Level Up Legend

Chapter 192

level up legend

- Volume 8 Episode 16

Chapter 16

‘Because the power is eaten.’

I couldn't get drunk on my power.

I put the dimension called Kalon under my power, and the more I wield it and control it, the more I get immersed in pleasure.

At the same time, I always had to be careful not to get eaten by that pleasure.

The stronger I got, the more I had to pay attention to my power.

“You seem to be playing a god game.”

“Half… … .”

“Even if the demons raise the battlefield, they cannot do it this way. high-ranking demons. Shall we imitate a few demons? and… … .”

“Maybe God would do this.”


“So be careful.”

“That is very fortunate. From that point of view, I don’t want the contractor to go crazy for a long time.”

“Puha. That’s a saying.”

I had to make sure it wasn't consumed by power.

The moment I get drunk with my own power and lift myself up, from that moment on, I become myself consumed by the power.

only eaten by power

‘It’s nothing like them.’


Those who are not truly omnipotent, but pretend to be omnipotent.

It becomes nothing like the half gods.

They are never omnipotent.

‘Absolutely not.’

The proof that they are not omnipotent is me, after all.

They weren't stupid. Although stupid, he wasn't completely incompetent.

There's no way they can't feel that I'm moving against them, out of their calculations.

even at this moment

- Give in.

- You're overconfident of yourself.


The beings who are supposed to be them are talking to me endlessly.

I don't know what the 'purpose' is, but the people who brought me into the system are bewildered.

The mere fact that there are people who talk endlessly, seem arrogant, but talk to me urgently is proof that they are not omnipotent.

Now, it seems that some of the many and many gods in all dimensions are speaking to them, but their numbers are gradually increasing.

‘This is the starting point when Kalon completely fell over.’

After the destruction of Holy Church, the voices in my head became clearer. The number is also increasing.

Many gods are not going the way they think. The way I'm moving right now is definitely not the way they want it to be.

So I had to be on my guard endlessly.

I couldn't be like the gods who were not omnipotent, but tried to move the world, thinking that they were omnipotent.

‘You have to be like them… … , it just stays the same. In the end, if it just happens like that, the back will be obvious.’The moment I make myself like them, I will lose to them. it shouldn't have happened

“Aren’t we supposed to watch and learn for a long time?”

“I am learning too.”

“That’s lucky.”

I had to move as big as I painted the big picture.

Thinking of himself as omnipotent and omnipotent, he couldn't choose one power as a god of magic or a god of discipline.

I had to learn a lot. And I had to get it.

I had to get various powers, make those with power my own, and help new races to grow.

They will become the foundation on which I can become a force different from the gods, and at the same time become a chess piece that only I can wield.

I'll become a strong fit for the big chess piece I drew. perhaps.

‘A guy with the same rank as them could be born.’

You will be able to wield strong people like them. If I had more time, I might be able to build up my strength by taking the ball very slowly.

But the gods will certainly not stand still.

As much as I am after them, they will begin to pursue me. Luther, who refers to himself as the god of light, was changing blatantly.

-Die by the light!

Invading the system in any way, talking endlessly, and scattering curses.

Resist the wave of magical power.

Even though I know that it won't work, it touches me endlessly.

There was no other way they couldn't help but make other preparations behind them, who attacked me outright.

I will definitely move someday, even to tear up the big picture I draw.

The gods usually said they were kind, but they were never kind. It is the way of the gods to destroy those who do not like them more brutally than anyone else.

Beyond the dimension, countless myths and traditions tell us about it.

Even a little bit of rebellion against God, even if he surpasses his majesty, is a god who rushes to death.

- Aren't we?

- Don't get me wrong.

‘It’s not… … . ttt.'

So I don't have much time.

Time is fair, so they move as much as I move.

I had to wield them before they could gain any power and wield them in any way.

'I'm going to have to destroy the Alliance of Kalon, too. Even the Holy Land should be wiped out. The new Pope, it's not funny.'

Of course, I will not forget to punish those who have already wielded power over me.

“They go this way… … , the race behind the scenes would be nice here.”

“Can I send my children there?”

“Can you afford it?”

“I wouldn’t have been able to before, but I’m relaxed now.”

"great. Then, only Juman will be in charge of that.”

the seeds I sowed. my strength. my chess pieces.

I constantly tuned them out.

* * *

how much time did you spend Time goes by relentlessly fast.


Condition is best controlled.

Mental fatigue is getting worse. This is a nested use. It doesn't come back in perfect condition.

woo woo woo-

Magic is tuned.

Mental fatigue completely disappears.

He continued to tune his horses in front of the chessboard while stroking his exhausted body with magic power over and over again.

Juman, who had been by my side and talked to me, had long since left.

He left, but he knew for sure where he was going.

‘You’re the most skinny.’

He is a mad existence in space, and his essence is clearly a demon.

It was the essence of Zhouman to slaughter, collect souls by contract and use them as limbs.

He led the new subordinates created in the distorted space and headed towards the master of Kalon.

I was happy to be my chess piece and sweep Kalon.

As a body and not a body!

The result was the deepest and brightest dot that gleamed most brilliantly in the gigantic subject!

The huge twinkle on the sphere is a sign of the flow of magic and the flow of the battlefield!

As bright as it is, in that point, countless people will die, and a lot of magical power will be wriggling.

The gigantic twinkle that Juman moved continued without stopping.

He was the cruelest chess piece I've ever owned, and he was the one who understood me the most.

He was always at the forefront of cleaning up Kalon in a brutal but effective way.

As a courtesy to the chess pieces that follow my piece, I tuned my body and moved the sphere without stopping.

It took a long time to send it to a place to send it, and to add it to where it was lacking.

Outwardly, I am the same as the first.

But the reality was different. By illuminating the dark places in the sphere, I created my realm countless times. definitely got results.

Now there were few dark spots on the giant sphere.

Almost everything has turned into my realm. And that much.

Kalon's influence increases.

Read more specifically the flow of Kalon's magic power.

Gain the trust of those in Kalon.

be careful. The Alliance's favorability is dropping considerably.

My strength was changing, gaining and losing.

As much as I gained Kalon, the loss was great, but I did not stop my hand. When you suddenly feel the time.

'Two more months have passed. It must be almost three months.’

Several months had passed.

He also moved chess pieces through space magic, and swept the chess pieces with the least amount of movement.

The new ones I taught, those who learned the magic I spread, grew from the weak to the strong.

The period was not long, but those who definitely gained new power faced the monsters that pushed their lives towards them.

He blocked the monster with his own power.


It's been a few months, but it has definitely flowed.

inertia has arisen

Once it starts moving, unless someone stops it, it has an inertia that makes it difficult to even stop!

Inertia, which was originally created, was difficult to control even the person who created it from then on.That's what I did to Kalon.

“Now, even if I don’t move, I will take it on my own.”

The chess pieces move by themselves. I learned to move in the direction I wanted.

“You are here.”

The race behind the scenes and the undead occupied the mouth of Kalon and prospered.

The survivors settled on the new Kalon I drew.

Dwarves produced endlessly.

That alone makes the power stronger.

A conclusion is drawn

“Kalon should be like this.”

The greatest dimension. This is the most powerful dimension, and Kalon, where I first came into contact as a wizard, becomes my realm as it is.

It's not a matter of time either.

It will be my domain in a shorter time than the time I've spent so far. and.

“I will have to visit the Federation myself.”

Last remaining problem. Even the Federation eventually only had to take one step forward.

‘It was surprising.’

Not long ago, Hipson, who remained in the Federation, contacted me through Essie.

According to his words, even dealing with the Federation could have been easier than expected.

‘About ten days or so.’

Essi, who received the full authority from me, handled the work in a cool way.

He set up an appointment with Hipson, who had been in contact with him, and worked out perfectly on the agenda that needed to be coordinated with each other.

As much as I gave her power, she and her minions are sure to move.

'The pieces will fit perfectly. At least Kalon.'

Now there are only a few pieces left. Hagi didn't even need many pieces from the start.

'Just as needed. Perfect even in insufficient time.’

I just had to collect them to fit my huge picture.

“Then you should move slowly.”

It's been a long time since I stretched out.

Calon has been Kalon will soon come completely into my realm.

It's a detailed job, and it's something you'd have to do to a lot of chess pieces.

Now, after that, I had to go first.

“Then next… … , uh?”

The moment you want to move to make up for the lack of time.

uh uh-

The magical energy around you suddenly becomes silent. As if waiting for this moment.


Suma begins to flock to the body that has been tuned through magical power.

The pouring sleep made his body wet in an instant as if to make up for the sleep he hadn't slept in for the past hour.

Suma (睡魔).

It's a small thing that you can defeat so you don't even dare approach it if you want to.

But I didn't beat it.

It wasn't that I was drowning in fatigue.

Entrusting myself to Suma was only my choice.

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