"Commander, this is the command knife of the old Japanese from the 171st Division! Lu

Wenqian handed over another well-made command knife. Wang Feng glanced at it and smiled but did not accept it. Instead, he said:"Don't give it to me. Show all the comrades the general swords of the little devils that were just captured." At first glance, although the little devil doesn't look very good, the workmanship of this knife is still very good."

Wang Feng's words made the people who were looking at the lieutenant general's sword with burning eyes suddenly become even more excited. After hearing this,

Lu Wenqian quickly commanded the people and took the four or five captured general's swords and let them Everyone, take a look


Here, at the end of the battle in Gaoyang County.

On the other side, the troops led by Zhao Tianyu also launched a general attack on the second group of Japs led by the 172nd Division at this time.

Although Wang Feng's side was engaged in a city assault, the number of people attacking and the number of heavy firepower weapons used was far less than that of Zhao Tianyu's side.

Because on Zhao Tianyu's side, both sides were fighting in the field, although the Suiyuan Military Region side was attacking and the Japs were defending.

But because the terrain is open, the little devils who can arrange it calmly can maximize their firepower and number of people.

At the beginning of the battle, because the Japs were well prepared, they were able to survive the Suiyuan Military Region's attack even though they were under great pressure.

On Zhao Tianyu's side, their battle actually started yesterday afternoon, when Wang Feng led the Second Army to move in divisions.

Because the heavy firepower was only one artillery regiment of the Fifth Army Division, and the two heavy artillery regiments of the Second Army Division and the Artillery Brigade did not come over.

The firepower of an artillery regiment cannot fully suppress the Japs.

After an afternoon and a night of attacks, both sides suffered casualties, and Zhao Tianyu was not in a hurry to let his troops bear the charge.

Finally, at around four in the morning, the two heavy artillery regiments of the artillery brigade, led by brigade commander Wu Long, finally arrived on the battlefield.

As for the artillery regiment of the Third Army Division, they also arrived at this time.

For a time, two heavy artillery regiments and two howitzer regiments were gathered on this battlefield. Counting the artillery equipment of each unit, it can be said that it was once again the scene of yesterday morning's annihilation of the 3rd Tank Division of the Little Japanese. The grand artillery scene during the regiment period.

More than five hundred artillery pieces, under the control of the artillerymen, began to set up artillery positions and aimed their muzzles at the little Japanese's position.

After the attack in the first half of the night and the harassment in the second half of the night, just before dawn, the little devils had a rare time to rest.


Little did the little devils know that their good days were coming to an end.

As the sky gradually became brighter, the soldiers of the Suiyuan Military Region, who had had a good night's sleep, were in high spirits and began to prepare for the start of the new day's attack while eating breakfast. The little Japanese and puppet soldiers could only stare. With red eyes and a tired look on his face, he gnawed on the cold, dry food.


When the sky in the east showed a slight fish-white color, Zhao Tianyu in the headquarters calmly issued an order:"Tell each artillery regiment to carry out artillery bombardment on the Japanese positions for half an hour."

With Zhao Tianyu's order, early The four artillery regiments were prepared and immediately began to execute the order.


For a moment, the commanders’ roars rang out from all artillery companies, battalions and other artillery positions.

"Long~! Long~! Long~!"

"Pass~! Pass~! Pass~!"

"Phew~! Phew~! call out~!"

All of a sudden, four to five hundred shells rushed out of the barrel, rushing past like a little devil's position.

The little Japanese and puppet soldiers who were numbly and mechanically eating rice balls and cans heard this dense whistling sound in the sky.

"Bombardment~! The Eighth Route Army’s shelling!"

"enemy attack~!"

"The Eighth Route Army began to attack!"

"Lie down and avoid the bombardment!"

For a moment, there were screams and screams in the originally quiet position. At the same time, more little devils were lying directly in the trenches. Some with agile hands and feet even got into the dug anti-artillery fortifications.


"Boom~! boom~!"


From the time the little Japanese reacted to the time the shell fell, it only took a few seconds.

The suddenly peaceful Jaap position was covered by countless artillery fire.

Countless fires continued to rise. Among them, the two heavy artillery regiments were the most terrifying. The two heavy artillery regiments had a total of forty-eight 155-caliber cannon howitzers.

After a shell was fired, no intact corpse could be found within a radius of thirty to forty meters. All the corpses were either torn into pieces or melted in an instant.

The commander of the 172nd Infantry Division somewhere in the position felt the deafening explosions all around him. The only thing he could do was to lie on the ground and pray to Amaterasu that no shells would fall on his head.

At this time, he also realized why the Eighth Route Army did not launch an attack overnight. It turned out that they were waiting for the arrival of artillery.

This cast a shadow on the commander of the 172nd Division about the upcoming battle, even though he knew that the 26th Division was on the way to support. , but it has been all night, and there is still no trace of the 26th Division, and no sound of fighting has been heard. Although the Mongolian Army Headquarters asked him to persist, saying that the 26th Division would arrive soon, but now, he really A little desperate



"Well done!"

"Blow up these idiots!"

"Well done, brother artillery!"

Just when the commander of the Little Japanese Division was in despair after being hit by artillery fire. On the other side, the cadres and soldiers of the Suiyuan Military Region who were preparing for the war looked at the Little Japanese position shrouded in artillery fire, even if the two sides were seven days apart. A distance of 800 meters.

They could also feel the constant vibrations and deafening explosions coming from the ground. Every soldier subconsciously cheered.

Seeing that the little devils and puppet soldiers were not affected by the shelling of their own artillery. They fought back, and they all laughed with joy.

As for the little devil's artillery, when they were competing with the Fifth Army Division Artillery Regiment yesterday, they were seized by the Fifth Army Division Artillery Regiment. Being disabled, it is natural to not make any waves at this time.

The half-hour of shelling passed quickly. With this half-hour of shelling, the main focus was on precision shelling, not on rapid fire such as rapid fire. But that's it, in this half hour.

More than 500 artillery pieces, which are as big as the little devil, fired thousands of shells on a position of several kilometers in radius.

"buzz buzz~!"

"Buzz~! Buzz~! buzzing~!"

Just when the four artillery regiments fell silent and calm returned to the battlefield, bursts of engine sounds suddenly came from the southwest sky.


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