Live Broadcast: My Leisurely Life As An Emperor in Daqin!

237. Li Si's cliff is intentional!? [4] Please complete the order!


A famous person from Jixia stood up,


A thick stack of answer sheets was distributed by ~ Meng Yi,

Including Wang Jian,

All ate zero eggs!

And Wei Liao and others,

Looking at the remaining two answer sheets, they whispered and kept discussing-!

"I think this answer sheet from the National Teacher can be rated as excellent!"

Meng Yi looked at the delicate Xiao Zhuan on the white paper with a solemn expression!

I used to underestimate the national teacher,

did not expect,

In such a short period of time, she was able to write such an excellent answer sheet!!!

"Xun everyone, I think it can be rated as excellent!"

Wei Liao looked at the other answer sheet and opened her mouth.


"Although the content of these two answer sheets is good writing!""

"But, it's not neatly written!

"Should be medium!"

"Not a complete pass!"

Li Si began to pick on the thorns,


If they pass the exam, won't he have to pay off the debt?

The next exam is still a test!


"It stands to reason that the written score should also be counted!

Wei Liao, Meng Yi and others,

Finally nodded.



Just wait!


"I said what are you mumbling about!

"Hurry up and announce the results of the national teacher and the old man Xun!"

"Laozi still wants to burn Jixia Academy! 35

Wang Jian couldn't help but started to urge when he saw Li Si and the others grinding and chirping.


There are so many things these people do!

Not happy at all!

"That's right, hurry up and announce it, I'm already hungry and want to burn down the school!!"

"When I was waiting for zero, I was so bold, why is it so pretentious now!

Meng Wu, Li Xin and others,

Ignoring the murderous gazes of those Confucian students, he hurriedly shouted,


Swordsman is a lot of things!

"I also want to know Li Yao's grades! 35

"Yeah yeah, I want to know how she fared too! 35

"And Xunzi's grades, I want to know too!"

"It's so hard to decide, it's not really good at the test!"

"Shouldn't be, I'm shit, don't do this! 35

"F*ck, hurry up and announce the results!

And Xunzi,

Holding his beard with his hands, he was full of indifference.


Just for fun!


He still has some confidence in his own literary talent!

Li Yao doesn't care,

She knows what she has written!

Not to mention what the ancients are,


There should be no problem!

"Cough! 35

"After my unanimous deliberation and decision!""

"Senior Xun Kuang!

"This time the answer sheet is medium!"

Meng Yi coughed lightly, held an answer sheet, and spoke loudly in front of everyone's eyes.

"Huh? How is it possible, why even the sacrifice wine is medium?"

"Yeah, how could the article on offering wine be only medium!

"Are these people deliberately targeting me and waiting!"

"Maybe they also want to burn down our Jixia Academy!""

"Probably not!


Those Confucian students, Jixia celebrities,

All chatted in ear to ear.


Sacrificial wine is a Confucian giant, and a generation of literary people, how can the articles written by his old man be only moderate?

Maybe these people have negotiated with those goose thieves!

Want to deliberately target their school palace!

"The reason why I judged Senior Xun Kuang's answer as medium!"

"It's not that Senior Xun Kuang's article is bad!

"On the contrary, Senior Xun Kuang is so brilliant in writing, even I admire this article!

Meng Yi looked at the crowd for a while, and began to patiently explain to the crowd!

"Since even you wait in admiration!"

"Then why is it only rated as a medium for the article on offering wine?"

The faces of those Confucian students softened a bit, but they still looked at Meng Yi and the others with their necks stuck.

Want them to give a satisfactory explanation!

"Writing points!

"Because of Senior Xun Kuang's writing!

"In some places, the handwriting is blurred, which affects the reading of the whole body of the article!""

"So good grades are downgraded to medium!"

Meng Yi loudly explained to many Confucian students,


caused a boo.

It's actually a written score? Even if the handwriting is blurred, the score will be deducted? It's unheard of!

......・For flowers 0‥...

"Hey, Laozi really doesn't want to burn your Jixia Academy! 99

at this time,

Wang Jian pretended to sigh, with the intention of fanning the flames.


Those Confucian students are even more angry in their hearts!

Full of distrust of Meng Yi and the others!


Li Si and the others just got in touch with these goose thieves!


They just got in touch!

"Like words!"

"The font is not standardized and neat!"

"It really should be worth the downgrade!"

"Jixia students should take the old man as a warning!

Xun Kuang put his hand on his beard, stood up slowly, and warned those Confucian students earnestly!



No mathematician nodded again and again and said yes!

Remember the teaching of sacrificial wine!

"About the national teacher's answer!"

"The literary talent is brilliant, and the content is on an equal footing with what Senior Xunzi answered!"

"This time, it was also rated as medium!

Meng Yi coughed, holding the last test paper, and under the ear of many people, he spoke loudly.


Those Confucian students have calmed down a lot!

It turns out that this national teacher, the answer this time is only medium!


There is no suspicion of collusion with it!

It seems,

It's true that they misunderstood before!


Wang Jian and others were a little disappointed. The torches were all ready, but you told me not to burn them!


"Writing points are also deducted?"

Li Yao was a little suspicious,


It must be Li Si, the dog coin, deliberately used!

Stuck on your grades!

So that he can pay off those loans by himself!!!


"Not neatly written!

"The writing is vague, the best will be the middle!"

Meng Yi nodded and handed the answer sheet to Li Yao.

"Hmmmm? Li Yao also wrote a medium?"

"The same grades as Xunzi?"

"I don't believe it when I ride a horse!

"Me too, I don't believe it too!!

"Her essays are actually comparable to those of Xunzi?"

"I don't believe it either!"


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