Lightning Sage

Chapter 8 - Answers

"" this?" Asked Aino while activating her three-tomoe Sharingan which then changed into a flower-shaped eye.

Fugaku and Mikoto were shocked at first then Mikoto said: " you have it?"

"The explanation is another question by itself. When Raiden first circulated his chakra he was hit by lightning nine times. I thought he died, but nothing happened to him in fact, he got rid of a lot of impurities in his body all at once which normally takes taijutsu masters decades to do."

Fugaku and Mikoto got shocked even more at the explanation.

"This... First, let me answer your first question. This is the Mangekyo Sharingan." Said Fugaku while activating his own which looked like a shuriken with three holes surrounding the centre hole and three dots around the blade.

"It is the evolution of the Sharingan. In the entire clan only I and Mikoto know about it. Nobody knows I have the Mangekyo Sharingan and the same should be with you, ok?" He said

"Ok, but why?"

"Sigh, there are two reasons the first one is the elders are too greedy. With our current power and they think we should rule Konoha what if they knew we had even more power imagine what they'll do. and second, only this eye could control the Kyuubi, which means whoever controlled him that day also had the Mangekyo Sharingan."

Aino was shocked then became serious and said: "I understand."

"The Mangekyo Sharingan is the evolution of the Sharingan that can only be accessed by losing someone you love, your best friend, a brother, a parent or your son."

Now Aino understood when the lightning hit Raiden she was devastated and it was then her emotions unlocked this eye.

"This is the same eye that made it possible for Uchiha Madara to compete with the First Hokage."

It was at this point Aino was really shocked, but before she could say anything Fugaku continued: "Each Mangekyo is different from the others as shown by the different pattern for every person. Each eye has a unique ability. Didn't you try to use it before the information about the abilities should already be inside your head." Said Fugaku.

"I didn't know what it was so this is the second time I use it." She explained before trying to know her abilities.

"My left eye's ability is called Takemikazuchi, it is a Genjutsu that traps the target in a world of thunder where you keep getting hit and my right eye's ability is Jizo, it's like a cloaking ability." after she said that she disappeared from their eyes and even with their Sharingan they were unable to locate her until she appeared again.

"Use your other ability on me." Said Fugaku.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, it's okay I need to know more about this ability as I also have a Genjutsu based ability."

'Takemikazuchi' Thought Aino as her eye started bleeding.

Fugaku found himself in a dark world. When he looked up he found thunder clouds everywhere and thunder was hitting everywhere. Aino stood in front of him.

"Can you change the scenery?"

She shook her head and said: "I can only control the lightning, but if you're destroyed here you'll need a lot of time to recover your psyche."

He nodded then said: "My Tsukuyomi appears to be stronger as I can freely control it. what is the chakra usage for it?"

"It takes a 10th of my chakra."

"Okay, cancel the technique."

Aino cancelled the technique and went back to the real world.

"Ok, now that you've tested both of them I have to warn you, with every use of the Mangekyo, you lose your sight until eventually going blind. Meet me in the Naka shrine after you go back and your son goes to sleep."

Aino nodded then said: "What do you know about the lightning strikes?"

Fugaku pondered then answered: "this is the first time I've heard about something like this you've done tests to check he's fine, right?"

"Yes, after he woke up and stabilised, I had him circulate his chakra. it grew stronger and thicker with every cycle until it stopped at nine cycles. His chakra amount is also as much as a Senju of his age. What really surprised me was his affinities, the paper split down the middle, one side, burned and the other wrinkled then started shooting out violet lightning."

Fugaku thought for a bit before saying: "You've heard about Lord Second's water affinity right? Some describe him as if he signed a contract with the ocean. The only thing I can think about is his affinity to lightning must be stronger than Lord Second's affinity to water. That's the only way I can think of to be hit by lightning as a child and survive."

Aino thought about it for a bit then said: "The day of his birth there was a thunderstorm with only violet lightning."

"Then it's probably true. His affinity is extremely strong to lightning, you should be happy. He'll definitely become someone extremely strong."

"Yes." She said while thinking with her head down.

"Oh yeah, there is one more thing."Said Aino looking very serious.

"After those tests, I let some information out by mistake about his father and he asked me to tell him where he is, after telling him the story he awakened the Sharingan."

"WHAT?!! How old was he?"Asked Fugaku thinking 'This is the second child to awaken before even becoming a ninja.

"He was three, but he has no training at all in how to use it."

"That's to be expected if he used it while his body was not strong enough then it would be very taxing on him." Said Fugaku.

"With this nobody can have any objections about him. A child genius that awakened at three years old. Good, very good."

"But I still haven't taught him anything about chakra manipulation."

"Don't worry I heard Itachi saying that he progressed really fast while they were coming in so don't worry, you just worry about teaching him how to control his chakra and the fireball Jutsu."

"Yes."Said Aino.

After that, they went outside to see Raiden sticking a leaf on his while Itachi was walking on a tree.

"Raiden, let's go you need to take a rest tomorrow you'll start official chakra training." Said Aino. They left the clan head's house and went home. After Raiden went to sleep, Aino went to meet Fugaku at the Naka shrine.

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