After dinner, Xu Muge opened the live broadcast room.

Remembering that I hadn't read the emails for a while, I changed the title of the live broadcast room to arsenic of mind and asked the audience to send emails.

Lou Zhanlei and the others also stood beside them. This time Wei Hanzhong had learned to be smart. No matter how thirsty he was, he would not drink water.

After ten minutes of waiting, the mailbox was full again.

Xu Muge casually opened one.

"Hello, Brother Mu, my dog ​​was amputated due to illness, and the operation has just been completed, but seeing him gloomy and depressed, it makes me very uncomfortable. I don't know if it can adapt to life with one less leg."

Xu Muge smiled.

"What is this, there are many cats in the city without their balls, isn't it still the same normal life?"

"If you think he might not want that leg, you can stuff the leg he sawed off, then throw that leg out and have the dog pick it up so he can play with his leg too. happy."

Behind him, Lou Zhanlei and the others really look like you.

This method sounds good at first glance, but it always feels like something is wrong.

Read on to the next email.

"Hello, anchor, last night I overheard my girlfriend chatting with a man in voice chat. They called each other baby. They were so tired and crooked that I felt goosebumps."

"I questioned my girlfriend. She admitted that she had cheated on her. She left and didn't come back for a day. I am alone in the rental house. I feel very uncomfortable. I don't know if I should get back with her."

Xu Muge rubbed his chin after listening.

Nodding approvingly.

"Your girlfriend would rather green you than to break up with you. Isn't that enough to show how much she loves you?"

"Of course your girlfriend who loves you so much is forgiving her."

ah this...

The live audience was speechless.

"What a refreshing brain circuit."

"As expected of Brother Mu, he can always come up with new tricks."

"If you want to live well, you have to be a little green on your head from time to time."

"Where does my brother live, I want to be your neighbor, nothing else, I just think you are easy to get along with."

Xu Muge sees several emails every time, such as being green for breaking up.

If the data of all emails is unified, it is estimated that it is also a type with a relatively large proportion.

Then the third letter, this time Xu Muge specially found another type.

"I have been working for three years after graduation. I am engaged in the sales industry. Although I didn't know much when I first entered the industry, I feel that the work is quite easy and I can make money."

"But over time, with work experience, I suddenly found that the job was getting harder and less paid."

"I thought about it carefully. The downturn in the industry is only one of the reasons, mainly because people are too busy now."

"Like the day before yesterday, a colleague asked me to go to an Internet cafe to play games. After I finished the promotion round, he hadn't come yet. In the end, he said that he couldn't come because of something. As a result, he learned from other colleagues that he went to run the business."

"Do you think I should continue to lie down like before, or roll like them."

Lay flat and rotten or work hard.

This may be a problem for many contemporary young people.

It may be that after watching a small movie and finishing sewing, the desire to work hard is the strongest.

After that moment, continue to lie down.

Xu Muge smiled and said, "You said it as if you and them could roll a piece of paper together."

Points +233

Xu Muge suddenly changed the conversation.

"But I do have a convenient and quick method that allows you to win other people easily."


Lou Zhanlei and the others also raised their ears, looking forward to it.

Xu Muge continued: "You can buy some paper money now and burn it for yourself, store it in the Bank of Heaven and Earth, and when you die, you can become a rich man directly."

"Roll them to death!"


Lou Zhanlei and the three were dumbfounded.

They really thought that Xu Muge was going to say a good way.

"Great method, don't recommend it next time."

"I have taken out my notebook, are you telling me this?"

"I think it's useful, but it's not worth the money anyway, so you can try it."

"If everyone burns it now, it will not only cause inflation, but the money will be the same, and it will still be poor."

"Then burn now and die now, go down and spend early!"


Whether to roll or lay flat is different from person to person, Xu Muge didn't want to give it, and couldn't give any good advice.

After that, he read more than a dozen of them in a row for about an hour.

Ready to play the game with the last one.

This one is rather simple.

"Brother Mu, I'm very introverted, how should I flirt with my sister to find a girlfriend?"

When Xu Muge read the email before, he told everyone how to chat with a stranger of the opposite sex.

That is indeed a practical skill, but it can only be used to chat with the opposite sex, not to flirt.

Xu Muge said: "Introverts can't flirt with girls, listen carefully, I'll just say it once, serious."

"And the three of you."

He was referring to Lou Zhanlei, Wei Hanzhong, Pei Houwang and the three of them.

"Well, listen, Master, you said."

Xu Muge cleared his throat.

"Actually, it's very simple. If you don't know how to flirt with girls, you can learn it. How to learn? I have a skill here."

"You can go to the dating software to register a female account, upload a few beautiful photos, and then wait for some men to flirt with you."

"Pick out the most flirtatious ones, pretend to be a woman to talk to him, but in fact secretly learn his tricks and methods for flirting with girls."

"Over time, you will learn."


Makes sense!


Lou Zhanlei and the others all gave thumbs up, and without saying a word, turned their heads and took out their mobile phones to download the dating software.

Before Xu Muge pretended to be a girl to date them online, it was Xu Muge who was flirting with them. The four straight men who didn't understand anything would flirt with girls.

If it wasn't for Xu Muge to lure them into the bait, he wouldn't be able to talk to them at all.

Points +233

Points +666


"As expected of an emotion master! Sure enough, there is a set!"

"Wait until I use this method to find the object and come back to give a gift to Brother Mu!"

"Is there a possibility that in the process of pretending that a girl is being teased by a man, she is directly attacked and becomes bent."


After reading this letter, Xu Muge started playing the game.

Before ten o'clock, the live broadcast will be closed in advance.

The main reason is that he has nothing else to do recently, and he is quite leisurely, so he needs to think about what movie to make to earn some points.

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