Chapter 147 Weird thoughts!

Even though Zhou Shuyi and Dai Xiaomei have an extraordinary relationship with Ye Xuan.

But when I saw the scene in the Ferris wheel, my face was still red with embarrassment.

Fortunately, there are only four of them on the Ferris wheel now.

If there are others, wouldn't they also be seen by others?

Although the two of them were very shy,

But in my heart, I couldn't help but want to take another look.

He turned his head slightly and peeked out of the corner of his eye.

As soon as I saw it, I quickly turned my head.

Although I was very shy, why did I feel sour at the same time?

Are you a little eager to try it?

Zhou Shuyi and Dai Xiaomei looked at each other.

Both of their faces turned red suddenly.

Then he quickly looked away.

When the Ferris wheel reached its highest point, Ye Xuan touched Fu Xiaotuan's long, silky hair behind his back.

Feeling Ye Xuan's movements, Fu Xiaotuan worked harder.

When the Ferris wheel starts to descend.

Zhou Shuyi and Dai Xiaomei could no longer see the scene in the Ferris wheel.

After a lot of suffering, the two finally waited until the Ferris wheel slowly stopped.

at some point.

When the height of the Ferris wheel drops to a certain height of 877.

Fu Xiaotuan also worked harder.

Looking at the scenery outside, Ye Xuan's heart became calm.

He touched Fu Xiaotuan's long, silky hair.

Slowly lift Fu Xiaotuan up.

"Go down."

Ye Xuan said slowly.

Fu Xiaotuan looked at Ye Xuan and nodded lightly.

His face turned red.

When Ye Xuan and Fu Xiaotuan walked out of the Ferris wheel, they saw Zhou Shuyi and Dai Xiaomei had already stepped off the Ferris wheel.

The two stared at Ye Xuan and Fu Xiaotuan with strange expressions.

Looking at the eyes of Zhou Shuyi and Dai Xiaomei.

Fu Xiaotuan lowered his head slightly, not daring to look at the two of them.

Ye Xuan, on the other hand, looked calm.

Their eyes lingered on Fu Xiaotuan for a moment, and then they looked at Ye Xuan.

He hummed softly in his mouth.

Wei Wei glared at Ye Xuan.

When the two got closer, the expressions of Zhou Shuyi and Dai Xiaomei also changed slightly.

Zhou Shuyi pointed at the wet clothes on Fu Xiaotuan's chest: "Why are you so careless? When you get back later, hang them up quickly."

Hear the words.

Fu Xiaotuan nodded slightly.

The audience in the live broadcast room (cgbh) naturally saw it too.


"What happened?"

"Aren't you all going to say it? Then I won't say it either!"

"Mr. Ye's ideas are always weird! (dog head.jpg.)"

“Is this the reason why Mr. Ye bought an amusement park??”

"Who knows?"

"Now I have to ask Mr. Ye!"

"I really can't imagine Mr. Ye's happiness!"

"Brothers, I really learned something this time!"

"I advise everyone to be cautious and don't try it easily. I have been banned from the amusement park now!"

"Wocao, awesome!"

Ye Xuan glanced at Zhou Shuyi and Dai Xiaomei.

His eyes swept over the two people's ordinary figures.

Then it stayed on Fu Xiaotuan's body.

Sure enough, there is no harm without comparison!

Zhou Shuyi glanced at Fu Xiaotuan and whispered: "Why don't we stop playing today? Let's go back first.

"Fu Xiaotuan's clothes are all wet."

"Go back and hang up your clothes quickly!"

The stupid girl also nodded lightly.

Ye Xuan glanced at the staff not far away.

As usual, it was already off work at this time.

But now it is precisely because of the four of them that the staff are not off work yet.

"Then let's go, it's indeed getting late."

The staff member came over and asked very thoughtfully: "Mr. Ye, if you need anything, please let us know at any time."

Ye Xuan nodded lightly: "We are going back, you should rest early!"

Hear the words.

The staff member hurriedly nodded: "Okay, Mr. Ye."

Zhou Shuyi looked at Fu Xiaotuan: "Why don't you go back and I'll drive."

The little girl's face also looked slightly surprised.

Obviously, he didn't expect Zhou Shuyi to make this request at this time.

However, since Zhou Shuyi said so, Dai Xiaomei naturally had no choice but to agree.

At this time, if I keep insisting that I want to sit in the same car with Ye Xuan, wouldn't I look a little ignorant?

This is the time to give Ye Xuan and Fu Xiaotuan some space to be alone.

The four of them walked towards the parking lot.

Fu Xiaotuan handed the car key to Zhou Shuyi and sat in the passenger seat.

Looking at the wet clothes on Fu Xiaotuan's chest, Ye Xuan's heart moved slightly.

He stepped lightly on the accelerator and headed towards the direction of Tomson Yipin.

Zhou Shuyi and Dai Xiaomei, who were following Ye Xuan, suddenly thought of something bad.

His face turned red and he followed Ye Xuan's car closely.

Twenty minutes later.

The red sports car and the white Mercedes-Benz drove into Tomson Yipin one after another.

Fu Xiaotuan was also a little nervous.

Zhou Shuyi and Dai Xiaomei got out of the car.

It was quite familiar, so I walked directly into the elevator and pressed the button for the 43rd floor.

Looking at the actions of the two people, Fu Xiaotuan's eyes were slightly surprised.

It seems that this is not the first time for these two people.

The room door opens.

Ye Xuan looked at Fu Xiaotuan: "Come in."

Fu Xiaotuan nodded slightly.

When looking at Ye Xuan, a hint of shyness flashed in his eyes.

He pursed his lips slightly and walked slowly towards the room.

The door closed gently.

Zhou Shuyi and Dai Xiaomei were sitting on the sofa, shouting: "It's so hot!"

"How about we go for a swim.

The two of them said this, and then turned the camera slightly.

He walked to the side room and started changing clothes.

Not a moment.

In Fu Xiaotuan's slightly surprised eyes, Zhou Shuyi and Bao Xiaomei were the ministers who appeared in the room.

The audience in the live broadcast room was also stunned.

"Wocao, bikini???"

"Is this really something we can fucking watch?"

"Wocao, where's the shark's super tube? Have they all gone to their heads?"

"Brother, even if you don't look at the relationship between Zhou Shuyi and the old woman and Mr. Ye, does Xiao Chen dare?"

"With Mr. Ye here, even Chen Shaojie can't do anything, let alone those superintendents!"

"In front of Mr. Ye, Supervisor is just like a dog!"

"What kind of housekeeper is worse than a dog?"

"Where's Fu Xiaotuan? I want to see Fu Xiaotuan's bikini!"

"Brother, of course only Mr. Ye can see Fu Xiaotuan's bikini!

Ye Xuan turned to look at Fu Xiaotuan standing next to him.

He smiled and said, "Do you want to go too?"

A flash of hesitation flashed across Fu Xiaotuan's face, and then he nodded slightly!.

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