Let You Make A Promotional Video, You Make A Police Story?

Chapter 308 Shocked By The Audience, Why Did \"Warriors\" Reverse So Much?

At the same time, on well-known foreign social networking sites.

The news that "Unparalleled" won several awards at the Berlin Film Festival has been high on the search list.

Under these topics, there are discussions of netizens from all over the world.

"A movie from Kyushu can win so many awards, I must have not woken up!"

"When did Kyushu movies become so powerful! In my impression, Kyushu's film and television works are not even comparable to Sakura Country!"

"I just can't accept this fact, it's just incredible!"

"What's the name of this movie, I'll go see it now!"

"The name of the movie is "Wu Shuang", but it's only shown in Kyushu. If you really want to see it, you can only go to the film festival to watch this movie."

"Really! I happen to be in Berlin, and I'll go check it out now!"

While the Chinese website was arguing about the movie "Wu Shuang", some foreign media and netizens who were close to the scene all came to the viewing hall!

At this time, there were already quite a few spectators sitting in the viewing hall.

These audiences are full of directors, screenwriters, and actors from all over the world, as well as some ordinary audiences!

The reason why they are sitting here is that they come here because of their fame, or they want to find fault in the movie and find an excuse that it is not worthy of multiple movie awards.

An hour and a half passed quickly.

Many viewers still did not leave the theater after watching the movie.

They sat on their seats and didn't come back to their senses for a long time.

Then, finally, some audience members couldn't hold back their doubts and whispered towards the people around them.

"Who do you think is the real painter in the Wushuang movie!"

"I think it's Li Wen! Anyway, after watching the movie, I think it's him!"

"No, no, you only saw the second layer. In fact, in the movie "Wu Shuang", Li Wen is not a real painter!"

"What are you kidding, my brother, Li Wen is the painter, there is no doubt about that!"

"I thought so too at the beginning, Li Wen and his lover were buried in the fire, and the bad guys were judged! ", but have you ever thought, if the ending of the movie is really this, why this movie will win the best picture at the Berlin Film Festival.

So, I started to recall the details carefully.

After thinking for a long time, I finally remembered an important clue.

In the last scene of the movie, the picture that Ruan Wen painted was clearly green mountains and green water in front of her, but in her painting, it was a completely different color.

And this, reminds me of... color-changing ink!

I think she is the real artist! "

"Hey! My God, this is absolutely impossible! How could Nguyen Van be a painter?"

"It turns out that we were deceived by the screenwriter. The ending he showed us was only the first-level ending. It turns out that there is such a deep meaning behind it!"

"The screenwriter and director of this film is a Kyushu native named Ye Chen! I remember his name, he is a truly talented person!"

"Could it be that the jury will give the last few awards to this film, I feel a little creepy in retrospect now!"


Under the communication of some media people, many foreign audiences sitting in the cinema have become completely stupid.

what! Nguyen Van is the painter, can't they watch a fake movie!

But under the narration of these professionals, they recalled the foreshadowings that were inadvertently planted in the movie.

With the departure of the first audience, those who watched the movie and the media also began to share their thoughts after watching the movie on social software.

"Just now, I was at the film festival and watched the movie "Warrior".

At the beginning, I, like most people, thought that this movie was not qualified to win so many awards.

But when I watched the movie carefully, I realized...

Human prejudice is a mountain!

We have always thought that there are no good movies in Kyushu, but this is not the case, but we are not willing to try to understand!

The movie "Wu Shuang" changed my perception of crime movies. If it wasn't for the reminder from several professional screenwriters while watching the movie, I once thought that the villain in this movie was Li Wen.

Available under their analysis!

But it was amazing to discover that there was someone else behind the scenes.

The screenwriter not only constructed a shocking scam for Li Wen, but also constructed a scam for the audience. He played most of the audience around!

If you have the chance, you must watch the movie "Wu Shuang"!

It deserves so many awards! "

——From the famous California director John!

"If I hadn't walked into the movie theater in person, I would never have believed that Kyushu could produce such an excellent work.

The background of this movie is easy to understand, you won't understand what the movie is about because you don't understand Kyushu culture!

But the screenwriter has played a series of eye-popping reversals against a relatively simple background.

It is precisely because of this movie that I learned about a talented screenwriter and director in Kyushu - Ye Chen! "

- Kenichi, a well-known actor from Sakura Country!

"I don't care at all who is the real artist in the movie "Wu Shuang".

What I care about is Ye Chen's paintings in the exhibition.

This kind of perfection of abstract art is simply too pleasing to the eye!

Some details that even Western masters can't accurately control are actually perfectly displayed in this film.

Now, I just want to know, who made the paintings in the exhibition in the movie "Wu Shuang"! "

——From the professor of the Gallic Painting Department, Vicki!


Numerous discussions related to the film "Wu Shuang" were disclosed by the first audience.

Many foreign netizens who saw these remarks were completely incomprehensible.

"I want to know what happened, why so many international masters are full of praise for the movie "Wu Shuang", is the Kyushu movie really so good?"

"The paintings in the movie "Wu Shuang" are from Ye Chen. My teacher once took his works and taught us a lesson!"

"Most of the audience are being played around? This joke is not funny at all!"

"Laughing to death, foreign netizens are also starting to discuss who is the real painter in "Wu Shuang"?"

"Seeing so many masters and praising the movie "Warrior", I feel very proud as a Kyushu native!"

"Those who said there was a shady scene before, I suggest that after watching the movie, it's not too late to comment again!"

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