Because of Ye Lao's proposal, Chen Jun was transferred to the military department, so soon, the phone call from the military department was directly to Gao Shiwei.

It was the hawkish Ye Lao who called and called people, and he decided to make this call himself.

As soon as the phone was connected, Ye Lao opened his mouth in an accountable tone, "Mr. Gao, what is your situation, you didn't report it to me, but Minister Zhao of the Law Enforcement Department came to me to praise your soldiers, I didn't know at all." "

Just because of this... Gao Shiwei was stunned for a moment, and then laughed, "Isn't it just a matter for the police to cooperate with our special forces and law enforcement departments in this mission?" "

I don't think it's a big deal, Chen Jun just completed it normally, and there was nothing abnormal, so I didn't report it specifically."

"Chief, forgive me.

Ye Lao suddenly raised his voice, "It's not a big deal?" "

Boy, the drug lords in Jinshan have been rampant for half a century, and no matter how many drug arresters they have, they can't completely eliminate them, and because of this, how many people have we lost."

"Now, the special forces you sent out directly grabbed these guys and controlled them as good as their grandsons, those are all generals, they are like the grandsons of law enforcers, obedient and obedient, we say one, they don't dare to say two, haha, it's so interesting."

Ye Lao laughed a few times proudly, and then said with a smile: "We not only cut off the channel for drugs to enter the Yan Country this time, but also let such a big drug lord cooperate 100%, do you say that such a thing is really not a big deal?"

Speaking of Chen Jun's achievements, Ye Lao's eyes flashed with excitement and excitement, as if he was talking about his own business, not someone else's.

As a soldier, I love to listen to achievements, especially achievements like Chen Jun, I have only heard of such a time in half a century, even if it is the status of the chief, Ye Lao will definitely not be able to suppress the excitement in his heart.

Not to mention Ye Lao, and Gao Shiwei was also excited when he heard the consequences of Chen Jun's achievements, and his two big black eyes full of majesty were shining with golden light.

Chen Jun is a soldier under him, Chen Jun is famous, he also follows the light, and the entire military region is famous.

Ye Lao actually praised Chen Jun like this, that tone sounded like he was praising his own grandson, this treatment, no one.

Gao Shiwei has not heard Ye Lao praise a soldier like this for a long, long time, it should not be that he has never heard Ye Lao praise a person like this, especially a young man like Chen Jun.

Chen Jun's ability to be so praised by Ye Lao is all due to his strength.

This guy deserves such attention.

Yes, really good!

Gao Shiwei was a little excited in his heart, to be honest, he almost laughed out loud, but in the end he still suppressed it, but his mouth said indifferently: "The soldiers of our military region pay attention to low-key, unsung heroes, this is our style." Gao

Shiwei is a person who has experienced great storms, and naturally knows that the more fierce the leader's praise, the more low-key he should be.

Anyway, emotions can be driven by the leadership, but they can't overpower the leadership, especially the annual approval of the armaments of the Southeast Military Region has to go through Ye Lao, so we can't be too excited and too content.

Low profile...... Ye Lao was a little speechless, you call it low-key, this has alarmed the entire military department, the law enforcement department holds meetings every day to summarize and commend, and you still say that it is low-key? Ye Lao

naturally also knows what kind of medicine is sold in Gao Shiwei's gourd, he coughed, and then said: "Gao boy, I approved your proposal last time."

This time, Gao Shiwei couldn't suppress the excitement in his heart, and asked tentatively: "Chief, what do you mean, do you

agree?" "Do you really agree with Chen Jun's implementation of the lifelong system?"

In his words, Gao Shiwei did not hide his expectations at all, because he also expected Chen Jun to implement a lifelong career.

The implementation of the hacker commando system for life is only a promise he made to Chen Jun, and whether it can be implemented in the end depends on the final decision of the military region headquarters.

Chen Jun's results this time are just right, and it is the right time to apply for this system.

Gao Shiwei is the best at pinching the point to control the speed, low-key when it should be low-key, and make requirements when it should be requested.

Chen Jun is attracting much attention in the military department, how can he miss this opportunity?

Ye Lao really accepted it happily and nodded directly, "Originally, I still wanted to inspect Chen Jun, but now I look at his ability and confirm that he can take on great responsibilities, I want to give him more power, which can be regarded as developing talents."

"There is no shortage of soldiers in our country, but there are too few soldiers who can be regarded as talents, and Chen Jun is a very rare comprehensive talent, which needs to be vigorously used."

"Yes. Gao Shiwei was so happy that he almost saluted the phone.

"I thank the chief for Chen Jun, but unfortunately I can't salute you in person.

Ye Lao shook his head, "Don't thank you, everyone is for the country, so let's do it, I will give Chen Jun ten places, he doesn't have to go to study, just do it." Hearing

this, Gao Shiwei's eyes lit up directly, and the whole person became excited.

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