Level Up Legend

Chapter 115

level up legend

- Volume 5 Episode 14

Chapter 14.


Name: Lee Hyung-jun

Occupation: Master of Magic

Level: 113

Strength: 80 Stamina: 80

Agility: 80 Horsepower: 680

Luck: 76 Dexterity: 50

Points: 17

Skill: Butcher... … .

‘That’s right.’

The job that was always marked as None was completely fixed as the Master of Magic.

He walked the path of a wizard, but he was not strictly given a job. That column is completely filled.

A body that could not be trained was ignorantly poured with stats due to the ignorantly raised magical powers.

From the moment you hit exactly 80, you've already reached the level of a superhuman.


It ends with a dexterity skill that doesn't go up wildly due to lack of talent. The remaining points were stockpiled for work at any time.

If you get a stat of 80 in relation to the body like this.

“Come on!”

You can do this too.

"will regret!"


“Eat one bite this time!”

five in total. Including Kim Eun-hyung, Lee Chan-hoo, Heo Young-jin, Nam Goong-young, Kim Hee-min.

The race behind me is the people I have come into contact with, brought in by Jang Ho-seong in a hurry.

There were many relationships that I had built over a long period of time, and they all came to me after being bullied without knowing it. Or I find it.

Other than these people, whether small or large, they were constantly looking for people they had a connection with.

All of them were left unattended or injured, but they were all restored by pouring potions and Vivas's recovery magic!

Others were content to be hired by the Panz Shop, but they were not.


picked up a sword I heard the window. took out the shield.

Although tormented, tormented, and almost tortured, they chose to rise with their own hands.

Not everyone was incompetent. Among the dogs, Kim Hee-min was abandoned even after awakening as the lowest level hunter.


Unlike me, who gained the power of a system that was acquired like luck, they would collapse and be pushed aside.


“Come back!”

Again, I am in great pain.

Physical stat 80. No matter how much you are armed with the Panz store-made weapons, the lowest level hunters can't even reach their bodies.

That's why, no matter how hard the five of them attack.

“Sibel! Goes!"

“I see everyone! I mean use your head.”

Whoops! bang!

“Big… … .”

it all looksThe trail of the sword they wield. forward movement. To the position that is aiming at me!

Exaggeratedly speaking, they do not miss even the fluttering hair as they move.

You will learn the Eyesight skill.

You will learn the basics of the form of Siminal Kwonbeop.

‘… … It's also something that hasn't been done before. Will the body be supported? Just by mimicking it.’

Calibration of the system.

Experience playing as a warrior in Phantasma. The body that supports that experience.

Basically, it is basic to become stronger as you train your body. I strengthened my body and started training.

After that, as the previous experience gradually began to shine, movements that were not realized in reality were realized.

Siminal Kwonbeop, Swordsmanship, and Shieldbeop.

All part of the path I learned as a warrior in Phantasma.

‘For now, I’m going to focus on magic, but… … .'

If it is given as a skill, it is a power that will not be denied.

Those forces are reproduced in reality by my memory, and the power of Phantasma is realized. The more that power is realized and realized, the more.

“You madman!”

“You are getting stronger! Come on!”

They dare not even reach my tip.

boo oops. puck.


“You bastard! Why don't you bring me back and defeat me!"

“… … Heh heh heh!”

Kim Eun-hyung and everyone else who has yet to see the light. It is enough strength to train them.

“Damn… … damn... … .”

With their mouths, they desperately despair, but they did not fall into complete despair.

“Kim Hyung, should I work harder? Yes? Nooooooo power!”

“… … I know, man!”

There was no despair in his eyes. The light of hope, which seemed only small, was growing bigger and bigger.

In the name of training, they are subjected to brutal violence, but at the same time.

“Still, I can see a little bit of what you said about using the body.”

“Your brother has his specialty. Just use it a little more.”

“Uh… … .”

The experience of fellow Kim Eun-hyung increases.

Based on the accumulated experience, they are growing.

This was a kind of correction.

The Hague, Huan, including my colleagues, Vivas. Kim Eun-hyung was also receiving the corrections that others received.

‘I haven’t even set up a guild yet.’

Guilds are not created, nor are they treated as NPCs.

Even so, from the moment they came to me and entrusted me, I was treated as a colleague.

‘Is the system constantly changing? … .'

I don't know if I'm sure I don't know the hidden parts of the system.

Anyway, from the moment they truly became my colleagues, they began to grow rapidly.

The awakening, which had not been blocked, was being filled in a way that calmly and strengthened through training.

it's like

‘It’s the way NPCs in Phantasma become stronger… … .'

This is similar to the way I saw it in Phantasma before.

Perhaps the system was not only applicable to me, but was also used beyond my periphery and beyond my imagination.

So I found a way to grow them.

“My brother is a dealer. Chanhoo and Namgoongyoung must have tank temperament.”


“Kim Hee-min, you are surprisingly different.”

“Which one?”

she asks with her eyes shining.

“Still there. Wait.”


I can look down from above and guide their growth in the right direction.

This is only the beginning.

‘If we even make a guild here, it’s going to be a mess.’

They were saved unintentionally, but there were plenty of ways to grow them in earnest.

Create a guild, take advantage of the guild's strengths, and pour in the advantages you can get as a companion. And if only I can implement what I envisioned.

‘I’ll be strong soon.’

They can become a supportive relationship, not just a one-way relationship where I only support them.

It's not that I have to feed the meat forever, but again, they can bring the meat and offer it to me.


They deserved it.

They were the ones who pursued strength until the end, even in a desperate situation.

They are people who know how to work hard no matter how hard it is. Such people should be fully qualified and given abundant opportunities.

Because I'm not a piece of garbage that goes down the cliff without giving me a chance like the old-fashioned kids who only talk.

“Wow… … under… … So are you here today?”

“Is it possible? Vivas recovery!”


“Goddess of Law!”


Until then, of course, they will fight and work hard, and in the end, they will have to shine their talents.

‘Cancer. Originally, you have to grow up while being fit in such a situation to build the foundation (?).’

Actually, in Phantasma, I also learned from being hit by a warrior teacher.

At the time, I thought it was normal, but when I think about it later, only the Siminal school was like that. However, he succeeded in getting stronger as quickly as he was hit (?).

I also can't teach other methods easily, so they had no choice but to learn the basics like this.

After all, do you grow up right? Will you find your own training method later?

“So, if you don’t want to be hit anymore, wake up now.”

“… … sigh.”

“Is that going to happen! Back!”

It depends on their share.

boo oops.

Namgoong-young's body, which had been aiming for the back and attacking me, bounced back faster than the speed at which it ran after me.


The body explodes as it is on the wall!


“Don’t do it while talking! A surprise attack!”

Passing on the teaching(?) to the screaming man, he blinks at Vivas.


“Do not cure! Tea, I'd rather... … .”

Her treatment is intense! There is no use in rejecting it!

Wounds that hit the wall are healed in less than a second. Even stamina! The only thing that can't be recovered is mental fatigue!

“Shut up and come!”

“Damn Hyungjun Lee!”“Pu ha ha ha! Let's see who's going to die today!"

They plunge them into the endless swamp of training.

Gain the Eyesight skill. Eye strength is strengthened. The fuselage vision is strengthened. Part of the sixth sense awakens.

In the meantime, I'm starting to get stronger. Even though he walks the path of magic, powers worth acquiring are awakened.

‘I will go all-round anyway.’

It's a tough training for them as I get stronger.

Repetition of anger, hardship, and practice. And one last piece of survival instinct awakening from endless training.

‘Water lily magic circle.’

If you continue to stimulate using these various factors.



Even Kim Eun-hyung, who doesn't have much talent, succeeds in applying magic to the sword, even for a short time!

"uh. Whoa!?”

Kim Eun-hyung, who was running, stopped.

He gives a blank expression as he sees the light resting softly on the sword he is holding.

Apart from him who had been engulfed in the world, he had a young white light on his sword.

"Oh oh. crazy!"

"really! Was this going to happen!?”

“Wow! Shibal! Did I do it!”

ah ah ah-

The moment his concentration is broken, the light on the sword disappears. Like a dream!

"Ah. iced coffee… … .”

For a moment, the mana flowing from his body gives him a strong addiction. Therefore, among those who use mana, there may be those who are drunk and go crazy.

It was so addicting!

The futility of the situation where that mana stays for a while and then disappears!

And you can feel it at the same time.

“Eye heat. You said you were going to be a dealer, didn't you?"

“Yeah, you did it!”

"okay. You did it!”

"I! I did it! I! really!"

The sense of accomplishment comes with a tremendous sense of accomplishment, even if it's just that she has just stepped onto mana.


'The biggest thing is that the buffs of colleagues are coated with a training magic circle, but... … .'

It doesn't matter if other factors made them grow.

Those who suffered because of lack of strength were able to take it one step further.

Even if there was help, he wouldn't have been able to raise mana in his own hands if he hadn't made an effort.

“Okay then, let’s raise the level of difficulty. Whoops.”

“Shi, Sibel! Let's do it!”

"okay. That's what it looks like! Kim Hyung!”

When you do, you have to keep going.

Little by little inspired by the realization of their own abilities, I was about to lash out at them who were growing up.

"Well… … .”

"what's the matter?"

“I’m sorry, but let’s postpone it until later. That's all for today."

"iced coffee."

The training time had to be shortened for a while.

It's good that they build up their strength. But I am not one to forget revenge. Punishment should be certain. so.

‘I’ll have to go.’

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