Lightning Sage

Chapter 47 - The Turning Point

That night, in the clan head's house, Raiden and Aino were having dinner with Itachi's family as a celebration of both of their promotions. Sasuke kept asking about the exams and Itachi answered his little brother with a smile.

Fugaku also had a big smile at how his son became a Chuunin at such a young age, He was extremely proud of his successor.

After their dinner and before dessert, a knock was heard at the door and Fugaku answered the door, it was an Uchiha clansman.

"Weren't you on guard duty tonight? What are you doing here?" Asked Fugaku with a frown.

"Fugaku-sama, an Anbu came for you with a message from the Hokage. We stopped him from entering and he is waiting for at the gate of the district."

Fugaku's frown deepened before looking back at his family.

"Looks like I'll have to leave for work, I am sorry Itachi."

"Don't mind it father, your work is more important than a celebration like this."

Fugaku nodded at him and left towards the gate.

'I wonder, does this have anything to do with what sensei said earlier today?' Raiden asked himself while looking at the door of the house.


At the gate of the Uchiha district, Fugaku had just arrived to find a cat masked Anbu waiting for him.

"You are one of the Hokage's personal Anbu, codename Cat. What is the message you hold?"

"Please allow me to give it to you in a more discreet location."

Fugaku nodded at her and signalled her to follow him, they went towards the police station which was full of Uchiha and entered the police chief's office which was Fugaku's.

"This place is as secure as can be, now tell me your message."

"The Hokage wants to meet with you to discuss the Uchiha's situation and the possibility for cooperation."

Fugaku took a thinking pose while sitting at his desk. 'That old man is finally thinking straight and trying to find a solution to this issue or he was forced to find a solution by someone else. looks like someone who doesn't care about Danzo is giving him counsel, most likely Jiraiya. No matter, it's in our best interest anyway.'

Fugaku looked up at her with a stern visage and answered her.

"Tell the Hokage that I agree to meet with him and set up the meeting."

Cat nodded and bowed a little as Fugaku was still the chief of police and someone of great stature in the village before leaving to inform Hiruzen.

Fugaku smiled after she left and stood up and looked out of his office window which showed the Uchiha district. 'There might still be hope for us.'


In the Hokage residence, Cat reported her meeting with Fugaku and gave Hiruzen the reply.

"Very good, set up the meeting somewhere discreet where no one would find out and inform The Uchiha clan head and Jiraiya about it, it should be held tomorrow."

"Yes, Hokage-sama."


The next day, in one of the Hokage's Anbu's black sites that were only known to high ranking members of the said squad, Fugaku was led to a room where he saw both Jiraiya and The Hokage.

Hiruzen welcomed him with his usual smile while Jiraiya nodded towards him.

"I have to congratulate you on your son's performance in the Chuunin exams, it was absolutely wonderful, Jiraiya tells me.

"Thank you, Hokage-sama, but he still has a long way to go."

"I am sure he will surpass you and become a future pillar of Konoha."

"I'm sure he will."

Before they could continue with the pleasantries, Jiraiya intervened.

"Let's get down to business shall we?" Said Jiraiya with a serious look.

"I prefer so as well, Hokage-sama" Fugaku cut the bullshit and went straight to the topic.

"Fine, I'll tell you why we wanted to have this meeting. We have been investigating Root and its operations and operatives. Until now, we found out that Danzo has recruited multiple orphans, be they from a civilian background or a clan background.

Jiraiya has also told me that he has cooperated with Orochimaru and helped him escape the leaf when he defected in exchange for giving him a wood release user, which he has acquired."

"What?!! There is a wood release user! Why were the clans not informed? And if he has connections with Orochimaru, we the Uchiha should have been told, I am certain you know how many clansmen died at his hands."

"Danzo has had him in Root since his graduation at six and leaking identities of Anbu operatives is forbidden. Well, that's not why we didn't tell you, it's because we only found out about two years ago, but I was too weak and let Danzo convince me to hide it from you.

As for Orochimaru's case, we don't have definite evidence." Jiraiya rolled his eyes at his sensei still not wanting to believe that Danzo helped Orochimaru.

"So I take it you want my help in taking down Danzo?"

"Well, yes and no." Jiraiya answered the question.

"What do you mean?"

Jiraiya continued with the explanation from there.

"We have sent in Hatake Kakashi to infiltrate Root as he has long wanted a Sharingan user and it was the perfect cover." Fugaku snorted at Danzo's d.e.s.i.r.e of a Sharingan in Root.

"The mission was to identify those he fully brainwashed and those that can still be saved so we don't lose a huge number of talented individuals to someone like him. The mission was going great and he uncovered a good number of the brainwashed, but he overheard Danzo planning to steal his Sharingan so we pulled him out." Fugaku gave a look of disgust at the actions of Danzo.

"We wanted to recruit that wood release user to our side to complete the mission, but we are unsure if Danzo might have a Sharingan that he can use to manipulate him."

Fugaku entered deep thought for a while before raising his head and asking "What do you need from me?"

Jiraiya and Hiruzen both gave wide smiles.

"A lab of Orochimaru's has been uncovered in the land of fire, we suspect this is a trick to get Kakashi's eye and he will most likely send the boy we want to recruit to get it as he worked with Kakashi before.

We want you to find a way to stop him from falling under a Genjutsu from Danzo if he does have a Sharingan and we want a Sharingan so he doesn't suspect anything went wrong."

Fugaku kept his calm when he should be completely outraged.

"The first is easy, but the second is impossible. Dying clansmen are buried with their eyes which is how he would have gotten a Sharingan in the first place. We put a lot of restrictions on the graves and have people guarding them 24/7 so it must've been hard to acquire one.

I will not desecrate the dead by digging them up so you can find another way for that."

Jiraiya and Hiruzen had already expected this and sighed.

"We will find another way to trick him, we thank you for your cooperation. once Danzo is dealt with we will clear all the problems with the Uchiha." Hiruzen said with his smile while Fugaku nodded.

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