Chen Jun looked at the abandoned factory in front of him, his blood boiled, today is the first time for the hacker commando to show their guns.

After wiping the gun for so long, it is indeed time to light the gun, but this is not the most important thing today, the most important thing today is to take the Bukit and give an explanation to the dead soldiers.

"Little girl, what your uncle promised you will do.

Chen Jun's mind suddenly flashed, and the face of the little girl he knew in the hospital suddenly flashed a trace of tenderness in her murderous eyes.

Once, he told that child that he would find the bad guy for her and make that military hero hurt.

Today, that bad guy Bukit is in front of him, and it's time to do it.

Thinking of this, the killing intent in Chen Jun's eyes was true, and he immediately gave an order, saying, "The sniper will deal with the militants at the door first, and the others will follow me and rush up silently."

"Action!" As

soon as Chen Jun's words fell, He Chenguang and the paratroopers fired at the same time, and after two gunshots, the two militants at the door fell to the ground at the same time.

The heads of the two militants fell to the ground, and blood spurted wildly, and the wounds of the guns were like two open faucets, and streams of blood flowed, and in just a few seconds, the ground was stained with a red carpet.

"It's not good, someone sneaked up. "

It's a sniper, quick, find a position, take them out.

"To the east, the sound of gunfire seems to be coming from the east. "


Seeing that the two members of the team around him were suddenly shot in the head, and two militants standing not far away turned pale with fright, they immediately raised their guns and began to look for the source of the bullet attack.

These two people themselves are also from the army, they are well-trained, and they are not slow to react, and they quickly locked on to He Chenguang's location, but Chen Jun was faster.

"Good guys, pretty quick to react. Chen Jun saw that guy start to lock on to He Chenguang, and immediately accelerated towards them.

The speed of the hacker is really not blowing, the two militants just raised their guns, and in an instant, the two daggers have already reached Chen Jun's hands, and the whole person has already brushed in front of each other.

Chen Jun suddenly raised his hand, and with a brush, the two daggers pierced each other's heads accurately.

In the next second, the two militants fell directly to the ground, with a knife and dagger stuck in the center of their eyebrows, and blood gushed from the wound site.

"Enemy attack..."

The moment the two militants just fell, they both had the same thought in their minds, and they both wanted to inform the other team members, but time waited for no one, and before the words came out, the whole person was lifeless.

Until they turned into dead bodies, the eyes of the two militants were bulging

, and they did not know where the enemy was, and how could they be willing to die?

I have to say that Chen Jun's hacker assassination technique is really powerful, the fastest within ten steps, As soon as he made a move, the other party had no chance to resist at all, no, let alone resist, even there was no time to react.

This is Chen Jun's capital, relying on speed to assault.

Once you aim at the right time, you have to make a move, and as soon as you make a move, you will immediately kill the opponent, and you will not be soft at all.

This is the experience he has summed up after living in the gray area for so long, and it is also the hands-on principle of the hacking system.

Treat the enemy ruthlessly and act quickly.

"Quick, rush over.

When Chen Jun saw that the sentry at the door had been killed, he roared and immediately rushed out.

Wang Qiang, who was following behind, saw that Chen Jun and the others had rushed out, and immediately shouted, "Quick, the soldiers in front have already entered, let's follow quickly, don't fall behind." "

Fuck those guys for me, they're damned people.

After Wang Qiang finished speaking, he directly ordered all the law enforcers to rush out.

"Kill, don't spare anyone. "

The law enforcers who were with Wang Qiang, under the infection of Chen Jun, were murderous one by one, with only war intent in their eyes, and no previous worries at all.

However, compared to Chen Jun, their speed was still slower, and in a blink of an eye, Chen Jun had arrived at the door of the workshop, and he immediately saw several militants rushing out.

For such a narrow encounter, the ghost of Chen Jun immediately burst into a strafing shot.


, bullets rained down on the few militants who had just rushed out.


terrifying sound of bullets piercing into the flesh sounded, and before the militants could react, their eyes widened only because of shock, and the next moment, the bullet accurately entered their eyebrows.

When these militants fell, they all turned a blind eye, and their eyes were full of grievance and unwillingness.

They have played with guns all their lives, but they never thought that they would die under the fast guns of others, and the most aggrieved thing is that before they died, they had no strength to resist at all.

"Oh no, someone's coming in. The

gunshots at the door immediately alarmed everyone inside, and the scene was chaotic.

In the room, Bukit, who was watching an unhealthy video, heard a noisy sound coming from outside and immediately stood up and turned off the video.

"Someone's coming in, get out. Suddenly

, the subordinates next to him showed off their weapons.

"Go, go kill them. "

Those guys who picked up were just about to rush out of the door, and suddenly, there was a bang, and Geng Jihui and others had already attacked.

As soon as Geng Jihui and the others came over, they threw stun bombs into the room.

A violent explosion rang out, and a large area of fire and smoke suddenly filled the entire room.

"It's a stun bomb, it's over, I can't see it. "

Hell, where did the guy come from, it's shameless to use a stun bomb. "

Calm down, stay calm, it's just a shock bomb, it's not fatal, calm down, get them out.


by the sound of explosions, the whole workshop was screaming and scolding, but no matter how much struggle there was, it was useless, because it was difficult for the body to resist such a close shock.

Under the bright light and the sound of loud explosions, many militants directly lost their senses.

At this time, even if you give them a stunning beauty, it won't play any role.

There is no way, although the stun bomb has no lethality, as long as the affected people are within range, they can no longer resist.

"Kill!" Seeing that the people in Bukit were temporarily trapped, Chen Jun, the ghost who was the most adept at seizing the opportunity, immediately showed his big killing weapon, and then rushed in to directly replenish the gun against the militants who were unconscious like soft worms.


! After a burst of gunshots, one after another soft worm-like men fell directly to the ground.

Many people didn't know what was going on, so they were immediately reimbursed, and in the blink of an eye, they turned into a bloody corpse.

When the militants were in chaos, the members of the hacker commando team immediately dispersed, showed their weapons one by one, and followed Chen Jun to attack.

Anyone who resisted was immediately killed.

This is the principle set by Chen Jun.

Wang Qiang was outside, and he also showed his biggest weapon, "You have been surrounded, come out and surrender immediately." "

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