After leaving the hacker base, Chen Jun drove directly and took An Ran to the funeral site.

Chen Jun still respects the sacrificial traffic policeman, and the policeman himself was dying at that time, so he didn't ask about his injuries, but asked everyone to catch the thief first and ignore his injuries.

To this day, Chen Jun still remembers what the policeman said, and that policeman is really a good policeman worthy of everyone's respect.

It is not an exaggeration to say that they are heroes and martyrs.

In order to catch the thief, he would rather be injured himself and avoid the people, and after being injured, he still thinks about the thief who has not been caught.

In his heart, there is only the interests of the people and only social tranquility!

Seeing this policeman, Chen Jun couldn't help but think of his comrades-in-arms who sacrificed their lives at the border.

Those old comrades-in-arms, for the peace of Island 1, fought to the death in the end, and did not leave their posts.

The country of Yan is big and there are many people, but there are also many heroes like this.


Jun was particularly impressed by the sacrifice of the policeman, and he was always a little reluctant in his heart, so he also wanted to bring An Ran over to attend the funeral.

Although he couldn't return to the police, at least, he could be given his last ride.

And An Ran was also indescribably sad about the sacrifice of the policeman, and she didn't say a word since she got in the car.

Seeing that An Ran was reluctant to speak, Chen Jun didn't say anything and drove quietly.

More than 40 minutes later, their car drove into a road that led to a cemetery, and the car slowly entered, and after a while, the picture that greeted their eyes suddenly changed.

The picture is full of eye-catching police cars, as well as the people who came to see them off.

There were many people who came to see them off, including adults, children, and some elderly people, and everyone present had gloomy expressions and eyes full of sadness, and some women kept raising their hands to wipe their tears.

Seeing this scene, Chen Jun's already heavy heart suddenly became even heavier, and his eyes were full of grief and indignation.

Chen Jun couldn't help but shake his head and sigh, "There are more than 1,000 people, which shows that the sacrificed traffic police are very popular." An

Ran nodded, "He died in front of me, but unfortunately I can't save him back." As he

spoke, An Ran's eyes were also slightly red, and his face was full of sadness.

Chen Jun shook his head, "You have done your best, if he has a spirit in the sky, he can also feel your intentions, you have done well enough..."

As soon as they walked by, someone immediately recognized them and kept greeting them.

A law enforcement captain came to Chen Jun and said sincerely: "Thank you for coming, and you helped catch the murderer before."

Chen Jun shook his head and said: "No need to thank you, I am a soldier, and we all shoulder the same responsibility, but unfortunately, he still sacrificed." Hearing

this, the captain's expression instantly sank a little, and he sighed directly, "Yes, such a good comrade, it's a pity."

At this time, on the side, An Ran suddenly asked: "I want to donate, is his family here?"

The captain raised his hand and pointed to a woman not far away, "That's his mother, come to see him off in person, only mother and son are dependent on each other in his family, and when he leaves, he will leave his mother alone, it's not easy."

Following the direction of the captain's finger, Chen Jun saw a middle-aged woman with silver hair, dressed in black, who was already crying into tears at the moment, her eyes were red and swollen, and she kept crying, and her hoarse voice could no longer make a sound.

At the same time as seeing that woman, Chen Jun and An Ran's hearts suddenly sank, and the grief and indignation in their eyes became more and more intense.

Even if you are a soldier, your psychological quality is strong enough, and when you see such a picture, your emotions will fluctuate.

The price behind the sacrifice is completely immeasurable.

This aunt has no son, how will she live the rest of her life?

An Ran almost cried on the spot, but at the critical moment, Chen Jun sensed her emotions and gently pulled her hand before she could hold back.

Chen Jun looked at the captain and said softly, "Trouble the captain to introduce you, let's go over and say hello to her."

"Okay. The

captain nodded, and immediately led them over.

When he came to the woman, he looked at the woman and introduced: "Auntie, these two soldiers came to see you, they used to be your son's comrades-in-arms.

Hearing this, the woman who was crying in pain paused, and immediately became excited with emotion, and was about to kneel down in the next second, but in the end, she was still safe and fast, and directly helped her up, so she didn't kneel.

The woman with tears on her face looked at An Ran and cried: "I know you helped him, thank you, I treat him and thank you, you are all good people."

After saying this, the woman began to weep again, and the tears were like bursting embankments with a gap, and they could not be stopped.

An Ran didn't understand the pain in the hearts of women, and the greatest pain in life was nothing more than a white-haired person sending a black-haired person.

If she could, she wanted to save the policeman.

It's a pity!

An Ran sighed heavily, looked at the woman and said, "Auntie, in fact, he left a message before leaving." Hearing

this, the woman immediately took An Ran's hand excitedly, looked at her with eager eyes and asked, "What did he say, what did he say before leaving?" An Ran

said: "He said, you must catch the thief, they hurt people."

Hearing this, the surrounding law enforcers immediately lowered their heads, and in addition to grief and indignation, there was also guilt in their eyes.

At that time, they all heard the words of the comrade-in-arms, but they did not have the strength to catch the thief, so they saw the comrade-in-arms unfortunately leave.


this, the woman's tears fell, "My baby is hard at work, but it's a pity that he can no longer serve the country." An

Ran nodded, and said: "There is another sentence, he said that he wanted to accompany his mother to travel to the capital, but unfortunately he couldn't come back, so let me tell you that you must spend your old age in peace."


this, the expression on the woman's face froze, and the next second she knelt directly on the ground, burying her head and crying, "Son, you only have your last breath left, and you still remember the wish in your mother's heart." At

that moment, the woman could not hold back any longer, and fell to her knees and cried loudly again.

She didn't expect her wish to become her son's last wish, in the past, she did often talk to her son that after her divorce, all the money was used to pull him big, and she was reluctant to spend it, if she could, she hoped to go to Beijing once in her lifetime.

The women's hoarse cries resounded all around, and the cries shook the heartstrings of everyone present, and many people cried silently.

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