Chapter 102: Six Laser Cannons!!

“Propaganda film for weapons tests??”

Zhuang Shuo on the opposite side said with some doubts.

He didn’t expect that what Xiao Bai wanted to shoot was actually this, and he had to know that the weapon effect shooting was still relatively small.

Because if the power is strong enough, then it has reached the level of a secret weapon, it is impossible to shoot, the power is not enough, and there is no point in shooting.

“That’s right, and this test is open to the public…”

Indeed, it is common to not shoot a documentary about the test of a positive weapon or the power of a weapon.

But this time is not unusual, it is a weapon that can wipe out a mountain, combined with a new weapon created by the horror of nuclear fusion.

It is definitely not comparable to an ordinary weapon, but according to normal, this weapon should be secretly blocked to save information.

But now the small life is too drifting, without deterrence and suppression, the impact on the majesty of the country and all aspects is too great!

Hearing Xiao Bai’s words, Zhuang Shuo seemed to have thought of something, and the disappearance of the mountain on the hot list suddenly flashed in his mind, combined with the two outsiders, he seemed to have guessed something, and his heart suddenly became a little clear.

This may probably be due to international pressure to actually respond to 423.

However, he did not ask more, this is also the most basic respect for national security, but his heart can’t help but be a little hot, as the person in charge of the central mother, he knows many things that ordinary people do not know, and naturally knows that the international situation is more severe than expected.

If this time, it can really deter the outside world, then it is definitely a good thing!

Thinking about it, he looked serious, nodded, and agreed.

“No problem, I’m calling someone over to shoot the little.”

After speculating, he also paid special attention to this matter.

Open to the public, that is the face of the Dragon Kingdom, it is absolutely slow!

“Okay, I’ll give you the address then…”

Xiao Bai saw that Zhuang Shuo agreed, and did not hesitate, and directly spoke.

Now he only needs to wait for He Lei to complete the site search, he can start notifying the hypothetical position, and finally wait for Han Tian to finish shooting the cannon and start testing!

This test, not only is a simple weapon test power, but also a kind of force deterrence against the enemy country, there must be no mistakes!

N718 experimental base.

In the experimental area, people were surging, looking busy, but there was no noisy sound.

The professors are busy arranging the final upgrade, and except for the first experience, everyone’s movements are much faster and they are also very practiced.

Moreover, the biggest problem, the fusion reactor device, has been solved, and they only need to match, install and slightly debug.

In fact, a week after the nuclear fusion device was completed, the new laser cannon was completely upgraded.

However, under Han Tian’s signal, everyone did not stop the action in their hands, but built the second and third fusion reactor devices and the laser cannon foundation framework.

That’s right, Han Tian didn’t plan to stop here, since he wanted to make it, he must look at the limit of the laser cannon, and also test whether this laser attack method can form a matrix to form an energy convergence to see if he can really blast down three meters in a small day!

You know, this is one of his intended goals for researching laser bags!

Anyway, the nuclear fusion device, he already has the most correct data and manufacturing plan, and has also gone through the most real experiments, successful, so this next replication is exceptionally simple, although it is still a little difficult for those professors, but for Han Tian is almost easy.

And there was no nervousness at the beginning, so the manufacturing speed was extremely fast, but after more than half a month again, the number of laser cannons had already become six.

Of course, this is also thanks to the sufficient funding of the project, and the cost of each laser cannon has reached hundreds of millions.

This is also because most of them have been tested and optimized for manufacturing with the least consumption.

Otherwise, the cost may double!

In the experimental area, six identical laser cannons were placed on it, and unlike the first tested laser cannon, this time it looked more delicate, but the size became smaller, but it was more restrained.

It seems that because it contains the highest energy in the scientific research community, I can vaguely feel the inexplicable pressure brought by it.

The volume has become smaller, but the momentum has not weakened at all, and it is even more sharp, which makes people’s hearts palpitate!

At this time, next to these six laser cannons, a group of professors were surrounding them, looking at this laser cannon with fiery eyes, and their eyes seemed to radiate light.

This is the result of their hard work for almost a month!

“Finally done…”

“I didn’t even think we could build six doors in such a short time.”

“Thanks to General Engineer Han’s successful breakthrough of the nuclear fusion energy device, I wonder what effect these laser cannons can achieve?”

“I kind of want to see if I can bombard a mountain last time, and this time I don’t know if I can bombard the ground by three meters.”

“Only three meters? That’s six laser cannons! The pattern is enlarged, try to bang six meters out?! ”

Everyone has some expectations for these six laser cannons.

After all, the last test already had such great power.

Unconsciously influenced by Han Tian, they became particularly important about the power of this laser cannon.

Whether they can’t blast the ground flat for three meters, they don’t feel enough, because at this time, they all understand the importance of weapons to a country like Han Tian.

That is the dignity of a country and the strength of a nation!

Han Tian, who was standing in the center of the crowd, looked at the six laser cannons, flickered slightly, and seemed to nod with some satisfaction.

“A matrix of six laser cannons, if a salvo is fired, I don’t know how the movement is that he has the system, naturally knows the parameters of these six laser cannons, compared to the one tested at the beginning, each one is more than 10 times more than at that time.”

That is, the power conversion can bombard ten mountains with one cannon!

And the laser cannon can gather energy to form a matrix, but it is not as simple as one plus one…

He is now looking forward to what the scene will be if six laser cannons are fired at the same time, and he doesn’t know if it can exceed his expectations.

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