Letting Loose After Marrying A Tycoon

Chapter 369 Arang: Congratulations to Mr. Xiao for winning the crown of the Cuckold Kingdom!

[Miss Lu, the wings tattoo on your lower abdomen is so cute. 】


Lu Qingqing felt as if someone had poured a basin of ice water on her head. Her whole body was cold, her legs in high heels were wobbly, and she almost sat down on the ground.

The wing tattoo was tattooed on the bottom of her lower abdomen, close to the most private place.

Not many people know that she has tattoos. Apart from the tattoo artist, the only ones are Xiao Ye, her closest boyfriend, and the male artist she dated a few days ago.

This person really has her video in his hand!

Lu Qingqing returned to the car and opened the unfamiliar link. As soon as she entered, she saw countless screenshots.

In the pictures, her and the male artist's faces are not coded. Anyone who sees these pictures will know that the heroine is her, Lu Qingqing.

If the other party has screenshots, they must also have a dynamic video in their hands!

Lu Qingqing was in a state of confusion, her legs and hands were trembling while sitting in the car. She bit her lip, thinking about the identity of this stranger.

Could it be that the male artist was deliberately pretending to blackmail her in order to make a fortune?

Lu Qingqing immediately called the male artist for verification.

"Who is this?" The other party was already asleep, and when he was woken up by a phone call in the middle of the night, he was inevitably a little angry.

Lu Qingqing asked the other party fiercely: "An Jiayao, did you take the video and deliberately threaten me?"

The actor named An Jiayao was a little confused.

What video?

He was confused and asked: "What are you talking about? What video? I don't understand it at all."

Hearing this, Lu Qingqing felt even colder. "Someone got the video we took and uploaded it to a secret website. An Jiayao, besides me, there is also you in the video."

An Jiayao suddenly sat up and completely woke up from his drowsiness. "Are you serious?"

"I'll send you the link." Lu Qingqing hung up the phone and sent the link directly to An Jiayao.

An Jiayao opened the link and entered it. After seeing the screenshots and photos, his heart dropped. It's over, it's over, his future is over!

An Jiayao called Lu Qingqing immediately.

On the phone, An Jiayao's voice was full of panic and uneasiness, "Miss Lu, you must agree to whatever that person asks you to do! Otherwise, if this video is spread, both of our reputations will be ruined! To you and right I’m not good either.”

As An Jiayao spoke, he was making quick calculations in his mind. He said: "If the other party wants money, let's pay it out together, 50/50! After all, it's not just me but you who appear in the video. 50/50 is the fairest!"

Lu Qingqing directly hung up the phone on An Jiayao.

Five or five points!

**It is ruthless.

With An Jiayao's noise no longer in her ears, Lu Qingqing felt that her mind was clearer and her thinking became more active.

That person is not An Jiayao.

Who could that be?

If it were An Jiayao, the two would be dog-eat-dog, and there would still be room to resolve the matter. But it happened not to be An Jiayao, but a stranger hiding in the dark.

Unable to guess the person's identity, Lu Qingqing had no choice but to send a text message asking the other person: "Who are you?" what do you want? 】

Lu Qingqing waited for almost a minute before waiting for the other party's reply.

The stranger said: "Give me five million and kneel down to apologize to Nan Yanyan, and I will let you go." Otherwise, I will put this video on Weibo, forums, and every software that can be opened on the Internet]

When Lu Qingqing saw this message, what else didn't he understand?

It turned out to be him!

Lu Qingqing asked the other party: [Are you Han Rang? 】

The other party responded to her with a smile.

Arang originally planned to post these videos of Lu Qingqing on Weibo, but in the end he showed mercy. If Lu Qingqing can't do what he asks, then he will never show mercy!

Lu Qingqing was furious.

Ask her to apologize to Nan Yanyan?



She was indeed the one who interfered with Nan Yanyan and Xiao Ye's relationship back then, but if Xiao Ye didn't have that restless mind, how could she have seduced Xiao Ye?

If he wanted to apologize, it was Xiao Ye who should apologize to Nan Yanyan!

Lu Qingqing calmed down a lot. She edited a new text message and sent it to Arang.

Lu Qingqing: [I can give you money, but I can’t apologize. ] She had been smiling proudly in front of Nan Yanyan for six years, how could she be willing to bow her head?

Ah Rang knew that Lu Qingqing was a person who was willing to accept the welcome but not the weak.

After reading the text message, Arang replied calmly: [You may have made a mistake. Apology is the main condition, and five million is an additional condition. If you don't apologize, then I won't want the five million. Since you can feel confident when you are a mistress, you can feel confident if you want to have sex with her. In this case, I'd better send the video out so that everyone can see how coquettish the woman Xiao Ye cheated on was in bed. 】

After typing these words, Arang checked it carefully again to make sure that there were no typos and that the meaning was expressed clearly, and then he sent the text message.

Lu Qingqing was still fearless after seeing Arang's reply. She didn't believe that Han Rang really dared to do that. After all, she was Director Lu's daughter.

Lu Qingqing was thinking this and saw Arang texting again: [If you don't believe me, I dare? Well, follow my Weibo account XXX. I will post the first video in two minutes. 】

Lu Qingqing's eyebrows jumped.

Does he really dare?

Lu Qingqing opened Weibo suspiciously and searched for a newly registered account with all letters in it. The new account has not posted any updates, so the dynamic page is clean.

Lu Qingqing pinched the time to refresh.

As soon as I refreshed, I saw that the new user had updated a video. Lu Qingqing quickly clicked on the video and clearly saw the video taken by her and An Jiayao!


Lu Qingqing screamed and kicked her feet wildly in the car!

She quickly called the unknown number, but the other party never answered. It wasn't until the second before the phone was about to hang up automatically that Arang answered the call slowly.

Lu Qingqing roared into the phone: "Han Rang! You deserve to die!"

Arang took the phone farther away.

Lu Qingqing cursed and talked a lot on the other end. Later, she realized that Arang might not have listened to her words, so she became quiet.

After Lu Qingqing finished yelling, Arang said leisurely: "Ms. Lu, as of three seconds ago, six people had watched this video. If you don't make a decision, someone might save it and download it."

Lu Qingqing was silent for two seconds before gritting her teeth and saying, "I apologize."

Arang smiled slightly and said, "Good girl, if only you had been so obedient, why should you take advantage of those strangers?"

Arang deleted the video.

Lu Qingqing refreshed the video again and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that the video had disappeared. "I'll transfer the money to you later. Apologize." Lu Qingqing pinched the hip skirt that hugged her thighs with her hands, and said unwillingly: "I will also apologize."

"Very good." Arang picked up a piece of chicken wing and took a bite. After chewing the food and swallowing it, he told Lu Qingqing: "Apologies must be sincere. You have to kneel down and cry to apologize. Tell Nan Yanyan that you are wrong. It's you who is coquettish and Xiao Ye who is cheap."

Arang made many requests, but at the end, he did not forget to add: "Before ten o'clock tomorrow morning, I want to see you in front of the AK E-sports building to apologize to Nan Yanyan."

Lu Qingqing was immediately stimulated and shouted loudly: "You want me to go to the AK E-sports building to apologize to her? In front of so many people?"

Arang's lips curled up and he said confidently: "You robbed her ex-boyfriend in front of the entire e-sports circle, and even made love to Xiao Ye in her car. You were so awesome when you robbed her man, Then when you apologize, you should be more vigorous."

Lu Qingqing was so angry that she wanted to kill someone, but now she was the fish on the chopping board and could only be slaughtered by Arang.

Between choosing to apologize to Nan Yanyan or letting people make fun of the video as it circulated on the Internet, Lu Qingqing finally chose to apologize.

It would be better for people across the country to know that she was a mistress than to have her videos studied by people all over the country.

After weighing the pros and cons, Lu Qingqing finally nodded and admitted defeat. ".Okay, I'll go."

Arang smiled after achieving his goal.

"You idiot, do you really think you can keep jumping until the day you enter the coffin?" He, Han Rang, came to defeat Lu Qingqing.

After Lu Qingqing was tidied up, Arang focused his attention on Xiao Ye again.

Xiao Ye, the grandson, has never cheated or had sex, his private life is relatively clean, and he has not made any mistakes in his career. It is really difficult to deal with him.


After learning that the guy who delivered the food was actually the younger brother of the CEO of Zeus International, Xiao Ye was restless all night. At around two o'clock in the evening, the team members proposed to go out to have a barbecue.

Many e-sports players are on the fat side, and it is rare for e-sports players like Xiao Ye to be disciplined and go to the gym every day. In their faith team, most of the members are otakus.

Lin Huo found Xiao Ye and asked him: "Xiao Shen, are you going out for a late-night snack? I heard there is grilled durian, and Dou'er pays for it." Dou'er is the new captain of the Faith Team. He is only eighteen years old and still a child.

Xiao Ye took out his wallet, handed it to Lin Huo, and said, "It's my money to pay the bill, it's outrageous to use the children's money."

"Okay!" Lin Huo came to Xiao Ye to ask for money. Once he got the money, it didn't matter whether Xiao Ye went to have barbecue or not.

Everyone ran to have barbecue, and the bustling training room suddenly became quiet. Xiao Ye felt a little lonely.

He walked out of the room, went to the training room on the second floor, and sat down on his exclusive throne. The seat next to him has already been taken by a new kid.

Six years ago, another child sat here. At that time, Nan Yanyan, as the most capable female e-sports player in the e-sports circle, was a treasure in the e-sports circle.

Xiao Ye once got this treasure, but he lost it.

When they first fell in love, Nan Yanyan was wearing a sweatshirt and jeans, and the way she dominated the keyboard with her slender hands was what attracted Xiao Ye the most.

But later, he began to dislike her for not being able to dress up, for her being bare-faced, for not being able to act coquettishly, for not being proactive enough.

And obviously at the beginning, what he loved was her authenticity and lack of pretense, and what he loved was her reserve and shyness.

It was obvious that when he first pursued Nan Yanyan, he also fantasized about marrying Nan Yanyan. When did he change his mind?

Xiao Ye pressed his hand between his eyebrows, feeling extremely painful inside.

The lost treasure became the apple of someone else's eye before he could pick it up.

Xiao Ye regretted his mistake.

At this moment, Xiao Ye suddenly received a strange text message.

Stranger: [Xiao Ye, do you dare to compete with me at the AK shooting range at noon tomorrow? 】

Xiao Ye was silent for a moment in response to this text message, and then asked the other party: [Are you Han Rang? 】

Arang returned his smile.

Xiao Ye has been to the AK shooting range several times, and his results were not bad. He pondered for a moment before agreeing to the other party.


The next day, early in the morning, Nan Yanyan got up from bed, washed and changed clothes, then sat in front of the dressing table and put on makeup. She glanced at the day circled in red pen on the calendar, and she became more and more nervous as she thought that the wedding day was getting closer.

Nan Yanyan put on makeup and saw that it was almost time, so she went to a breakfast restaurant outside the community to eat. During the meal, Arang called her.

Nan Yanyan answered the phone and asked him, "Are you up?"

Arang took his subordinates to go on errands. Recently, some people in the company have become restless. They discovered something fishy and they had to catch the bad mouse as soon as possible.

Arang was sitting in the van assigned by the company to their logistics department. He took a bite of a hard baguette and said, "Eat some bread in the van. I'm going to catch someone later. I guess you're having breakfast."

Arang had figured out Nan Yanyan's routine.

Nan Yanyan hummed, and the two chatted for a few words before hanging up the phone. After hanging up the phone, Nan Yanyan took a selfie and sent it to Arang.

Seeing the photo, Arang reminded Nan Yanyan: "Maybe you can put on red lipstick, something more domineering."

In the photo, Nan Yanyan is wearing a loose-fitting satin glossy long-sleeved shirt, with curly hair hanging lazily on both sides of her shoulders, but her makeup is relatively plain, so she looks gentler.

When Nan Yanyan received Arang's proposal, she didn't understand it. "Don't you like my lighter lip color the best?" In the past, Nan Yanyan wore bright red lipstick that looked like a royal empress, but Arang wouldn't let her kiss him, saying she was afraid that the lipstick would cause allergies on her face.

From then on, Nan Yanyan seldom wore red lipstick in order to kiss Arang secretly.

Arang's reply was very interesting. He said: "Today you are going to be the queen, so change the color of your lipstick." 】

Nan Yanyan asked him: "What are you doing again?" 】

Arang: [Keep it secret, it’s a surprise. 】

On the way to the company, Nan Yanyan was still thinking about what Arang's so-called secret surprise was. She parked the car downstairs, carried breakfast and walked into the building. She turned on the speaker and roared: "Boys, get up and have breakfast before going to bed!"

These night owls, if you don't bring them food, they can sleep until one o'clock at noon.

Nan Yanyan roared, and all the trainees and regular team members came out of the room. They squinted their eyes and went downstairs as if they were wandering in a fugue. They received their breakfast and went back to their rooms.

But some people stayed.

"The manager has such a strong aura today." The men didn't know about lipstick or makeup, so they felt that Nan Yanyan looked more aura today.

Nan Yanyan chuckled and said, "Today, I am acting like a queen."


Captain Youyou had already woken up. He took out all the breakfast bags and threw them away. When he returned, he saw a woman wearing a big sun hat, a mask and sunglasses in front of the building, sneaking toward the AK The building looked on.

Yu Yu stopped and stood two meters away from the woman, looking at her. If you dress up so well in broad daylight, you are either a murderer or a lunatic.

Without thinking, Youyou took out his cell phone and called security.

Lu Qingqing was looking into the AK building when she heard someone behind her say: "Security comes out, there is a suspicious person outside."

Lu Qingqing suddenly turned her head and looked towards Youyou.

Youyou is the captain of the AK e-sports team, and of course Lu Qingqing knows this boy. Lu Qingqing quickly took off her glasses and mask, and said to You Yu, "Yule, it's me, Sister Lu."

You You looked at the sweet face under the wide-brimmed hat and felt sick. Damn it, Sister Lu, the woman who hurt our Manager Nan, still has the nerve to call herself Sister Lu in front of him?

Youyou hung up the phone, stared at Lu Qingqing and said, "Miss Lu, what are you doing in our AK?"

Lu Qingqing calls herself Sister Lu, but this guy also calls herself Miss Lu, obviously he has a problem with her.

Lu Qingqing didn't even fake a smile. She glanced inside the building and said, "Yule, can you help me call your manager out? I have a few words to say to her."

Youyou refused coldly and said, "Our manager will not meet anyone who is unfamiliar and has not made an appointment."

Damn it, a small manager is quite capable!

Lu Qingqing cursed a few times in her mind before saying, "Please go in and talk to your manager. Just tell her that Lu Qingqing has something to do with her and she will come out."

Pleasure remains indifferent.

At this time, the security guard who received a call saying that there was a malicious person outside ran out. Wearing a bulletproof vest, holding a shield in his left hand and an anti-explosion fork in his right hand, he rushed out first.

Following the security guard were a group of e-sports players and manager Nan Yanyan.

Youyou raised his eyebrows and cast a gloating look at Lu Qingqing, "I'm sorry, Miss Lu, I didn't recognize you just now. It was a misunderstanding."

Lu Qingqing stared straight at Nan Yanyan behind the security guard.

Today, Nan Yanyan was wearing a loose satin long shirt, a black high-waisted irregular skirt, and a pair of lace high-heeled shoes. She looked very charming when she stood there.

Who would have thought that that country bumpkin with no make-up and no knowledge of dressing up would transform into this stunning and heart-stirring look?

The security guard put down the explosion-proof fork, looked at Lu Qingqing who was wearing a hat, holding a mask and sunglasses warily, and asked her: "Who are you looking for? What do you do?"

"I'm looking for your manager, Nan Yanyan."

Nan Yanyan walked up to the security guard, frowned and stared at Lu Qingqing, and said with contempt: "We have nothing to talk about, Miss Lu, please go back to where you came from."

Lu Qingqing hesitated, not knowing how to speak. Just then, a text message came from her phone.

Lu Qingqing had a bad feeling.

She opened her phone, lowered her eyes, and saw a text message from Arang urging her: "If you don't kneel down and apologize within one minute, I will make you regret it." 】

Lu Qingqing subconsciously looked around, but didn't see Arang's people.

Who is informing Arang?

Knowing that Arang was staring at her in the dark, Lu Qingqing desperately realized that she couldn't just go through with today's apology.

Lu Qingqing put her bag, mask and sunglasses on the ground. She walked towards Nan Yanyan step by step, her eyes fierce and full of jealousy.

Nan Yanyan was not afraid of Lu Qingqing at all. She directly grabbed the explosion-proof fork from the security guard's hand. Nan Yanyan held the explosion-proof fork with her right hand, frowned and said to Lu Qingqing, "Do you want to fight? I won't show mercy this time."

If she didn't beat Lu Qingqing until her teeth were all over the floor, her surname wouldn't be Nan!

Lu Qingqing said nothing and continued to approach Nan Yanyan.

Nan Yanyan was about to pick up the fork to stop Lu Qingqing from approaching, when she saw Lu Qingqing suddenly kneeling in front of her!


What on earth is this woman going to do?

Nan Yanyan held the explosion-proof fork and was stunned on the spot.

"What are you doing!" Nan Yanyan put down the explosion-proof fork in her hand and looked at the woman kneeling in front of her with disgust.

Lu Qingqing lowered her head and refused to speak.

The phone in his pocket was ringing again, like the sound of the scythe in the hand of Death dragging on the ground. Lu Qingqing didn't dare to bet, fearing that if time dragged on any longer, Han Rang would send the video to the lunatic if he didn't like it.

Lu Qingqing's cheeks were so embarrassed that she looked red, as if she was drunk. She held her jeans tightly with both hands and whispered something.

The sound was too quiet, Nan Yanyan couldn't hear it at all. "What did you say?" Nan Yanyan asked her.

Lu Qingqing gritted her teeth and gave up.

"I'm sorry, Nan Yanyan!"

Nan Yanyan's expression was slightly stiff, while the others showed playful expressions. When Nan Yanyan came to her senses, she asked nonchalantly: "Why are you apologizing to me?"

Lu Qingqing squeezed out two drops of crocodile tears from her eyes. She choked and carried the apology letter Arang sent her last night and said: [Nan Yanyan, I am sorry for seducing Xiao Ye six years ago. 】

[I like Xiao Ye so much that I couldn’t help but be mean and seduce Xiao Ye! Xiao Ye is also cheap, he got into my bed as soon as I seduced him. 】

[This pair of scumbag men and women have done too many immoral things. I’m sorry for you, Nan Yanyan! 】

Nan Yanyan thought she was hearing hallucinations.

The people watching the excitement also looked stunned.

Lu Qingqing actually apologized to the manager? She also said that she and Xiao Ye were a pair of scumbags and a bitch?

Nan Yanyan looked at Lu Qingqing thoughtfully. She probably guessed the reason why Lu Qingqing came to apologize. Someone must have threatened him.

Who is that person? Nan Yanyan can use her toes to figure it out. Nan Yanyan felt happy when she thought that Arang had successfully avenged herself.

When Lu Qingqing saw that Nan Yanyan was silent, she raised her head, raised her lovely face with tears, and asked her in a low voice: "Nan Yanyan, are you willing to forgive me?"

Nan Yanyan crossed her arms and stared at Lu Qingqing condescendingly. She was not moved by Lu Qingqing's seemingly sincere apology.

"I accept your apology. But I will not forgive you." This was Nan Yanyan's answer.

Lu Qingqing's expression was astonished.

"Why don't you forgive me?" Arangke said that she must be forgiven by Nan Yanyan. If Nan Yanyan refused to forgive herself, then her kneeling would be in vain.

Nan Yanyan sneered and said, "You robbed my ex-boyfriend and hung out in my car with my ex-boyfriend. You scumbags openly bullied me and made me a joke in the entire e-sports circle. , making me lose face!"

Nan Yanyan tightened her red lips and smiled contemptuously, "I have suffered, I have suffered, and I have suffered grievances. Now you come here and apologize lightly, and I have to forgive you?"

Nan Yanyan has never been a kind child, she is very petty. The prime minister's stomach can carry a boat, but she can't even hold a small leaf in her stomach.

She was the one who was bullied, why should she forgive the person who harmed her?

When Lu Qingqing saw Nan Yanyan's appearance, she suddenly became furious. She really wanted to stand up and have a fight with Nan Yanyan to win or lose.

But her cell phone kept vibrating to remind her that if Nan Yanyan didn't accept her apology today, her reputation would be over!

Lu Qingqing can only continue to pretend to be a grandson.

She moved her knees a few steps on the ground and moved in front of Nan Yanyan. Lu Qingqing hugged Nan Yanyan's waist and began to tell the story of the incident six years ago in tears.

They stood aside and listened with great interest. The more they listened, the more they wanted to beat Lu Qingqing and Xiao Ye to death with a stick.

Lu Qingqing added: "We shouldn't have messed around in your car that day. I was too naughty that night. Xiao Ye originally didn't agree to go to your car and wanted to go to the hotel. It was me who insisted on being in your car. In your car, I think that would be very exciting. And Xiao Ye, he likes a girl like me who can let go."

Nan Yanyan listened with a wooden face, her disgust for Xiao Ye getting deeper and deeper in her heart.

"Nan Yanyan, I'm sorry for you. I shouldn't have taken Xiao Ye away. I did something wrong. I know my mistake now. Can you forgive me?"

Nan Yanyan didn't want to look at Lu Qingqing again, it would dirty her eyes if she looked at him any more.

She pulled her foot back and said coldly: "You go, I forgive you." Nan Yanyan was afraid that if Lu Qingqing didn't leave, she would be sick and vomited.

Upon hearing this, Lu Qingqing stood up immediately, wiped away her tears, picked up the things on the ground, got in the car and drove away.

The figure running away quickly seemed to be chased by a python behind him.

Youyou and the others stared at the direction Lu Qingqing's car was leaving, and they all gathered together and discussed the matter.

"Manager, did Lu Qingqing take the wrong medicine? She actually came here to apologize to you. I really want to apologize. I should have apologized long ago in the past six years!"

"Yes, Lu Qingqing is such a squeamish person. At first glance, he doesn't look like someone who can apologize. Did he fall into someone's hands and was he threatened?"

Nan Yanyan shook her head and said she didn't know. "Those who haven't woken up should go to bed first, and those who have woken up should run laps for me. What's the point of staying at home at such a young age!"

"Yes!" Most of the children went back to sleep, and a few ran to the indoor fitness room to exercise.

Nan Yanyan returned to her office and called Arang.

When the call was connected, Nan Yanyan asked, "Do you have any clues about Lu Qingqing?"

"Yes." Arang had already arranged for his subordinates to sit in a teahouse opposite the e-sports building, and took a video of Lu Qingqing kneeling down to apologize to Nan Yanyan.

He asked Nan Yanyan: "Are you feeling good?"

Nan Yanyan couldn't laugh or cry.

But she was happy.

"It's so cool!"

Nan Yanyan brought the topic back again, "What's the reason you hold Lu Qingqing in your hand?"

"In a few videos, Miss Lu is quite open. She is having a sweet relationship with her boyfriend, and happily renting a house with her. Sister Yan, you are in someone else's house."

Nan Yanyan was really surprised, "Did Lu Qingqing cheat on you?"


Nan Yanyan felt relieved when she learned that Lu Qingqing had cheated on her. "Great, Xiao Ye finally has a taste of being cheated on."

This can be considered a kind of revenge.

"I won't tell you anymore, I have something to do here." Arang hung up the phone and heard his subordinate say: "Minister Han, we have found the woman's residence. She is indeed pregnant. It seems that the news is correct."

The vice president of Jetta International Hotel disliked his wife for not giving him a son and kept a 21-year-old girl outside. Arang's subordinates found out about this, and they came to verify the news today.

"Okay, let's go back."

Arang did not return to the company and went directly to the AK shooting range. He changed into a camouflage uniform, sat on a chair in the waiting hall, and sent Lu Qingqing's video to Xiao Ye's mobile phone.

He did print that Lu Qingqing would not send the video to the Internet, but he did not promise her that he would not send the video to her boyfriend!

After sending the video, Arang sat on the chair and dozed off, waiting for Xiao Ye's arrival.


AK Design Club is in the countryside, backed by two mountains. It takes two hours to drive from the city to the club.

Xiao Ye drove to the downstairs of the club and picked up his cell phone to call Arang to ask where he was. He turned on his phone and found that he had a text message that he had not read.

He saw the link in the text message, hesitated for a moment, and then clicked on it.

After watching those edited videos, Xiao Ye was furious and felt like his head was green. "Lu, Qing, Qing!" In a fit of rage, Xiao Ye threw the phone in front of the co-pilot. As a result, it hit the console and caused the airbag to explode!

Xiao Ye was startled. He stared at the air bag that suddenly popped out and couldn't help but touch his short hair with his hand irritably.

Is this what it feels like to be cheated on?

I just want to kill someone every minute!

Temporarily suppressing the anger in his heart, Xiao Ye changed clothes under the guidance of the staff. Wearing camouflage uniform, he walked to the waiting area and saw Arang, who had been waiting for a long time.

The two nodded and said hello.

Xiao Ye asked him: "Mr. Han, have you been waiting for a long time?"

Arang shook his head, "Fortunately, the journey is long and the weather is hot. Mr. Xiao, would you like an ice drink?" As he said that, Arang threw a bottle of drink towards Xiao Ye.

Xiao Ye quickly caught it, looked down and found that it was a bottle of kiwi juice that was so green that it glowed!

The color is a bit subtle.

Xiao Ye's eyes flickered, not sure whether this was a coincidence or Arang's intention.

Arang knew what Xiao Ye was thinking. He stood up from his chair, walked to Xiao Ye, and thoughtfully helped Xiao Ye unscrew the bottle of kiwi-flavored drink.

Arang put the drink back into Xiao Ye's hand. Like a curious baby, he tilted his head and asked Xiao Ye: "Interview Mr. Xiao. How does it feel to be cheated on?"

Xiao Ye jumped wildly with a look of flesh on his face.

Ah Rang pointed at the kiwi drink in Xiao Ye's hand. His smile was mean and evil, "Isn't it sweet and sour, with endless aftertaste?"

Xiao Ye raised the bottle of kiwi and threw it towards Arang angrily. Arang jumped away quickly and accurately avoided Xiao Ye's attack.

The kiwi fruit drink was all spilled on the ground. Arang sniffed it, then clapped and said, "Congratulations, Mr. Xiao, for winning the crown of the King of the Cuckold Kingdom! What a joy!"

Sorry, Ge'er has a cold and has been feeling sleepy after taking medicine, so the update is finished

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