Chapter 61 The peasant woman who came to open her mouth

passed by overnight.

Zhu Qi is already familiar with the techniques of Flying Sword, how to apply it in detail, and he still needs to give it a try.

“My lord, after our investigation, the two ghosts, one old and one young in the forest farm, should be related to the cemetery near Qian Family Village.”

The remaining twelve Ren Yinyin took this person as the leader and seemed to be very convinced of him.

“Cemetery? The old ghost in the grave doesn’t stay in the grave, but dares to come out and do harm!”

Before that, he only thought it was a solitary soul, unbound ghost .

Zhu Qi asked: “What are you going to do?”

The Armored Soldier replied just now: “My lord, I will decide to visit the cemetery tonight.”

“Yeah” Zhu Qi nodded, pondered for a moment and said, “I’ll go with you.”

This time, it was obviously the little devil who made trouble this time. With the strength of the thirteen Martial Arts Ninth Realm, he killed ordinary people. The ghost is as simple as chopping melons and vegetables, but Zhu Qi also has to see who is not working hard and who is performing well.

The cemetery is not far from the forest farm, and the trees are lush.

It is late autumn and winter is about to begin, but the pines and cypresses are still evergreen all year round.

“Suihan knows pines and cypresses”, after the death of ancestors, trees such as pines and cypresses are usually planted in front of their graves, which means to bless future generations, one generation will live better than the next, and some places will plant Willow Tree.

Zhu Qi found out that the cemetery has grown into a large scale and is often cleaned, so it should be a family cemetery.

“Is this cemetery guarded?” Zhu Qi asked.

Following Qian Wanjin, he said, “Reporting back to your lord, it’s all about money and money.”

“What about people?”

The cemetery should belong to a large family, and it also hired someone to guard it, but for some reason, no tombstone was erected, as if it was afraid that people would recognize it.

Qian Wanjin said: “That kid is probably at home, his wife was hit by a Young Master some time ago, and apart from blinking and talking, he had to be served by people. “

Zhu Qi nod.

“Do you know whose cemetery this is?”

“I don’t know” Qian Wanjin shook his head: “Before the villain’s family was here, there was a grave nearby. I can often see people coming to burn ingot candles, but I can see from a distance that they are dressed in style, riding on tall horses. Come down and bring the money and silver!” An Armored Soldier immediately stood up and said.

Zhu Qi brows slightly wrinkle: “Let’s go over by ourselves, after all, we are asking for others.”

The family has a paralyzed wife who needs to be taken care of, so why bother her.

“Yes!” Armored Soldier immediately lowered his head, knowing that he had patted the flattery on the horse’s leg.

Everyone followed Qian Wanjin to Qian Youyin’s house.

The door is open.

Qian Wanjin shouted when he entered the door: “I have silver, are you at home?”

“Anything?” A man came out of the room with a bowl of water Porridge.

Seeing Zhu Qi and the others, Qian Youyin complexion changed: “How many adults, is this?”

“We want to ask you something.”

“Master, please.” Qian Youyin brought everyone into the room. There was not much space in the room. There were only two or three chairs to sit on. Zhu Qi sat down, and the other thirteen people stood aside in an imposing manner. Qian Youyin was sweating coldly on his forehead, thinking wildly in his heart.

“Who is it?” A woman’s voice came from the back room.

Zhu Qi felt that the voice sounded familiar.

“It’s a few adults, you are obediently and honestly, don’t make any noise, I’ll feed you later.” Qian Youyin put the porridge bowl on the table, wiped his hands, awkwardly. Said the back room: “My mother-in-law, came back from the night market a while ago, with a piece of meat in her arms, saying from now on clothes to stretch out your hands, and meals to open your mouth, like a wealthy Young Master, she can be served for a lifetime, and she doesn’t want to work anymore.”

Qian Youyin smiled wryly: “I didn’t take it seriously… Who knew she was hit by a Young Master on horseback some time ago, and the Young Master fell off the horse, just like her. , can’t move except her head. Fortunately, the family has a good heart and lost some money to us, so that our husband and wife can live and breathe.”

“How can she stretch out her hand now? Open your mouth when you eat, you will have to be served with your feces and urine. If you don’t look at it for a while, you will pee on the bed.”

Qian Youyin said, “Let a few adults laugh.”

After listening to the other party’s introduction, Zhu Qi suddenly remembered a person. It seemed that a peasant woman bought a piece of meat in the ghost town outside Zhoushan County that day.

Armored Soldier saw Zhu Qi thinking about a problem, so he took the initiative to ask: “Which cemetery do you see?”

“Jianmufu prefecture city, Liu Family!” Qian Youyin said: “At the beginning, someone found a villain and gave five silver tael every year to let the boy guard the cemetery.”

“Liu Family?” Zhu Qi narrowed his eyes.

His fate with this Liu Family is not small!

Zhao Chunrou and Young Master Liu were rejected by Liu Xianglong for borrowing soldiers, and even this time the kid teased the living, also happened in the Liu Family’s cemetery.

“Let’s go” Zhu Qi got up and left, the others didn’t dare to speak any more, and left with Zhu Qi, only Qian Youyin was puzzled, why did Zhu Qi only ask a question after he came go.

He shook his head and returned to the back room with the porridge bowl.

On the bed in the back room, the woman lies motionless.

She said: “I heard that voice very familiar to me just now.”

“That is a young adult, you are just a peasant woman, how can you know that kind of adult ?” Qian Youyin disbelieved.

“In the ghost town, there was a man who bought meat from the magistrate and said he could become an official in the future. Didn’t expect him to be an official now.” The woman sighed: “Why did I die? So bitter?”

into the night.

Several people rushed to the cemetery.

When the day came, the place was filled with graves, but when it got dark, beautiful houses appeared instead.

At the entrance of the cemetery, there is a torii with two large characters on it.

“Liu Residence”

“What a grand style!”

He was also glad that he had followed him, otherwise it would not have been estimated with only thirteen people. The opponents of this group of ghosts.

At the door stood two black-faced men with mourning sticks, wearing armor of some unknown dynasty, very mighty.

“I’m going to Zhu Qi.” Zhu Qi said, “Can you tell me?”

“What Zhu Qi wished the dog!” The black-faced man yelled: “How dare you Break into my house and see if I don’t break your legs!”

Zhu Qi complexion became ugly, after traveling for so long, he has seen too many human-faced and beast-hearted people, but such a filthy and indiscriminate ghost , it was the first time he saw it!

“courting death!”

Immediately, two Armored Soldiers rushed out, drawing their knives from the left and the right to the two black-faced ghosts.

The two ghosts were instantly split in half without any resistance left.

“Why are you so empty?” The two Armored Soldiers were still wondering, and when they turned their heads, they found that there were still black-faced men, and there were only two paper figures that had been cut open on the ground.

The outside is covered with a paper coat, and the inside is the skeleton of the cornstalks.

The black armor on his body is just a drawing on paper.

“It seems that the ghosts in this place are used to their nests, and the trifling paper figures are so arrogant. It seems that the ghosts kicking people and playing the ball is not an accident, but the norm! I am afraid that this place is all ghosts that harm people.

!” Zhu Qi kicked the door and said, “Salute first and then soldiers. If you don’t accept the salute, then just go in!”

After choking a few times, the sound of swords and swords unsheathed.

Zhu Qi also took out the sword talisman from the sword box and strode into the haunted house.

(End of this chapter)

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