And at this time, the acquaintance of the old man also suddenly appeared.

Paimon was surprised:

“Huh? Isn’t this the senior brother we met before, Mr. Domon? Why is he here…”

The old man named Tumen was shocked and said:

“Anzai… Are you a human or a ghost? ”

“You’re here to seek revenge on me, aren’t you… I knew I shouldn’t…”

Anzai shook her head:

“I really don’t have any affection for you, but I don’t want to hear your apology either.”

“This gentleman in white with extraordinary temperament is right, you should pass on your hopes…”

There is persuasion from acquaintances.

Plus Lu Shen’s enlightenment.

Tumen finally let go of his heart knot and sighed:

“I see.”

“I’m sorry, as the grandmaster of the mirror to stop the flow of water, I made you worried.” “197”

“Now I have no attachment to becoming the number one in the world.”

“The emptiness and pain in my heart cannot be dissolved, and it is difficult to be free of distractions.”

“But as your master, I will still give you all my life’s learning.”

“On this point, please ask Senior Brother to supervise.”

Anxi snorted coldly:

“I will naturally supervise, otherwise who knows if your kid will go crazy again one day…”

“However, I’m used to the life of the Idle Cloud Wild Crane, so I won’t stay in the dojo.”

“Take a walk around your place once in a while and see if you’re lazy.”

“Why are you still stunned, quickly thank the eight major people, thank this gentleman in white!”


After thanking Yae Miko, Lu Shen and Ying, and the disciples of Mingjing Shui Flow, they went down the mountain.

Things finally worked out.

Yae Miko smiled at Lu Shen:

“Thank you to this out-of-town traveler for helping.”

Lu Shen waved his hand, “It’s just a matter of raising your hand, the eight major people look at this matter, don’t divulge the matter of our tour group smuggling Inazuma.” ”

Yae Miko laughed and said:

“Of course I don’t, it’s not my delusion.”

“The wind from a foreign land will blow new life to this sea…”

“Our meeting was somewhat premature.”

She said in a meaningful tone:

“But the timing of your trip to this island was just right.”

Yae Miko looked at Yin again:

“Work hard to live up to my expectations, little one.”

“Also, if Mr. Lu Shen can also help, then things will be much easier…”

Everyone in the tour group was slightly stunned.

They did not expect that the identity of their side would have been exposed long ago

The pink-haired royal sister in front of her is really not a fuel-saving lamp.

– [Wow wow wow… Isn’t Yae Miko serving Raiden Shogun, she knows the identity of Lu Guide, won’t she tell Raiden General? 】

——[I don’t feel like it, she said this paragraph, obviously on the side of opposing the Eye Hunting Order.] 】

– [She called the little one?] The tone is really sush… How old is Yae Goddess? 】

——[In this way, the rule of General Raiden has long caused the dissatisfaction of the people below. 】

Lu Shen said with a smile:

“Hachidai, let’s take a tour of Narujin Taisha Shrine in our tour group, can you invite you to unsign for us?”

The witch on the side immediately said:

“Eight important people have a lot of things…”

Before she finished speaking, she was interrupted by Yae Miko:

“Yes, I will make an exception for you today.”

The witches all showed a look of great surprise.

How could Yae Miko do the work of unsigning on weekdays, she was generally busy.

But now, he is willing to agree to this man’s unsigning?!


The tour group formed a long line in front of the Mijin signature box.

Ying and Paimon also joined in the fun, mixing with each other.

From the bamboo tube, each person shook out a bamboo skewer and handed it to Yae Miko to solve it.

Yae Miko answered like a stream, and the imperial god signatures of everyone in the tour group were almost not bad, they were all Daikichi and Nakayoshi!

She also smiled and said everyone’s lucky things for today. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Like a sneaky bug bouncing alive…

This time, it was soon Lu Shen’s turn.

After Lu Shen handed the shaken bamboo skewer to Yae Miko, she suddenly showed a surprised expression:

“Heck, Mr. Lu Shen was really lucky to draw one of the few big killers on our side!”

– [Haha, lucky to draw the big murderer?! ] 】

——[I also want to unsign the Yae Goddess, envy!!] 】

——[No, is Lu Guide’s luck so bad?] The people in the tour group seem to have a particularly good signature, and the previous statement is quite accurate…】

——[Listen to what the goddess Yae says…]

Lu Shen asked:

“What’s the solution?”

Yae Miko touched his snow-white chin with his hand and pondered seriously:

“It’s too dangerous, if Tour Guide Lu goes down the mountain to the city now, it will be easy to recruit a big Tengu to chase and kill!”

Lu Shen naturally knew who this big Tengu was worthy…..

Kujo Choro moves so fast?

Lu Shen thought about it and knew that Yae Miko was a kind reminder.

But he’s really not worried about it.

“It’s okay, the big tengu can’t take what our tour group does, thank you Miko for the reminder.”

Lu Shen said with a smile.

Although Yae Miko had never seen how strong Lu Shen’s strength was, she understood that since he dared to break into Inazuma with the tour group, he had the confidence to ensure the safety of the tour group.

“Speaking of which, does Mr. Lu Shen want to come to my Yae Hall and write a poetry collection?”

Yae Miko smiled like a flower.

She coveted Lu Shen’s talent.

Lu Shen naturally won’t easily be someone else’s part-time worker, “Yes, as long as the eight major people are willing to be the 1.6 travel consultant of my tour group in Inazuma…”

Yae Miko laughed and said:

“I’m very interested in Mr. Lu Shen’s tour group, but I’m very busy with my weekdays’ work, and my friend’s problems haven’t been solved, so I really don’t have that leisure now…”

Lu Shen said with a smile:

“Then wait for the problem of the eight major people and friends to be solved, let’s talk!”

——[Gan! These two people said that they both wanted each other to work for themselves…】

– [The thoughts of capitalists are exposed! 】

——[Ahhhh, if you can really let Yae Goddess enter the tour group as an Inazuma consultant, how good it is, in the future, Inazuma will be able to meet Yae Goddess justifiably! ] 】

– [Yae Miko’s friend? I rub, is this friend a Raiden shogun ?! 】


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