Lignus Continental Biography

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“Soeeek!!! ”

“Queek! Queek!!! ”

The frenzied screams of the Mage soldiers made of Orcs and Goblins spread throughout the battlefield, making my whole body tingle. The pressure was not comparable to the first Demibeast battle in the world.

In the virtual reality game, Lignus World War, the ship experienced numerous wars and commanded more than a million troops.

He was a veteran who fought in various situations, including Demibeasts, Horsemen, Heavenly People, and even dragons.

But the game and reality were similar but different.

“Hohohoho!!! ”

With every whip of Peryl Yenos, an unidentified monster in the dungeon sniffs, cracks, and exhales green steamed bodily fluids. The boat gazes back at the monster's corpse as it seeps into the ground.

“ ……. ”

I had a strange feeling. Maybe I was nervous? The arc felt a little stiff.

The soldier he now commands was less than a thousand.

But why? Green bodily fluids scattered all over the place and a pungent stench of vomit emanating from the tip of the nose were solidifying the arc body.

‘This is war……. ’

War in virtual reality games was always a game. I wasn't scared, I wasn't sick. No matter how realistic it was, it was a fiction.

But things are different now. This world that he could see was a reality that could die.

“Take advantage!”

Orc Warriors and Goblins were killed by an attack of monsters that seemed to have mixed plants and animals in harmony. The arc facing the orc's eyes is fading and fading.

“Damn it!”

What if someone asks the arc if they can survive this war? The arc was able to give a clear answer.


My hands tremble. I couldn't believe it. If you train in the future and become familiar with combat, you may be able to deal with more monsters. But now I'm not confident in fighting monsters.

“That's good. That's really good. ”

The arc muttered, reminiscing about its occupation. I felt it was a good enough choice to transfer to a class that led soldiers behind me, rather than a class that fought directly.

There will come a day when you will have to deal with them in person, like Perril Yenos. But it wasn't now.

It was then.

“ ……?! ”

I swiftly twisted my neck as I felt my back tighten and pulled out my +1 Enhanced Steel Sword. You swing your sword as soon as you notice the appearance of monsters that look weird, not Orcs and Goblins.

“Kaja, Ka, Ka, Ka, Ka, Ka"

With a heavy feeling in your hand, monsters with cuts in their swords gush green bodily fluids from the area of your mouth. It was a reflexive attack, but it seemed to have taken a critical hit on an odd-looking monster.


The arc frowns when the monster's bodily fluids are on its body.

“I don't think they're rotten, but they smell really bad.... ”

The nose-grabbing arc loses its liveliness and swings its sword again toward the slow-falling monster. It was for a confirmed kill. There was nothing wrong with being careful as long as it wasn't a game.

The orc warriors then rush in and make the monster that attacked the lake into a puddle.

“Very good! Very good!!! I wanted this!!! ”

Peril Yenos screams loudly. She is surrounded by the corpses of monsters that have been turned into clubs. It was a three-hour battle.

“Phew……. ”

I also wiped the sweat off my forehead with my hands. It wasn't a direct battle, but it wasn't just playing in the background.

Perril Yenos was not a commander, but a typical appendectom-style hero. Thanks to this, it was a favor to command the soldiers and keep an eye on the whole situation, and I had to swing my sword for a while.

After all, as soon as Curtisac's army entered the catacombs, they were greeted by the junior bosses, the stinking Laposian and subterranean meta-human monsters.

The hordes of Mages, including the lakes, fought fiercely against them for three hours, eventually turning the stinking, deformed monsters attacking the horsemen, including Lafozia, into muddy manure.

A lot of damage has been done. Despite the remaining boss monster-grunt Ducation, you have lost about two hundred soldiers in a battle against Lafozia.

“Well done, Perril Yenos. ”


“142 Orc Warrior, 54 Goblin Throwers have died. ”

A ship that has already located the soldiers' damage has come forward and told Perril Yenos. The lagoon, with its head splattered and its body fluids everywhere, looks like a fiercely combat soldier.

“Hmph! You've done well, too, I see. ”

“Thank you."

At the words of Perril Yenos, the arc bows. It was then.


You defeated the stinking Raposian in the dungeon dungeon dungeon dungeon.

I'm finishing up my battle. 3…… 2… 1. Settled. Rank A for this battle. 450 XP earned.

General Captain Peryl Yenos has recognized the Active Medal. Gain 20% more EXP.

"20% Cotton?! ’

You gained an extra 90 XP.

‘Besides... ’

The heart of the arc began to beat loudly. He wasn't just excited about the fact that he had gained an additional 20% EXP. General acknowledgment. I had never seen anything like this when playing Lake Rignus Electric.

Is there something different about this, like a virtual reality game? ’

The arc has been keeping the current facts in mind. These trivial things were sure to work greatly in the future.

At this point, 20% was never small. Moreover, it was clear that 20% of the EXP you would gain would be enormous if you gained performance in a major war in the future.

“What are you thinking? ”

The arc raises its head at the words of Perril Yenos. She looked at the arc with a curious look. I noticed that I was briefly stunned by the joy of gaining additional EXP.

The lake clearing its throat for a moment said with a cheerful expression.

“I was recognized by Perril Yenos. I know it's a lot to take in, but Perril Yenos didn't think he'd be very happy with Summoners like me. ”

“You don't welcome Summoners? You mean the women in the city? ”


The arc nods. I'm glad to be recognized. This was a typical answer to Ferryl Yenos' uplifting question. But the next question was a favor to ask her.

“Hmm……. ”

Peryl Yenos tapped his lip with his index finger as he stretched out his lip to the naturally occurring narrative of the lake.

Legend has it that one of the Summoners can unify the continent.

No one knew who it would be, but the possibility was open to everyone. Even Sister Han, who is cooking in the pantry of the territory, or Astrid Bell, who is building a market for a long time.

Even in his case. Unlike the heroes of this world with class limitations, Summoners were able to rapidly grow if given the opportunity. But the NPCs in the world, or the Mages, didn't care about that at all.



The boat looked embarrassed and looked at Perril Yenos.

“Summoner? I don't hate him. But I'm only keeping other kids in the castle except you. ”

“ ……. ”

“Actually, I don't like it because it's a woman. I've always wanted a man, not a pervert like you, but a strong man with muscles. Aaaah!!! How come none of our Summoners have such children? ”

“…… I'm sorry for the misconduct. ”

The arc bites its lip lightly, blaming itself for its stupidity. It was a circular answer.

The march continues. Monsters in the middle dungeon block the way ahead, but a handful of fertilizer vanishes on the whip of Peryl Yenos.

It was definitely a Class B hero of Force 292. The presence of peril Yenos in the dungeon underground, a Class D dungeon, was overwhelming by itself.

"Is that so? ’

The ship reminds me of the previous battle. The attack on the dungeon at Rignus Continental War was a kind of raid that led many soldiers and dealt with the bosses for war-torn combat. It was almost impossible to deal with a boss class monster alone.

Nevertheless, Peril Yenos was not defeated by the stinking Laposian, a junboss-class monster. Alone, it was a powerful face against the boss class monsters in the dungeon.

Of course, it was possible with the support of the Horsemen, but her combat strength was great.

‘I didn't even hit a Class B hero in the game. ’

But now Peryl Yenos in the Dungeon of the Underground was showing the ship more heroic than Class S.

The hordes of the Mages who defeated the stinking monsters of Junboss in the dungeon dungeon dungeon dungeon dungeons began to march magnificently into the dungeon. Monsters appear in front of you, but they vanish into the dungeon's manure in front of a sharp spear.

So Ferryl Yenos and the ship fought monsters for less than a day exploring the underground tunnels, and encountered a giant giant seven, eight metres deep in the dungeon.

The giant looked like he was covered in moss and grass, consistent with the nickname "Grunt Giant."

“Dugation of the Loose Giants. ”

The arc recounts the name of the giant before its eyes.

The last boss in the dungeon. If we defeat him, we'll be done with the underground tunnels in Class D dungeons.

And the ship recalled the loot from defeating Lafozia, 7,300 reeds and a few items.

‘Obviously I like the dungeon. ’

In order to earn 7,300 leases on Curtis' net income, he had to spend a considerable amount of time in agony. However, the dungeon was only able to earn that much just by defeating june-boss monsters.

If Lafozia sold spit on it, she could get an additional 9,000 leases.

‘Total 16,300 leases. ’

It was insufficient fund to develop the messy Curtisac. But at least I was able to put out the fire. You also won more loot than Lafozia if you defeated Ducation, the Grasshopper.

“Hoho. That thing was on my turf, right? ”

Perril Yenos said with an interesting look on his face as he sat on his knees. However, the fact that there was a large golem on his territory did not seem pleasant.

Peryl Yenos, who sniffed at the smell of something strange, frowned and said nervously.

“A little, but I don't like the smell of elves. He doesn't have to go through anything. ”

“Perril Yenos' will. ”

The arc bows its head. We didn't have to say it like that, but we had to catch him. For the sake of Curtisac's progress.

Peril Yenos' wings flap and begin to float into the air. And the eagle plunges down like a prey, whipping the giant with its whip.


The unfortunate mob jumps up with a shout. With a roar, the earth shakes as if it were in a quake.

"It's coming up nicely. ’

I have never faced a Muggler, the boss of a Class D dungeon dungeon dungeon dungeon dungeon, while playing the virtual reality game Rignus continental electricity. It was because there were so many dungeons everywhere, except underground tunnels.

However, I had a lot of experience dealing with bossy monsters. Judging from that experience, the appearance of the Plumber Giant was quite confusing for the Class D boss.

Then the battle began.

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