Lignus Continental Biography

lignus continent post 023 coins

“I have no choice. I manage this place. ”

“ ……. ”

He was working as a gardener in Yeongju Province, asking why he was dressed as a maid.

She was known as a noble princess of one country, and surprisingly, Curtisac's garden was very well maintained.

“But what did you do? ”


The lake looks up at the garden, admiring itself, and looks back at her with a voice calling to her.

“What are you talking about? ”

“How did you manage to lead the horsemen? Moreover, the documents are.... ”

Astrid Bell's eyes turn toward the heap of documents holding the lagoon. These were Curtisac's documents left to the lake by Peryl Yenos.

He said with an awkward face. It was because it was ambiguous to explain what it meant.

“These are the documents from Perril Yenos. ”

“H-how?" How did you get the trust of those monsters? I'm just doing gardening here, and all the other women are doing the work in the kitchen. ”

I frowned slightly. It was because the nuance in her words did not feel good.

Is it because she's a princess? ’

The arc smiles deeply. It was no surprise that she had this reaction. Moreover, she said she was a noble position as the Princess of the Belgian Union.

“Isn't Ho the same Summoner as us? Or……. ”


“No... no. I'm sorry if you're upset. I just wanted to know how Mr. Ho led their troops, and they recognized him. I... want to survive in this strange world. ”

Astrid Bell's expression was quite serious. But the arc could read the pride in her eyes.

The eye of the arc quickly sweeps through Bell's clothing.

It was Maid's outfit, by the way. She was a princess of the Belgian Union, working as a maid dressed in a shy outfit. They are being treated like monsters, like Orcs and Goblins, everywhere.

“To be precise, I don't want to be treated like this. a life where you have to put your heart and your life on the line in a word they say. It's unfair to fall into such a shitty world, but I want to live like a human being, even if I'm not a princess. ”

Astrid Bell hardens her face and bites her lip.

“…… I see. ”

I had no intention of aiding her in her astonishment. If it was before.

‘There is a goddess Rachel in this world. ’

His mouth was tightly shut. Before meeting Ham Jin-gyu, he wouldn't have cared so much about Astrid Bell's situation. But now I've changed my mind.

I don't think it would be a bad idea to create a colleague that could help you in some way to deal with Goddess Rachel and her followers.

“So, I need your help. What's wrong with that? ”

Astrid Bell turns her head and opens her mouth. It was a voice I wasn't sure of.

“I'm not in a good position, but let me tell you about the knowledge of this world that I know. It's exactly what you heard from the monsters. ”

The arc smiled and replied.

It's hard to explain the details of the Rignus continental electricity, but I was able to advise you on what to do, what to prioritize, and what to call Tech Tree.

Whatever it was, he was a player who had experienced similar situations in virtuality several times.

“I can't... …. ”

Astrid Bell's eyes tremble as the story of the Arc continues. Most of what was important was missing, but she was surprised enough to hear from the arc.

In particular, how quickly you acquired experience points, the importance of the class, and the job methods and abilities of the highly-rated class were so desperate to explain again and again.

“If I had known this, I should have talked to the monsters. ”

“There must be Goblins and Orcs in the Lordship, too. Some of them work as maids.... ”

“I'm too scared to talk first, to be honest. ”

“You'll have to get used to living in this world in the future. ”

“Hah... I hope so, right? ”

Astrid Bell gives a fabulous look to the voice of an indifferent arc. Then he opens his infowindow.

“So, you're a sergeant now? ”

“Yes. Class E. ”

“I envy you. I'm still a F rank. Ha. A job is a job, Maid. It wasn't Maid at first, but it's been like this ever since. ”

“It's probably because the information reflects what you do most of the time. You don't have to worry too much. It's a job. You can change jobs anyway. ”

“Am I right?"

Astrid Bell quietly looks at the lake as she smiles. As opposed to her class F, he had class E.

“But you fought the m-Demibeasts? ”


Astrid Bell's breast twitches slightly in response to the arc.

“Did you really do that with a knife? With monsters?"

“Well, yeah. ”

The lagoon, briefly concerned, nods. I never wielded it properly, but I wielded my sword.

“Weren't you scared? ”


The words of favor were filled with sincerity.

The battle was scary, even though Orc Warriors did it, as much as one mistake could cost a life.

I don't know if it's a virtual reality game, but this world wasn't a game. Besides...

‘…… Kim Jin-gyu. ’

The expression of the arc darkened when the name of the Summoner from the same world came to mind. It was because I thought that I might be in the same situation someday.

Astrid Bell bites her lip slightly as she thinks about Ham Jin-gyu and sighs for a long time. It was confusing.

He seemed to have no idea what he needed to do to boost his self-esteem and be safe in this world, or to be recognized.

‘It's the same for gaining XP and raising your Talent Points anyway. ’


1. Name: Astrid Bell

2. Gender: Female (23)

3. Race: Human

4. Affiliation: Horse

5. Level: 7

6. Occupation: Maid (F)

7. Detailed Ability

Tong sole: 10/10 (F) Power: 8/10 (F)

Stamina: 10/10 (F) Politics: 10/10 (F)

Charm: 10/10 (F)

8. Characteristics: You are not acquiring any traits.

9. Skill: You do not have any skills.

‘Hmm? Not bad...?' ’

The lagoon, which took a look at Astrid Bell's information, has a double glance. She did not serve, but her skills were evenly consistent. I thought I had invested in Talent Points by earning hard XP.

The eyes of the arc reveal the political points of Astrid Bell. At the same time, the eyes of the arc head toward the pile of documents they are holding.

Political capabilities, not other stats, had to be high in order to solve the complaints in the territory or to solve these documents with the clients of the territory.

Based on the experience of playing the Rignus continental electricity, the current situation of Curtisac was a complete mess. To resolve this situation, a person with a job, trait, or skill related to politics was needed.

‘Even though there are peril Yenos and Melia Bish.... ’

Those who are circumcised are involved in Curtisac's internal affairs on their own command, or as suggested?

The arc shakes its head. It seemed unlikely at all. In the view of the lake, they didn't seem to have any interest in Curtisac's inner circle. If I had any interest in the beginning, I wouldn't have made the territory into this situation.

The current political power of the arc was only 10. The sergeant's job grade was grade E, but his political ability was only a penalty of F.

Moreover, no matter how many territories the lake has managed and developed, there was a limit to it alone.

But what if Astrid Bell were to move into a political career? ’

It seemed to help develop Curtisac somewhat.

Until then, the arc slowly opened its mouth.

“You need experience points to quickly increase your level and ability points, which is the power of the world. And the best way to get the most XP is through combat. But you don't want Astrid Bell to fight monsters on her own, do you? ”

“…… Yes. ”

Her eyes were filled with fear. It was worth it to think about the terrible things that happened at the temple of choice.

The arc coughed and said again.

“Then I'll have to exclude you from transferring directly to a fighting class……. How would you describe your occupation with the internal affairs of the territory? ”

“Are you talking about jobs related to internal affairs in the territory? What's that supposed to mean? ”

“It's literally a job specializing in managing or developing territory. It's kind of like a civil servant. ”

“Government officials……? ”

“Yes, they are essential for managing and managing their territory. Perfect timing. If Bell is going to be a career in Internal Affairs, I can be of some assistance to you. I have a lot of work to do now. ”

“What do you mean? ”

The ship showed Astrid Bell the pile of documents she was carrying. It was awkward, but it was definitely effective. It was because Bell looked eager to see the piles of documents.

“Astrid Bell will tell Perril Yenos that Curtisac's territory will be very helpful. You probably won't object as much to my majority authority, and at least then you won't have to gardening with Goblins. Of course, you'll get more experience in a day. ”

“ ……. ”

He said with a meaningful smile. Somehow I felt a little guilty because I felt strongly that I was using her for my own purposes, but that was it.

Then he closed his eyes slightly and looked straight back at Astrid Bell.

“What do you think? There are a few Class E classes I recommend to Bell……. ”

Astrid Bell begins to nod slowly with the arc's eyes awaiting an answer.

She leveled up with her experience, where she was a Class E accountant who received merit for her political abilities related to internal affairs.

* * *

After an accountant named Astrid Bell, she just stepped into her own office in Peryl Yenos.

Fortunately, Peril Yenos and Melia Bisch are still in the Oval Office.

“What's going on? ”

“I came to talk to you about something. ”

The request for permission to speak up about Astrid Bell and work with the inner circle in the territory was passed in an instant. In case you were afraid to speak out against the heart of Perril Yenos.

“ ……. ”

The arc shakes its head as it closes the door to the office. There was still a shock in my head that Peryl Yenos just said, "Take care of it, it's annoying."

Moreover, with that, she even makes her way to her bedroom in a miraculous way. even when the sun is in the sky.

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