Watching the coyotes and the Yan Dynasty continue to advance against the traps set by Chen Jun, Fan Tianlei felt anxious in his heart, like ants in a hot pot.

Anxious and angry, but he just couldn't climb out, and he went crazy helplessly.

Can you be crazy? There was obviously a trap in front of it, but as a result, the two old people couldn't see it, and they kept jumping in.

Doing so will kill you.

Fan Tianlei looked at the two people as if he saw that his hacker commando team was constantly leaving him, and he was anxious in his heart, but what made him depressed was that he couldn't do anything at all.

"Don't, stop.

"Move on, fool, and think of how there is such a smooth road.


Fan Tianlei's heart was beating faster, and his mouth kept babbling.

He Zhijun glanced at Fan Tianlei coldly, and roared: "Shut up, the things you brought out are all mixed up like this, and you are embarrassed to scream, what is it called, I'm afraid that others won't know how powerful you are."

"It's still old, I can't even recognize the trap, I think, the wolf's teeth have been peaceful for too long, and it's too comfortable." "

I can't even see the trap laid by a recruit, and the vigilance is so low, how can I compare it with this bit of strength?" How can I fight in the future?"

"In my opinion, both of them are going to write a 300,000-word ideological report. "

What kind of thing, if you die here, remember it for me, go back and write an ideological report, and start to realize from your thoughts..."

But fortunately, this thought report was not written by him.

Fan Tianlei was stunned for a moment, he nodded directly, "Yes." In

the face of the wolf's anger, Fan Tianlei had no choice but to mourn for those two guys.

After all, Chen Jun is a newcomer, and he will kill them with a little trick, which really looks too watery.

"I'm not alone. Old Fan thought about it, and he couldn't help but shake his head and sigh.

He has been writing thought reports for a long time, however, he never imagined that more and more people would join him.

This is no way to do it, after all, according to the direction of those two guys, they are definitely going to fall into the pit.

As an old special, it is really a fan to be yin like this, and writing an ideological report is a trivial matter.

Fan Tianlei was also very angry, but he didn't dare to say much, after all, he could see that the wolf head was already angry.

At this moment, the coyote was already close to the Miao wolf, but his reaction was very fast, and he immediately lay down on the ground and crawled forward.

"Hey, where is he?" the coyote asked at Miao Wolf.

However, no one responded, and Miao Wolf did look like he was looking at the scope very quietly.

Seeing that Miao Wolf didn't mean to answer, the coyote asked again: "If you ask you, Lao Tzu won't rob you of your credit, what is there to hide."

"Reveal the news, everyone discussed the siege together, but in the end, it was you who attacked, and the credit was all yours, for the sake of the wolf's face, you can't be stingy." The

coyote said again, but Miao Wolf still didn't reply.

"What's the matter? When did this guy get so cold?" Seeing that Miao Wolf had not spoken, the coyote began to be a little depressed, and he finally couldn't help but push Miao Wolf.

With this push, Miao Wolf's body brushed suddenly, and it immediately tilted to the side.

", fainted?" Seeing this scene, the coyote was full of excitement, as if he realized something, and immediately retreated, but it was too late, because on the other side, Chen Jun had already pulled the rattan hard.

Chen Jun's action was faster than taking off his daughter-in-law's clothes, and the force was very strong, and in an instant, the rattan had been tightened by him, and at the same time, the two legs of the coyote were directly trapped.


next second, Chen Jun immediately stood up and ran.

As he ran, he pulled the rattan tightly, and the other end of the rattan dragged the coyote along the ground all the way to the shovel.

In the end, the coyote was pulled up directly by the rattan and hung upside down from the tree, with his hands and feet facing the sky and his head to the ground.

Coyote, a big living person, was dragged by Chen Jun like this, and then hung up.

All this happened so fast, the whole process, the coyote didn't react at all, until he was hung up, he didn't react.

", I'm in a trap!" The coyote's face changed greatly, but he reacted quickly, immediately bent down, and then pulled out the dagger from his waist, and shouted at the same time, "Kill him, kill!"

Seeing this scene, the king of Hades's face changed greatly, and he had already raised his gun to Chen Jun, but before he could shoot, something unexpected happened.

Because at that moment, Chen Jun directly threw the rope and let the coyote do free fall from the tree.


Bang! The

gunshots rang out, and the bullets that flew out passed by Chen Jun.

Chen Jun directly relied on the ability of the hacker space to dodge the bullet, and then turned around suddenly, using his body to slide backwards, and at the same time, the gun in his hand had locked onto the king of Hades.


With a crisp gunshot, a plastic bullet hit the sniper scope, although it was a plastic bullet, but because of the close distance, the power was still very great, and the whole person of Hades was driven and trembled.

Hades' face turned pale, and a trace of panic flashed in his eyes, if it was a live bullet, the bullet would definitely penetrate the sniper scope, and he had already been shot in the head.

"Lost!" Hades

felt a chill in his heart, and his eyes were full of grievances.

Careless, really careless.

Hades never expected that he would cooperate so perfectly with the coyote that he would fall into Chen Jun's trap.

Chen Jun's trap was too subtle, and he actually used the faint Miao wolf to tempt them.

Who would have thought that

! This trick is too yin!

The aggrieved in Hades's heart immediately made his face a little unbearable.

Chen Jun didn't have time to pay attention to Hades, and after shooting, he directly stood up, and then pulled the trigger on the coyote who had just stood up.


was another piercing gunshot, and a bullet hit the coyote in the head.

"it..."The coyote scolded directly, and then he covered his head and wailed like Chen Shanming.

", I'm all hanging, you still shoot, you kid has no conscience?"

"After Lao Gao raised pigs, he also said that you were a good soldier, I turned around and told him, I looked away, definitely lost my eyes..."

The coyote kept talking, and he kept blinking to Hades.

Hades was still very depressed, but when he saw the coyote's appearance, he immediately understood and said loudly: "That's right, I also persuaded Lei Zhan, An Ran is actually

your daughter-in-law, you should let it go, I didn't expect you kid to be so ruthless, are you doing the same to your daughter-in-law?" "Boy, you listen to our advice, you can't be so ruthless in the future, especially when you treat your seniors, you must be more respectful." "

Yes, respect, respect for veterans..."

The coyote and the king of Hades watched Chen Jun chatter all the time, the feudal town is a goal, and the thunder war is coming!

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