Letting Loose After Marrying A Tycoon

Chapter 389 Jiang Zhen blew up his vest, Han Wangwang: Farewell, boss!

The main purpose of Sheng Jing's visit today was to take a look at his junior sister's child. As for the matter between Sheng Qingya and Jiang Guchuan, he didn't pay much attention to it. The feelings between these young people are left to the young people to get along with each other on their own, and it is inconvenient for adults to interfere too much.

Sheng Jing had a heart bypass operation a few years ago. An accident occurred during the operation and he almost died. Therefore, he is very precious about his life now.

After walking for a while, Sheng Jing saw the pleasant scenery here and felt a little tired, so he said to Jiang Zhen: "Xiao Bi'er, let's go sit on that chair."


Sheng Jing sat down and crossed his legs.

Jiang Zhen had been helping Sheng Jing hold the health tea cup he carried with him. After sitting down, Jiang Zhen quickly unscrewed the cup and handed it to Sheng Jing. "Uncle Sheng, you can enjoy the hot tea."

"Okay." Sheng Jing held the water cup, took a sip of tea, and then closed the lid.

He held the teacup in both hands, placed it on his lap, looked up at the high-rise buildings across the artificial lake, and suddenly asked Jiang Zhen: "Have you visited your mother in these years?"

"I go every year." Every death anniversary and Spring Festival, Jiang Zhen and Jiang Weimin would go to the cemetery to pay homage to Lan Ruoyun.

Sheng Jing nodded with satisfaction, but then said: "The last time I saw your mother was the month before she passed away. That day she suddenly called me and asked me whether the gene search library was reliable. Well, I went to find out more about it, and then I called her and said it was reliable."

It turns out that there was a hidden secret behind the mother’s visit to the gene search bank to record DNA. Jiang Zhen asked: "After listening to your words, did your mother go?"

"Your mother not only left, but also donated all her property to that institution. Your mother cared about you two children until she died." Sheng Jing hit her leg with a cup and sighed: "She blames herself ah."

Jiang Zhen no longer remembered the circumstances under which he and his sister were abducted, and Jiang Weimin did not tell him in detail. When he met Sheng Jing today, Jiang Zhen suddenly had an idea and asked, "How did we disappear?" ?”


Sheng Jing first let out a long sigh, then recalled the long past, and said eloquently, "That day was your fourth birthday, and it was also your parents' wedding anniversary. Your father's company is on the rise and he often works overtime. On your birthday, he didn’t have time to go home, so your mother was at home to celebrate your birthday with you.”

"Your mother baked a small cake for you. When you two were singing and making wishes, you got into a fight for some reason and left the cake all over the floor. Your mother was originally in a bad mood because of Jiang Weimin's neglect of the family. She collapsed at the naughty behavior of your brothers and sisters.”

"I wonder if you can understand how she felt that day."

The child is naughty and careless, the husband neglects the family and neglects her. All these reasons add up, and Lan Ruoyun, who is already mentally exhausted, will inevitably collapse.

Jiang Zhen put himself in his shoes and thought about it. He could understand Lan Ruoyun's helplessness and collapse.

"Your mother was furious at you and punished you to face the wall and think about your mistakes. After she cleaned the house, she hid in her room and cried secretly. When she calmed down and went downstairs to ask you to take a shower, she found that you were gone."

"That night, the police, your parents, and the company's employees all used flashlights to search the area. They searched all the places that needed to be found, including ponds, ditches, and woods, but they couldn't find you brother and sister. That's when we concluded that you disappeared."

"When I heard about this, a week had passed. I rushed back to Wangdong City. When I saw your mother, she was sitting on the sofa with a haggard and unkempt face, holding your photo frame. As soon as she saw me, I I cried till my heart broke and kept confessing to me."

"It would be great if you don't lose your temper with them and don't leave them alone and run back to the room. Then Zhenzhen and Bi'er won't be stolen. This is what your mother often talks about."

When Jiang Zhen thought of his mother crying like crazy, he felt uncomfortable in his heart.

Sheng Jing added: "At first, when everyone saw your mother, they couldn't bear it, and they would sit down with her to comfort her. But your mother has been unable to get over the grief of losing her children. Everyone got tired of hearing about her misery and longing for her children. Gradually, when your mother was mentioned again, her attitude was more indifferent and disgusting."

"My child can't be found, but my husband is still busy with the company's affairs, and her friends are gradually moving away from her. The little junior sister is slowly becoming depressed and crazy." She became Xiang Lin in real life. Sister-in-law.

"By the time I found out something was wrong with my junior sister, she was already suffering from severe depression. The doctor said that she might have trouble thinking about her symptoms at any time, but she managed to hold on for eight years, and then she probably couldn't hold on anymore. When he got down, he jumped from the tall building and ended his life."

Sheng Jing's eyes were filled with tears again.

Lan Ruoyun fell from a tall building and her body was broken into two pieces. Jiang Weimin spent a lot of money to hire a forensic doctor to repair her body, and also hired an embalmer to put makeup on her, so she could barely maintain her human form.

After receiving the news, Shengjing rushed to Wangdong City for the funeral. When he saw Lan Ruoyun, she had already put on her shroud and was lying quietly and obediently in the coffin. She was covered with a thick layer of white powder and looked nothing like her. The little junior sister is like her original self.

"When Master was alive, I was always worried about my little junior sister. I often wonder, if my little junior sister had not married your father back then, but had married a man with a more ordinary status and a more family-oriented man, would the outcome have been different?"

Sheng Jing did not deliberately slander Jiang Weimin in front of the children. Sheng Jing just couldn't stand Jiang Weimin and hated Jiang Weimin. Hate him for neglecting his family, hate him for not accompanying his little junior sister, hate him for ruining his kind and gentle little junior sister like that!

Jiang Zhen felt Sheng Jing's hatred for his father, and he was not unhappy about it.

Uncle Sheng hated his father, and that was right. Not to mention Uncle Sheng, even he also hated his father after hearing these things.

As Uncle Sheng said, if his father could spend more time with his mother when he discovered that his mother was not in good mental condition, her mother might not be overwhelmed and suffer from depression.

There are many mothers who have lost their children in this world, and most mothers get back on their feet after being depressed for a period of time. Either start a long journey to find a child, or give birth to a new one and start a new life.

Lan Ruoyun was not a fragile and weak person. It was the neglect of her by her husband and friends, coupled with the pain of losing her child, that forced her to become a neurotic patient.

Jiang Zhen felt unhappy for that woman.

"Bier, your brother." Sheng Jing was always thinking about the little boy who had never been found.

He turned his head and looked at Jiang Bi, and said sadly: "I heard from your father that when Zhenzhen was very young, in order to protect you, he used himself as bait to deceive the bad guys."

"Tell me, is that child Zhenzhen still alive?"

Jiang Zhen lowered his head and replied in a dull voice: "I'm afraid he's gone. Our adoptive father was very cruel. Back then, my brother and I secretly escaped once, but unfortunately we were caught back. He kicked us in anger. Broke one of my brother’s ribs and beat him to bed rest for a month. He also beat me”

Jiang Zhen stared at his thin wrists, blinked his curled eyelashes, and murmured: "I was also tied up with chains and locked up for three or four months."

Sheng Jing was furious when he heard this, "Where does your adoptive father live? This kind of thing must be severely punished! Call the police! You must call the police!"

Jiang Zhen shook his head, "It's useless to call the police. I don't remember where that family lives."

Hearing this, Sheng Jing lowered his head dejectedly. "That's right, you were too young at that time."

Sheng Jing's cell phone rang. It was his lover calling to urge him to go back to the hotel.

Sheng Jing hung up the phone, stood up slowly, lowered his head and said to Jiang Zhen, "Let's go, Bi'er. My uncle will live in Wangdong City for a while. Remember to come and chat with me when you have time. My uncle likes you, girl." "

She is the only bloodline of the junior sister, how could he not like her.


Jiang Bi and Sheng Jing returned to Jiang's house together and saw Jiang Weimin and his wife, together with Jiang Guchuan, sending Mrs. Sheng and Sheng Qingya away.

As soon as the group of people walked into the courtyard, they saw Jiang Zhen and Sheng Jing returning.

Jiang Weimin walked up to Sheng Jing and said enthusiastically: "Brother Sheng Sheng, since you want to live in Wangdong City permanently, you must often come to my little brother's house to play."

Sheng Jing hummed coldly, patted Jiang Bi on the shoulder, and got into the car.

Sheng Qingya exchanged WeChat messages with Jiang Zhen, then looked back at Jiang Guchuan. Seeing that Jiang Guchuan was also looking at her, Sheng Qingya blushed slightly and then bent down and got into the car.

After watching the Sheng family leave, Jiang Weimin said: "Everyone has left, let's go back too."

Jiang Zhen said, "I still have something to do, so I have to leave first."

"It's so late, you still want to leave?" Jiang Weimin turned around and looked at Jiang Zhen and asked him, "Is there something wrong with the company?"

"No, it's a bit of a personal matter."

"What's the matter?" Jiang Weimin's posture was to break the casserole and ask the end. Zhu Xiulan pulled Jiang Weimin's arm, gave him a look, and said, "When your children grow up, they always have their own things to do. What do you want to do?"

Only then did Jiang Weimin realize that he cared too much for Jiang Bi and lost his sense of proportion. "Go ahead and drive slower."


Jiang Zhen drove away in the car, and Jiang Weimin said, "The children are getting older, and they will become smaller when we go home." He turned to Jiang Guchuan and asked, "What do you think of that girl from the Sheng family?"

"It's okay." Jiang Guchuan's answer was ambiguous.

When Jiang Weimin saw that Jiang Guchuan was not unhappy with the girl, he said, "Uncle Sheng is now very prosperous. He has opened more than 2,000 chain stores across the country and is also a famous jeweler in the country. He has no son."

Jiang Weimin smiled meaningfully at Jiang Guchuan and said, "You take care of it yourself."

Jiang Guchuan's expression remained unchanged and he responded softly.

After Zhu Xiulan heard this, she said: "When choosing a partner, family background is indeed very important, but character is more important than family background. As the saying goes, marrying the right wife will bring blessings to three generations. A woman with tough and pure character is more important than family background. It’s worth thousands of gold.”

Zhu Xiulan has always been an independent woman, otherwise she would not have become Jiang Weimin's right-hand man in business. When Jiang Guchuan heard Zhu Xiulan's words, he shook his head and smiled, and only said: "A woman's opinion."

Jiang Weimin walked into the house.

Zhu Xiulan pulled Jiang Guchuan's arm and told him: "If Miss Sheng's family is a good person, then it's okay to get along well with her. If her conduct is not good, just be a friend with this kind of woman. Gu Chuan, mom, don't It will harm you."

Jiang Guchuan took Zhu Xiulan's words into account and said, "I understand, Mom."

"It's good to know."


Jiang Zhen was thinking about something while driving to Yulong Mountain.

Uncle Sheng said that his mother called him one month before her death to inquire about the gene bank.

A woman who is mentally disturbed due to depression can still care about these things and even know how to donate her personal property to a foundation. This does not seem like something that a mentally ill person can do.

Jiang Zhen frowned and thought for a while, then suddenly took out his mobile phone and called Sheng Jing.

Sheng Jing was still on his way back to the hotel when he received a call from Jiang Zhen. He was a little surprised. "Bier? Why are you calling? Did I leave something at your house?"

"Uncle Sheng, I want to ask you something."

Only then did Sheng Jing laugh, "Whatever it is, just ask."

"Uncle Sheng didn't release his cell phone outside, did he?"

Hearing this, Sheng Jing was stunned for a moment, then looked at his daughter and lover, and silently turned down the volume on his phone.

After doing all this, he said to Jiang Zhen: "You tell me, I'm listening."

Jiang Zhen knew that Sheng Jing was a smart man, so he asked: "Uncle Sheng, you said that my mother called you to inquire about the gene bank before she passed away. I would like to ask you to recall carefully that when your mother contacted you, How was your mental state when you were there?"

Afraid that Sheng Jing would not understand what he meant, Jiang Zhen added, "I mean, is her logic clear in her words? Is she in a trance or normal?"

Sheng Jing's mind was spinning rapidly, and while he was guessing Jiang Zhen's intention in asking these questions, he answered cautiously: "It's rare to be sober."

That time on the phone, the junior sister spoke with normal logic and expressed every sentence clearly, without any crazy or depressed feeling.

But Shengjing had ignored this detail before.

Jiang Zhenxian hummed, and then asked: "I want to know, when my mother donated money to the gene bank, who helped her handle it?"

Sheng Jing was surprised again.

He really hasn't thought about this issue.

Jiang Zhen added: "My mother is a mental patient. She should not have this ability."

"There is a caregiver who takes care of your mother." Sheng Jing thought for a while, but did not remember the person's name. "I only know her name is Aihua, but I forgot her last name."

"I see."

Jiang Zhen parked the car at the foot of Yulong Mountain, turned on the computer, and easily found out the identity of the caregiver who took care of his mother.

Li Aihua was originally a nurse at the First People's Hospital, but was later hired by Jiang Weimin at a high price to take care of Lan Ruoyun at the Jiang family.

Li Aihua has taken care of Lan Ruoyun for seven years. It is no exaggeration to say that she should be the person who knows Lan Ruoyun best in the world.

Jiang Zhen wrote this down and then continued driving up the mountain.

When he arrived at Yulong Villa, he happened to meet Cecilio's family who had returned from outside. Cecilio was holding a bag of something in his hand, like a takeaway bag of food from a certain restaurant.

Jiang Zhen and Cecilio nodded and said hello, and when they were about to go in, they saw Agen coming out. He walked slightly faster, so his limp was obvious.

Jiang Zhen stared at Arang and stood aside silently.

Agen ran over and snatched the takeout bag from Cecilio's hand, opened it, took a look, and then smelled the spicy smell intoxicatedly.

He told Cecilio: "You shouldn't go out to play today. Today we had crayfish, which was delicious."

Cecilio was not interested in crayfish. He said: "The takeout is forty-eight in total. Pay for it." With a person like Agen, you have to settle the accounts clearly.

Agen blinked at Cecilio and said shamelessly: "I am your brother, you have to take more care of me. This meal is considered your invitation, bye!"

After saying that, Arang turned around and left with the takeout bag. When passing by Jiang Zhen, I picked a duck clavicle from his bag and threw it to Jiang Zhen.

Jiang Zhen caught the duck collarbone and heard Arang say: "Don't you like eating this? I'll reward you!"

When Jiang Zhen was begging in Nanxing City, he saw people buying Juewei countless times. At that time, he dreamed of eating a bite of duck clavicle.

Later, when he got rich, he never bought this thing.

Jiang Zhen is a rather strange person, and he has strange thoughts in his mind. Although he was poor, he regarded duck clavicle as a delicacy. When he grew up and became rich, he did not dare to buy it. I'm afraid that the taste of this thing is just like that, and I'm afraid that my childhood dream will be shattered.

Jiang Zhen hesitated for a moment, then lowered his head and took a bite. The meat of the duck clavicle was numb and spicy, and the taste was indescribably strange.

Sure enough, this thing doesn't taste very delicious.

But Jiang Zhen still didn't abandon it.

The housekeeper Cai Jinyu had known Jiang Zhen for a long time. When he saw him coming to see Han Wangwang, he smiled and asked, "Miss Jiang, come to see Wangwang?"

Jiang Zhen hummed and asked Butler Cai: "Butler Cai, is Wangwang in the room right now, or somewhere?"

"After being beaten, I'm resting in my room."

Jiang Zhen heard that Han Wangwang had been beaten and felt like his feet were on fire, so he went to Han Wangwang's room in a rage.

Cai Jinyu stared at Jiang Zhen's eagerly leaving figure and murmured: "This is a cold attack on the outside, a hot attack on the inside, and a warm and delicate feeling."

Cai Jinyu has already sprouted a short love story about Lily in his mind.

Su Huanyan walked over with Cecilio and the children. When she heard Butler Cai's murmur, she immediately looked at Butler Cai with a strange look.

Cai Jinyu quickly adjusted his facial expressions, smiled at them, and said, "Mr. Clooney, Miss Su, welcome home."

Su Huanyan took Cecilio away. After returning to the room, she couldn't help but send a WeChat message to complain to Song Ci. Su Huanyan said: [Song Song, your housekeeper is a strange person, he actually likes to flirt with beautiful women. 】

Song Ci had already discovered Cai Jinyu's cuteness. After receiving the message, she responded to Su Huanyan with a laughing emoticon.


Jiang Zhen stood outside the room and knocked on the door. Han Wangwang's aggrieved voice came from inside: "I'm not hungry, so I won't eat midnight snacks."

Jiang Zhen continued to knock on the door, and Han Wangwang said again: "I'm sleepy, I'm going to sleep." She didn't know who was outside the door, she just thought it was Butler Cai or a domestic helper who came to deliver supper.

"It's me, Wangwang."

Hearing Jiang Zhen's voice, Han Wangwang put his hands on the bed and sat up suddenly. I got up in a hurry and forgot that my hands were injured. When I did this, the palms of my hands hurt even more.

Han Wangwang's eyes were filled with tears instantly.

She went to open the door barefoot and opened it. When she saw Jiang Zhen outside the door, Han Wangwang burst into tears. While shedding tears, she said: "I'm fine, I don't feel any pain, and I wasn't beaten."

Every word is a lie.

Jiang Zhenmo's dark eyes looked at her seriously, seeing through Han Wangwang's lies. "To me, don't lie."

Jiang Zhen walked into the house, closed the door, and then pressed Han Wangwang between his chest. "I'm sorry for making you feel wronged."

Han Wangwang leaned his forehead against Jiang Zhen's arms. She closed her eyes to block all the tears, and then asked worriedly: "Is it inappropriate for you to tell my little cousin about your story?"

"Then what should we do?" Jiang Zhen sighed, touched Han Wangwang's head, and said, "I can't let you get beaten and punished because of my things."

"If my little cousin reveals this, then you will fail in your efforts."

Jiang Zhen stopped talking.

Deciding to tell Han Zhan about his bad things was a rash and bold move. But when Jiang Zhen thought that Han Zhan might beat Han Wangwang and Han Yueyun would not let Han Wangwang go, he got confused.

He wanted revenge. He also wants people.

"I just hope your little cousin is a tight-lipped person." Jiang Zhen thought for a while and then said, "I think your little cousin should be someone who can keep secrets."

"Fart, he told my little cousin about everything. If you don't believe me, watch my little cousin's expression carefully tomorrow morning. If she keeps peeking at you, it's definitely my little cousin who told her about you. .”

Jiang Zhen laughed and shook his head, "They are husband and wife. Mr. Han should tell Mrs. Han everything. Isn't that right?"

"But your situation is even more dangerous." Han Wangwang felt worried for Jiang Zhen when he thought that Jiang Zhen's male body might be exposed.

Jiang Zhen said: "I choose to believe in your family, just as I believe in you." This is Jiang Zhen's affectionate confession, more than I have ever loved.

After Han Wangwang heard what he said, he said nothing. "I see."

Han Wangwang withdrew from Jiang Zhen's arms. She looked back at the 1.8-meter bed, lowered her head, and said with red ears, "The bed is quite big. You can sleep with me tonight."

Jiang Zhen was about to nod when he heard Butler Cai knocking on the door.

Butler Cai knocked on the door, and without waiting for the two young people inside to answer, he said, "Miss Jiang, the guest room has been cleaned up. Please follow me to the guest room to rest, Miss Jiang."

The husband just informed him that he must take Miss Jiang to the guest room to rest. Butler Cai never asks why the master gives an order, he just needs to implement it.

Not hearing a reply from the person in the room, Butler Cai added, "Miss Jiang, I will personally take you to the guest room."

Jiang Zhen and Han Wangwang looked at each other speechlessly. After a moment, Jiang Zhen smiled first. "Ha" bent down, put his face in front of Han Wangwang, and gently pinched her cheeks

The two looked at each other, Jiang Zhen said with a smile: "You little cousin, you are as careful about me as you are about a thief. That's right, I am not a flower picker."

Han Wangwang's face turned red.

Jiang Zhen let go of Han Wangwang's face, turned around and left. Before leaving, he said coquettishly: "I will dream about you, Wangwang."

Han Wangwang didn't dare to ask him what he would dream about her. He couldn't even imagine that she must be naked in the dream.

Upstairs, Han Zhan was relieved when he heard Butler Cai's reply that he had taken Miss Jiang to the guest room.

Song Ci leaned in Han Zhan's arms, and she also heard Butler Cai's report.

Sensing that Han Zhan was obviously relieved, Song Ci laughed at him and said, "Han Zhan, what's the use of doing this? They don't live together tonight, but what about tomorrow night? What about the night after tomorrow?"

"They can do whatever they want when you can't see them. You can't do this." Song Ci saw the way Han Zhan disciplined Han Wangwang and could not imagine how he would discipline his two daughters in the future. How strict will it be?

Han Zhan sneered and said, "How old are they?"

Song Ci said: "Jiang Bi is 24, and Wangwang is also 23. He has reached the legal age for marriage."

Han Zhan added: "I'm still young."

"Are you young?" Song Ci laughed angrily, and said, "The year you slept with me, I had just turned 22, not even 23 yet. I am not yet 25 years old, and I am already pregnant with my second child. What did you do? explain?"

Han Zhan: "."

Han Zhan was so stunned that he couldn't say a word.

Speaking of age, Song Ci is about to turn 25. She said, "I want to go to Italy for my birthday this year." Song Ci's birthday is in August, not long ago.

"I'm busy with work, and I can only spare one week of free time at most." Even if he went to Italy with Song Ci to celebrate his birthday, he would have to work remotely, and it was impossible for Pepsi to really ignore everything.

Song Ci nodded and said, "A week is enough. Actually, I miss COCO. I always dream about it recently." Song Ci touched her slightly bulging belly and said, "I don't know if it misses me too." ”

Han Zhan really didn't like the great white shark like Edward, but COCO had saved Song Ci, and they had a deep relationship, so Han Zhan couldn't stop Song Ci from seeing it.

"Okay, let's go to Italy for your birthday."


The next morning Jiang Zhen and Han Wangwang got up and went to the restaurant to have breakfast together. Song Ci and Han Zhan got up earlier than them. Han Zhan was doing morning exercises and Song Ci was doing yoga.

Everyone else was still snoozing, and it was just the four of them dining in the restaurant.

Breakfast was a mix of Chinese and Western styles. Jiang Zhen didn't want to eat in the morning, so he served a bowl of vegetable porridge. Han Wangwang seemed to have a good appetite and ordered a bowl of porridge and a hand cake with eggs and bacon.

Han Wangwang's hands were still swollen and it was inconvenient to hold things, so Jiang Zhen helped her put the food in front of her. When Jiang Zhen sat down, he noticed that Song Ci had been peeking at him.

Han Wangwang and Jiang Zhen looked at each other.

Han Wangwang picked up his phone and secretly sent a message to Jiang Zhen. Jiang Zhen's cell phone vibrated in his trouser pocket. He took it out and saw Han Wangwang saying: [Look carefully at my little cousin's eyes. 】

Jiang Zhen turned off his phone and looked towards Song Ci. Song Ci was secretly sizing up Jiang Zhen. When she saw Jiang Zhen suddenly looking towards her, she quickly turned her head and ate her breakfast without looking away.

Miss Jiang is a man.

Because of the preconceived identity of 'Miss Jiang Family', Song Ci never doubted Jiang Zhen's gender even though she had already discovered that Jiang Zhen had flat chest and was tall and thin.

But after learning the truth that Jiang Zhen was a man, Song Ci looked at Jiang Zhen again and thought, 'I am so stupid'.

Jiang Zhen has an Adam's apple. Jiang Zhen's facial lines are a bit sharp. His chest is too flat and his feet are too big.

How come she never suspected Jiang Zhen before?

Song Ci had to admire Jiang Zhen's disguise. He was so successful in disguising that after so many years, no one discovered that he was a man!

Even Han Wangwang didn’t notice it!

Thinking of Han Wangwang, Song Ci despised her.

How did she fall in love? They have been in a relationship for more than a year, but they haven't found out that Miss Jiang is a boy. Are they in a platonic relationship?

Even if Jiang Zhen is a woman, don't they usually touch each other? Do something shameful?

When Han Wangwang noticed that her little cousin was looking towards her, she straightened her back immediately and cast a questioning look at her little cousin.

Her little cousin shook her head in disappointment at her, then opened her mouth and said two words using lip language.

Han Wangwang lowered his head, imitated Song Ci's lip language, and found that what Song Ci said was——


After finishing breakfast, Han Wangwang rushed to Song Ci. She hugged Song Ci's arm and asked Song Ci: "Little cousin, we just had breakfast, why did you say I was useless?"

Song Ci withdrew her hand from Han Wangwang's arm, and she stood next to the wall like a penholder. Standing upright against the wall after a meal can help you lose weight and maintain a graceful posture.

Song Ci has always been strict in managing herself, whether it is body, appearance or expression.

Song Ci leaned against the wall and squinted at Han Wangwang. Seeing that there was no one around, she said, "I won over your little cousin in less than two months. It's good for you. I've been in love with someone for more than a year. I know the other person is a man. Do you think you are useless?"

Han Wangwang suddenly blushed. He was obviously angry, but he couldn't refute Song Ci's words.

Han Wangwang stamped his feet, "How are you?" She flicked her long hair, turned around and ran to Jiang Zhen's car, and went down the mountain with him.

In the car, Jiang Zhen saw that Han Wangwang was very angry, and was curious about how Song Ci made her angry. "Why did your little cousin bully you?"

Han Wangwang grabbed the seat belt with both hands and pouted and said: "She dislikes me for being useless. She said that I have been dating you for more than a year and I don't even know you are a man."

Han Wangwang felt that he was quite useless. "It's all your fault! I wanted to touch you several times, but you refused. You always found various reasons, but I still believed it!"

Han Wangwang suddenly felt that his brain had been eaten by a dog.

What a genius girl from the Han family!

What a mathematical genius!

all fake.

She is obviously a retarded person who has eaten shit!

Jiang Zhen also felt guilty, knowing that Han Wangwang was venting his anger on him, so he did not dare to say anything and could only endure Han Wangwang's anger silently.

When he arrived downstairs at Han Wangwang's office, Jiang Zhen said, "I'm sorry, it's my fault for hiding my gender from you all this time."

He apologized seriously, but Han Wangwang couldn't be pretentious anymore.

Knowing Jiang Zhen's pain in concealing the truth, Han Wangwang could not bear to condemn Jiang Zhen's dishonesty. "You are not allowed to lie to me again."

"Never again."

"Then what else are you hiding from me? It's best to make it clear now. If I find out, we will definitely quarrel again."

Han Wangwang generously gave Jiang Zhen a chance to confess everything.

Jiang Zhen frowned, his expression hesitant to speak.

Han Wangwang suddenly raised his eyebrows, "Is it really true?"

Jiang Zhen said hesitantly: "I am the boss of the AK Design Club, AK E-Sports Club, and F International Intelligent Technology Company. Is this a secret?"

Han Wangwang was stunned, and then quickly unbuckled his seat belt.

"Farewell, boss." Han Wangwang kicked the door open and slipped out of the car like a loach.

They are not of the same world.

He is so rich, but she is so poor that this month’s salary is not enough to pay for next month’s expenses!

She is the one who has reached a high level!

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