Hurry up and find it!" Chen Jun is a ghost, not so easy to die, fast! "

Chen Jun's tenacity is very comparable, it is impossible to die so easily, it is very likely that he was seriously injured, lurking somewhere, or maybe he is entanglement with a scorpion.

In short, any miracle can happen to Chen Jun.


The crowd immediately rushed uphill and downhill.

Suddenly, there was a rolling sound in the grass in front of him, and Zheng Zhenhua, who was at the front, shouted: "Hidden, there is a situation!" The

crowd immediately separated, hiding behind the surrounding trees and rocks, while the law enforcement SWAT who followed them waited for them.

After less than a minute, three disrupted militants suddenly rushed out of the bushes.

They seemed to be hiding from something, and they were all colorless, as if there were beasts chasing them behind them.

Seeing this scene, Deng Zhenhua frowned and said in a low voice: "What is the situation?" Scared like this, is it a hell of a halfway? The

hygienist said, "It's really weird, they have small injuries on their bodies, their clothes are torn like this, they have all become beggars, and they dare to provoke us like this?" Isn't it looking for death? Who gave them the guts. The

old cannon said, "I feel like they're running for their lives." Qiangzi

said: "Three people fleeing for their lives? Aren't all of Scorpion's subordinates powerful? Why is it panicking like this, where did the scorpion go?

Geng Jihui said in a deep voice: "Could it be that they are afraid of being killed by Chen Jun?" "

It's... Probably not, in the previous scene, Chen Jun was not very passive? However, this kid has killed so many people, and it is really scary if he is targeted. The hygienist whispered.

Fan Tianlei was also confused, and said, "Don't care, warn them first and see how they react!" The

paratroopers immediately shouted loudly: "Listen to the people in front, we are soldiers of the Yan Kingdom, you have entered our territory, immediately lay down your arms and surrender,

otherwise..." All three knelt on the ground and raised their hands.

"Damn, what's going on? Take the initiative to surrender and urge them to protect? Are they scared silly? Deng Zhenhua was a little dumbfounded.

Aren't all these militants vicious? It should be that others are afraid of them, right?

The paratroopers and others have come into contact with many militants, and those guys are all living on the tip of a knife, and once they are besieged, it is impossible to surrender easily without fighting the trapped beasts.

Now that you have surrendered so neatly, you have to ask for protection... That's scary.

The hygienist said, "Have these guys been kicked in the head by a donkey?"

Fan Tianlei frowned, and said in a low voice: "Don't get close, in case there is fraud!" However

, everyone quickly understood what was going on.


A man covered in blood suddenly appeared from behind them, stumbling, but his red eyes were fixed on the three militants who were kneeling on the ground.

The appearance covered in blood, that is, during the day, if it is night, the first thought that comes to mind is the female ghost in red.

When the three militants saw this figure, they immediately got up as if they had seen a ghost, and rushed in the direction of Fan Tianlei.

As they ran, they shouted, "We surrender, we surrender, help, protect us!" "

You must protect us, hurry up and arrest us, we sincerely surrender!"

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