Level 1 Player

Chapter 186 winning streak

‘How did this happen?’

Zedros could hardly believe the reality unfolding before his eyes.

He is the king of the dynasty.

He thought that he had no opponent except the emperor.

He did have other princes.

Of course, some of them were stronger than Zedros.

However, even the high-ranking princes could not push themselves so overwhelmingly.

Power is power, and magic is magic.

Nothing could overwhelm the opponent.

Even his speed was faster than his own, and his stamina and skill resistance were also higher than his own.

A situation that is pushed in all respects.

‘Is there a player of this level in the colony?’

It was a dimension that could not withstand the invasion of monsters and collapsed into a bloodless dimension.

After that, there were no special problems.

Because only low-level players on the mainland could occupy the entire dimension.

“Boy, what are you? Are you really a native of the colony?”

Jedros asked with a questioning expression.

In fact, the only thing that can only be questioned is, if there were such a talented person, there was no way that the dimension could be destroyed by only monsters.

“You know what to do.”

The opponent snorted and launched a stronger attack.

Zedros did his best.

And through the cry of the Overlord, he turned to his servants on the mainland for help.


The immediate support of other princes or emperors had to come to the aid.

Otherwise, the emperor had to summon him with the Overlord's Call skill.

However… … .


Before that, the right arm of Zedros holding the sword was cut off first.

‘The Overlord’s Call.’

Jed Ross summoned his minions from his homeland.

He was going to wear a shield, Laura.

“Protect me!”

The servants summoned by Zedros' shout rushed towards the opponent.

‘Are you going to live at the expense of your subordinates?’

Hyunseong snorted.

However, the number of summoned servants was quite large.

There, his skills were outstanding.

He couldn't beat Hyunseong, but he had the power to stop him for a while.

'how will we do it?'

Hyunseong was also able to mobilize his subordinates.

However, there was a high probability that the damage of the allies would increase in that case.

'At times like this, there's a guy who's right for you.'

Hyunseong pulled out a Life Force Vessel from Ah Space and injected his magic power three times in a row.


At that moment, jet-black magical energy erupted from the Life Force Vessel and took on a human form.

“Stop them.”

At Hyunseong's instructions, necromancer Shizura frowned and nodded his head.

Wow! Wow!

The magical energy emanating from the necromancer Shizra's body turned into an undead.

And the undead that were born in that way rushed towards Zedros.


“Stop it!”

“You must protect your lord!”Zedros' men did their best to protect their master.

But it was in vain.

With their skills, they could not stand up to the kings and lord-level undead rushing from all directions.

While the servants summoned by Zedros are being captured by the undead legions of the necromancer.

Hyunseong lost his right arm and targeted Jed Ross, who was running away.

Scratch! Scratch!

The dragon blood sword in Hyunseong's hand moved relentlessly.

As a result, the wounds on the body of Jed Roth as he escaped from the loss of his right arm increased one by one.

And in the end… … .


Jedros's neck was blown away.

- His subordinate Galdoku has withdrawn his appointment.

- His subordinate, Kirfred, has withdrawn his appointment.

- His subordinate Cheregos has withdrawn his appointment.

… … aftermath... …

One after another, the servants withdrew their oaths of allegiance.

'How the hell was a high-ranking guy?'

The number of servants withdrawing their oaths of allegiance exceeded thousands.

Hyunseong quickly confirmed the location of his subordinates.

‘The number of guys left on the mainland is not that great.’

It seemed like he was in a fairly high position.

‘Memory Steel.’

Hyunseong used a skill to peek into the memories of a month he had when he just defeated him.

'It's a pretty powerful dimension.'

The situation was different from the enemy dimension that Hyunseong had occupied.

There is an absolute monarch called the emperor.

There are numerous dynasties under it.

The figure who died at the hands of Hyunseong was one of the many kings of the empire.

‘It’s dangerous.’

If there was an all-out war, the probability of defeat was high.

‘The good news is that the emperor’s ass is heavy.’

Recently, the emperor has been obsessed with something.

So he had almost given up on love affairs.

‘It wasn’t until more than two weeks after Biggro Poo’s death that he put his hands on his hands because of the emperor’s indolence.’

It was fortunate for Hyunseong.

‘But since the prince is dead, he certainly won’t stay still.’

Although the emperor would not directly step forward, there was a high probability that higher-ranking princes would flock to the group.

‘For now, let’s do what I can.’

There were a lot of servants who escaped from his subordinates, but the number of those who remained was not formidable.

First, I had to push them away.

* * *

“Stop it! Absolutely block it! I will never forgive you for losing to the Red Dragon Guild!”

The emperor raised his voice and shouted.

"Yes! Lord!”

The giant players under his command worked hard to manipulate the keyboard and mouse.

The giant players with an average height of 5 meters used the transformation skill item to operate the keyboard and mouse and entered the game.

However, only their body size decreased, but their amazing body vision and reflexes remained the same.

"buff! puff!"

“Stop the tank!”

“Healer is lying down!”

The game room created by the emperor himself was literally a mess.

“Don’t worry about losing experience, just use the resurrection spell!”

The emperor raised his voice.

Three castles were stolen by the Red Dragon Guild in the war that took place a while ago.

The defeat suffered by the Red Dragon Guild, which I always thought was one step lower, was truly painful.After that, it just kept pushing.

‘Is that crazy guy rotting points?’

The emperor clenched his teeth.

It felt like the power of the Red Dragon Guild had more than doubled due to how much sage had been used.

The emperor also wanted to be more wise.

But there were not enough points.

lost in the money battle.

However, there were masters of the game that the emperor found after testing all the game money he had accumulated while ruling the castle and his subordinates.

“Fight! No more defeat! There is only victory for our Black Lion Guild!”

"Yes! Lord!”

To the emperor's call, the servants responded vigorously.

While the Emperor was immersed in the game, a small message window appeared in front of him.

- His subordinate, Jed Ross, has died.

“Ah! Busy but annoying!”

The emperor erased the message window.

Then he got into the game again.

* * *

Hyunseong was once again engrossed in the rescue operation.

If the princes came down as a group, the rescue operation could be disrupted.

‘Before that, we need to rescue as many people as possible.’

Under Hyunseong's direction, many people regained their freedom.

‘It’s thanks to him.’

In this dimension, many of the servants of Prince Zedros, whom Hyunseong had defeated, were also included.

Some of them could not withdraw their oath of allegiance.

Thanks to that, Hyunseong was able to easily rescue hundreds of thousands of people.

The servants of Prince Zedros were a great help in the rescue operation that followed.

They were the practitioners who governed this dimension.

Thanks to that, he was able to rescue a large number of people who were living as slaves in places that Locard did not know.

That wasn't the end.

Hyunseong made the most of the Shizura he had summoned anyway.

Shizra's undead corps was mobilized to carry out a large-scale rescue operation.

As a result, the speed of rescue operations was greatly accelerated, and many indigenous peoples were rescued.

And on the contrary, the giant players who were occupying this dimension suffered great misery one after another.


A bright smile appeared on Hyunseong's lips.

He's only recently earned the normal tier achievement, and he's already earned the rare tier achievement.

His heroic achievements didn't take too long to get, it seemed.

‘At this speed, I can get to the legendary level in no time.’

Thanks to the late response of the giants, they were able to suck the honey properly.

‘I don’t know why the response is late, but that’s out of my business.’

It didn't matter if the emperor was lazy or if there was a strife between the princes.

It was important to have the opportunity to properly suck the honey.

‘I can’t miss this opportunity.’

Hyunseong moved more actively.

And as a result, the giants had no choice but to take the occupied territories at an incredibly high speed.

* * *

While Hyunseong was sucking honey hard, there was an uproar on the mainland of the giants.

It was because of the rebellion that took place in the colony.


The princes defined what happened in the colonies as rebellion, not mere guerrilla terrorism.

This is because the size of the territory that was already stolen was quite large, and the number of giant players who were killed or entered under the control of the enemy exceeded one million.

“Your Majesty has no news yet?”

“You said that you would definitely attend the meeting today.”

“Hey, what the heck is important to you… … .”

“Aren’t you planning to invade another dimension?”“Is that even possible? I know that I need to know the coordinates to open the dimension gate... … .”

"Isn't there any way that His Majesty the Emperor is so preoccupied with this?"

“I guess it could be. But it is also important to protect the dimension that has already been occupied... … .”

The princes made a fuss about it.

Perhaps what if he knew that the Emperor was obsessed with the game and neglecting his love affairs?

You won't be as carefree as you are now.

After a while.

As promised, the emperor appeared in Daejeon.

“Jedros, my servant, is dead.”

At the emperor's words, the princes hardened their faces.

“Who is going to solve this?”

“Send God!”

“No! Send God!”

The princes clashed and asked to let them go.

What if I just solve this problem?

In addition to receiving great prizes, he was able to strengthen his influence on the colony.

“I can’t send all the lords… … .”

The emperor thought for a moment, then opened his mouth.

“McDwell, Bodfu, Kadoshi.”

The emperor called out the names of the three princes.

“Yes, Your Majesty!”

The three princes who were called out stepped forward with a happy expression on their faces.

“Let the lords work together to suppress the rebellion in the colonies.”

“I will do it!”

The three princes who had been chosen by the emperor responded vigorously.

After the Daejeon meeting.

Three princes led their servants through the dimension gate.

* * *

‘It’s fine.’

A faint smile appeared on Hyunseong's lips.

The rescue operation went smoothly without any problems.

'There is no problem between the Earth and the Partisha dimension... … .'

When the safety barrier disappeared, Hyunseong felt a great sense of insecurity.

And he made friends with allied level 1 players, including Gaktu Buk, and made this and that safety device.

But despite the contrast, there was no problem on Earth.

It was the same with Partisha's dimension.

The frequency of attacks by the half-human, half-dragons, which had been infrequent, was rather reduced.

‘Should Shizura be sent back soon?’

Hyunseong has Shizra's Life Force Vessel.

Thanks to that, he could send a signal to summon Shizra whenever he wanted.

However, in order to send Shizura summoned like that back to the enemy dimension occupied by Hyunseong, a separate dimension gate had to be opened.

'I've been procrastinating, but now I have to let it go.'

The dimension that Shizura ruled had stabilized to some extent.

However, there were more concerns about the head being absent for a long time.


Then Hyunseong's smartphone rang.

It was Shizura who called.

“What’s going on?”

- Enemies have appeared! They're smashing all the undead I play!

Hyunseong's face hardened upon hearing Shizura's words.

‘Are you here?’

The leaders of the giants dispatched additional troops.

“Is the undead too strong to handle?”

Hyunseong asked Shizura in an urgent voice.

The important thing now was to get information about the enemies.

-However, it is holding up, but if it continues like this, it will be wiped out soon. I don't have enough power.

“Can we win if we have enough magic power?”

- Just hold on a little longer. I think it's hard to win.

Hyunseong's expression hardened at Shizura's words.

The power of Shizra's undead corps, which is still recovering, was lacking in many respects compared to the magnificence it had shown in the past.

However, even with the lack of power, it was enough to boast of the best fighting power among the players under Hyunseong's control.

“Are you that strong?”

-There are three people as strong as you.

At Shizura's words, Hyunseong's eyes lit up.

‘The kings of the Principality are clear.’

The king of the dynasty made a whopping three trips.

‘I sent three because it couldn’t be solved by sending one.’

From Hyunseong's point of view, even though I didn't know one, the three were burdensome.

‘Once we have to scatter them.’

each breakout.

That was the only way Hyunseong could win this war.

“Split the undead into three and retreat. I will continue to supply the magic power.”

-I see.

Shizura answered briefly and hung up the phone.

‘Then let’s go hunting.’

Hyunseong flew towards the place where Shizra's undead corps was garrisoned.

* * *

‘Where is the necromancer?’

One of the kings of the Principality, Macdwell, frowned.

He tried the creation-grade detection skill.

He tried to detect magic and vitality, but… … .

To no avail.

McDwell went through the same confusion Hyunseong had in the past.

It was only natural that the necromancer did not know that he was an undead.

‘Once you see it, you can get rid of it.’

McDwell worked hard to organize the undead.

That was then.

The undead began to scatter.

“Let’s all disperse and annihilate.”

“Do that.”

Bodfu meekly agreed with McDwell's words.

However, the other person, Kadoshi, had a different idea.

“It could be a trap. Do you think it would be better to move together as one than to disperse?”

“You exchanged servants with each other just in case. So it’s okay.”

“Yeah, no matter how much Zedros suffered, can’t you just hold on to that moment?”

Ka Doshi, who was against the bruising of Mac Dwell and Bod Fu, nodded his head cheerfully.

Concerned that the communication skills would be interrupted by the magical force field, the three kings of the Principality included each other's servants in their camp.

It was to communicate with each other through the cry of the Overlord.

‘Something is going to happen in a moment.’

‘The first to subdue the rebels receives the greatest prize.’

‘I have to set the ball before the two of them.’

The kings of the Principality are the comrades who serve the emperor as their master.

But they were also competitors.

McDwell, Bodfu, and Kadoshi.

The three princes each led their own servants and began to pursue the scattered group of undead.

* * *

‘It’s finally here.’

In Hyunseong's eyes, a group of people chasing the undead corps and pouring an onslaught came into view.

Hyunseong had everything prepared in advance.After that, he lured the enemy through the undead corps.

‘Sunbread victory.’

Hyunseong raised his mana to the maximum and blew the first strike.

Fragile! Whoops!

The Black Lightning God Magician and the Book of Flames flew towards those who were pursuing the Undead Legion.


‘You went right in.’

I felt it when I was dealing with Zedros, but again, the best thing to do is to hit first and then surprise.


Hyunseong drew his dragon blood sword and ran forward.

The undead, who had been running away, turned and counterattacked.

“You cheeky bastard!”

Bodfu, who lost most of his men to Hyunseong's surprise attack, turned red.


Bodfu pulled out his sword and ran towards Hyunseong.

Hyunseong also rushed in without avoiding it.

Aww! Aww!

Hyunseong and Bodfu battled fiercely with swords and swords in succession.

'It's definitely higher than Zedros.'

What if there were three such talented people?

I thought that Hyunseong could be in danger too.

On the other hand, Bodpu, who is fighting Hyunseong, was also feeling quite a sense of crisis.

'This kid is pretty strong. Zedros didn't get hurt for nothing.'

As expected, the magic field was also spread out.

‘After all, the scattered undead was a trap.’

Bodfu looked around quickly.

‘He’s dead.’

McDwell and two of Kadoshi's servants were killed in a recent raid.

‘You just have to endure it.’

When a subordinate dies, a message goes directly to the monarch.

McDwell and Kardoshi will be running all the way here to stop them from setting the ball alone.

Bodfu was devoted to the defense.

‘Is this holding up?’

Hyunseong knew what his opponent was aiming for.

'When my colleagues come, I'm the only one having a hard time.'

Wow! Wow!

Hyunseong activated the Yonginhwa skill.

That wasn't the end.

Fragile! Whoops!

He lowered his stamina by indiscriminately firing the Black Lightning Shinma Ball and the Book of Flames.

Naturally, buff skills such as Berserk were activated.

‘Declaration of territory.’

He even activated his job skills.

Hyunseong's stat soared.

Aww! Aww!

Bodpu, who had been holding up well, started to push badly.


Bodfu's eyes were stained with blood.

Like Hyunseong, buff skills such as Berserk were activated.

‘Let’s see who wins.’

This was a race against time.

Hyunseong wasn't afraid to get hurt.

He believed in the defensive power of creation grade armor and dragon scales sprouting from his body, and unleashed an onslaught of onslaught.

Hyunseong and Bodfu's bodies were gradually stained with red blood.

‘I won.’A smile appeared on Hyunseong's lips.


On the contrary, Bodfu's expression became increasingly anxious.

There were no wounds on Hyunseong's body.

Even if it occurred, the Book of Immortality was quickly cured.

On the other hand, Bodfu's wound did not heal well.

The wounds inflicted by the Black Lightning God Magician healed quickly.

However, the wounds caused by the flames could not be healed.

It was because of the power to remove the source of the Book of Flames.

‘Why aren’t you coming sooner?’

Bodfu waited anxiously for the support of the other princes.


Then Bodfu's left leg was amputated.

That was the beginning.

It was Bodpu who was pushed by Hyunseong even when his limbs were intact.

With one of his limbs severed, he could no longer stop Hyunseong's attack.


Bodfu's neck flew off.

‘Let’s splash.’

Hyunseong quickly picked up the loot, disengaged his magical force field, and left using his space movement skill.

After a while.

“Bodfu got hit!”

“God damn it!”

McDwell and Cardoshi, who appeared at the scene of the incident belatedly, frowned.

“I’m not a normal guy.”

At McDwell's words, Car Doshi nodded his head.

He was surprised when Jed Ross died.

But he thought he was a little bit stronger than Jed Ross.

But that wasn't it.

It took no more than 10 minutes for their subordinates to come to this place after they died.

In that short time, Bodfu stopped breathing.

This was proof that the enemy's ability was far stronger than that of the princes themselves.

“Should I ask for assistance?”

Macdwell shook his head at Car Dosi's words.

“The Emperor must have been aware of Bodfu's death, so help will come to him. There is no need for us to ask for assistance in the first place.”

“That’s right.”

Do you ask for support first when it is clear that support will come anyway?

That would only undermine the reputations of McDwell and Cardoshi.

“I’ll have to stick with it from now on.”

“That would be nice. Seeing him dodge, it doesn't seem like he has the confidence to face the two of us."

McDwell and Cardosi decided to remain silent, waiting for reinforcements from the Emperor.

There was also a way for the two to work together to attack the enemy who killed Zedros and Bodpu.

But the risk was too great.

‘How can you trust that guy?’

‘He might use me as a shield.’

McDwell and Kardoshi did not trust each other.

When Zedros died, the other princes benefited greatly.

It was because the servants under Zedros had sworn allegiance to them.

Also, the Principality ruled by Zedros was naturally occupied by other princes.

Perhaps the servants and princes of Bodpu, who have just been killed, will follow a similar path.

What if they fight?

It was an action that only benefited the other party.

Colleagues and rivals McDwell and Kadoshi couldn't even dare to fight Hyunseong because they didn't trust each other.

* * *

‘Why are these guys so quiet?’Hyunseong suspended sending Shizra to the enemy forces that occupied it and continued to operate the undead corps.

And he used the undead corps to monitor the two princes from the mainland.

But they were both quite docile.

Contrary to the fact that they destroyed the undead corps as soon as they first appeared, now they did not rush to see the undead corps.

‘Do you think it could be a lure?’

The death of a colleague who had been with them seemed to have made them passive.

‘Then we should make the most of this point.’

Hyunseong ordered his subordinates to carry out more active rescue operations.

And he rolled his head, wondering how to defeat those two separately.

‘Let’s provoke.’

Hyunseong continued to provoke the two princes by using the undead and the giant players who lost their monarch and were forcibly placed under Hyunseong.

However, the two did not move as if they had become blind.

‘It’s not moving, is it?’

What if I don't fall for provocation?

It was enough to let it pass.

Hyunseong used the undead to watch the two of them, and then openly attacked the area indirectly controlled by the two princes.

‘I have nothing to lose.’

What if they don't move?

You can easily wipe out the giants and rescue people.

Conversely, what if they move?

It was enough to dig and remove the trap using the magnetic barrier.

* * *

‘When the hell is the support coming?’

McDwell was on the verge of dying of exhaustion.

The colony also had Macdwell's servants.

They managed the colony's territories on behalf of McDwell.

However, recently, the officials who were managing McDowell's colonial territories were struggling.

And it was the same with Kadoshi.

The servants turned to McDwell and Kadoshi for help.

He continued to ignore it, but if he went on like this, he would lose economic damage, but he would also lose the reputation of his subjects.

The problem was that it didn't end there.

Protests from other princes began.

The content was simple.

- You went down confidently, what are you doing now?

- Didn't the damage get bigger rather than decrease?

- How can you be so incompetent even if you are incompetent? … .

- Kill the rebels now.

Criticism from other princes poured in.

'Then, I mean, move the Emperor's majesty.'

The emperor, who seemed to be sending reinforcements soon, was unsuccessful.

The princes only complained about the incompetence of McDwell and Cardoshi, who confidently went down to the colony without resenting the emperor for sabotaging them.

In the end, McDwell made a decision.

“I can’t stand still like this.”

“Then what are you going to do?”

Hearing McDwell's words, Kadoshi asked with a puzzled expression.

“Why don’t we all work together on this one?”

“How do I trust you?”

“Write the soul contract.”

At McDwell's words, Kadoshi's eyes lit up.

soul contract.

If that was the case, they could unite the two who don't trust each other.

“Okay, do that.”

McDwell and Cardosi agreed to a contract of souls.

The two wrote and signed the contract of the soul.

After that, the two broke the long silence and went on to subdue the rebels in earnest.

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