After Lu Shen and his party packed up their things and made sure that they did not leave any garbage by the cider lake, they boarded the off-road bus.

Kelly was still riding for the first time, and she was particularly excited, bouncing around in the car.

Reba pinned her to her seat and fastened her seat belt.

Lu Shen drove away.

According to the map, he can get an optimal route out, which can maximize the time saving.

The first place to reach is the Temple of a Thousand Winds.

A complex of temple ruins located northeast of Mond.

The tourist bus given by the system is quite powerful.

Lu Shen staggered all the way, starting from Mondstadt and heading towards the Temple of a Thousand Winds.

The scenery along the way is still beautiful and picturesque.

Some unknown monsters will pop up from time to time along the way, making the three of Reba scream and scream.

Reba: “Oh my God, there’s a big tent with a lot of chuchu people living in it!” ”

Lu Shen: “The tribe of the Qiuqiu people.” ”

Yang Mi: “What is the glowing ore next to the stone?” ”

Lu Shen: “Electric crystal.” ”

Bai Lu: “Ah, ah, there’s a blue flower over there, it seems to have eyes and can drill the ground!” ”

Lu Shen: “Frost deceives flowers and is very aggressive. ”

The fuss of several people made Kelly sitting in the car a little speechless.

She wondered

“Sister, haven’t you all gone out, these are not common monsters in the wild, what’s so strange…”

The reaction of netizens was similar.

I am very curious about these monsters in the wild.

Some biologists can’t wait to grab a few now and study them to see what these amazing creatures really make!

In the game, where he could quickly reach, Lu Shen drove for about half an hour to reach the periphery of the Temple of a Thousand Winds.

Lu Shen parked the car in front of the entrance of the Temple of a Thousand Winds.

It was a round arch made of stone, already covered with moss.

Everyone got out of the car, followed Lu Shen, and carefully stepped into the ruins of this building that had been eroded by a long time and only the remains remained.

The group of ruins of the Temple of the Thousand Winds is obviously divided into several parts.

The various parts, looking at the silhouette they leave behind, are different palaces.

Some of the stone columns are still faintly recognizable with the intricate curves of the once ornate carvings.

Reba sighed

“Although it’s just a ruin, I can make up for how brilliant and spectacular this place has been after reading it.”

Yang Mi nodded, picked up her mobile phone, and filmed as she walked, “Yes, it’s a pity that now only the ruins remain.” ”

Bai Lu asked curiously, “Guide Lu, what is the Thousand Winds Temple for?” ”

Lu Shen climbed up a stone pillar, looked at the surrounding scenery, and replied:

“According to rumors, thousands of years ago, this was a temple dedicated to the ancient wind god.”

——[Fengshin, Fengshen again, where is Fengshin!] 】

——[According to the current various clues, the wind god seems to really exist.] 】

——[The legacy of the Temple of the Thousand Winds seems to illustrate the honorable status of the Wind God in the hearts of the people of Mond, and it feels more than just faith. 】

——[Ahhhh, I really want to explore the ruins on the spot like Reba! ] 】



Lu Shen and his group followed a winding path until they came to the highest part of the Thousand Winds Temple.

The architectural remains here are even more complex!

They climbed the dilapidated steps and found that it resembled a circular paddock.

There are round arches, towering stone wall pillars, and wooden dungeons in the paddock.

In the center of the paddock, there is also a strange giant robot.

It is brownish and has two large bolts on the shoulders.

He has extremely long arms, a four-pointed star on his head, and some branches next to it.

Reba and the others just wanted to step forward and take a closer look.

But was stopped by Lu Shen:

“Don’t step forward, this guy is a relic guard, an ancient humanoid combat machine that often wanders around the world in ruins, attacking and attacking travelers.”

As soon as these words came out, the three of Reba suddenly became nervous, and quickly shrunk behind Lu Shen.

But they didn’t feel like this old robot was moving….

Reba poked her head and asked suspiciously

“Guide Lu, where is it all paralyzed, it has been abandoned for a long time, it should not move.”

Yang Mi swallowed a mouthful of spit and said

“I also think it should be dead.”

They just finished talking.

The head of the relic guard who was originally sitting on the ground suddenly lit up!

Under the horrified gaze of everyone, it slowly climbed up.

——[Moved! ] 】

——[Groove! It’s really alive! 】

——[Hurry up! 】

——[Startle labor and management, can this goods move without electricity?] 】

And just when Reba and the others kept retreating in fear, Kelly’s big eyes showed an excited look, and she smiled happily:

“Haha, the big giant will still move!”

“Brother Lu Shen, Kelly can apply to fight, I want to try the newly developed bungee bomb!”

Lu Shen saw her eager look and nodded.

With permission, Kelly ran out from behind Reba and the others with a smile, smiling and running in the direction of the ruins guards.

While running, he also said:

“Hey, hey, da-da… Sisters don’t be afraid, Kelly blows it up! ”

Seeing this, several people in Reba turned blue with fright.

“Kelly, don’t go, danger!”

The netizens in the live broadcast room were also frightened when they saw this scene.

——【Danger!! 】

——[Quickly capture Kelly, her small body can be trampled to death by that robot’s kick! ] 】

——【SOS! Lu guide, save my female goose! 】

– [finished calving…].

Lu Shen turned his head and said stunnedly

“You won’t be confused by Keli’s cute appearance, her title of Mond’s strongest combat power is not a waste, rest assured, if there is danger, I will strike immediately.”

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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