Live Broadcast: One Sentence At The Beginning Of The School Flower Crying

Chapter 197: The answer begins, netizens are stunned

Xu Muge, like before, sent a meager message to promote this software called "Ten Questions".

After all, he himself is the biggest traffic.

He briefly introduced the content of the software, and told everyone that you can download the software now and make an appointment at 9 o'clock in the evening three days later.

The number of netizens who participated in the comments exceeded 10,000 in a short time.

Everyone is very curious about this software.

"The software recommended by Brother Mu, I downloaded it without saying a word. The two previous ones were very easy to use."

"Answer the questions to win money? Isn't this the routine of a variety show more than ten years ago? It's too old-fashioned!"

"It's not the same, after all, Brother Mu has charity work."

"Why do I feel like a welfare lottery?"

"Lottery costs money, this one doesn't cost money, it's up to you."

"Penguin has told us a truth, sometimes free is the most expensive."

"I have already thought of the routine. I will watch an advertisement before the opening, and watch the advertisement to revive after answering the wrong question. If you want to prolong the answering time, you must also watch the advertisement. Even if you answer all the questions correctly, you will have to watch the advertisement. to reflect the amount.”

"There's something inside."

"Could it be that you are the chief operation of a eggplant?"

But some people are not optimistic about this software, after all, there are too many loopholes in their opinion.

For example, will the question bank of the software be leaked, will the internal employees get bonuses, will charity be just a gimmick to make money, etc.

Of course, these people are only a few, and most of them have downloaded it.

Mainly because Xu Muge's "Revelation" software is very conscientious, and the recommended "Slag Dream" software is very powerful.

So in terms of software, everyone still believes in Xu Muge.

Then Xu Muge contacted Cheng Wenpeng's company and asked him to promote the software from multiple channels.

The two softwares can be recommended without spending money, Xu Muge's own popularity is enough.

But this software is different.

At least the prize pool must be more than one million in order to be attractive.

After Xu Muge posted the meager message, he told the actors in the cast, and they forwarded Xu Muge's meager one by one.

At the same time, I would like to tell you that in the evening three days later, their crew will chat with you on a live broadcast, and then answer the questions on the live broadcast.

This not only promotes the software, but also makes the movie popular.

It can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

The next three days.

Cheng Wenpeng's company promoted the software "Ten Questions", coupled with Xu Muge's own popularity.

Software downloads continue to soar.

The number of people who made an appointment to answer the question easily exceeded one million, and it is still increasing.

It's day three.

In the evening, Xu Muge had dinner with everyone, and brought a few leading actors to the hotel suite.

Opened his live room.

The main actors appeared together and greeted the audience in the live broadcast room.

Except Xu Muge and Liang Ruixue, the other leading actors are elders. They have little or no contact with live broadcast, which is quite novel.

I thought it was a press conference or something, so they sat upright and serious.

Xu Muge said: "The teachers don't need to be so serious, they can be casual like they usually do on the set, say hello and chat with everyone."

Listening to him, several people relaxed a little.

There are more than 600,000 VIPs online in the live broadcast room, and the barrage is too much to watch.

"Wow! Brother Mu has such a strong lineup in this movie! They are all acting!"

"What about the acting school! With the experience of the miracle stupid kid, even if he invites anyone! I won't watch it!"

"I thought so too, but who asked my wife to be there! I've decided to watch this movie!"

"To be honest, I feel that with Mr. Chen there, this movie shouldn't be as outrageous as the upper part."

"It's not easy, just look at the word of mouth and decide whether to watch it or not."

It's still early, according to Xu Muge's plan.

The actors chat with the audience first.

At around 8:50, their elders left.

The rest of Xu Muge and Liang Ruixue are still in front of the camera.

After all, the software is a bit difficult for them to answer the questions, so let the young man Liang Ruixue come.

Liang Ruixue opened her mobile phone and logged in to the software.

After entering, you will see the countdown to the beginning of the answer.

There is no advertisement in the software, it is very simple.

Liang Ruixue asked, "Why don't you open the software?"


Liang Ruixue scratched her head in embarrassment, a little cute.

She thought that Xu Muge would answer the question with her, but she did not expect to answer it alone.

What an embarrassing answer.

Three minutes before nine o'clock, Xu Muge opened the background of the software with a computer, randomly found a set of question banks from a folder, and entered them into the software.

Xu Muge said: "All the questions in the software are my own thoughts. Among the ten questions, the beginning is easy and the later is difficult. Before answering the questions, I will randomly find a set of questions from the question bank and input them into the software."

His actions made many viewers call him professional.

Before, everyone had all kinds of worries, worrying about problems such as the leakage of questions or answers.

Now it seems that Xu Muge has considered it in advance and has taken corresponding measures to convince everyone.

Xu Muge also saw some information about the current software.

There are already 1.4 million online users and counting.

As long as each person answers two questions correctly, there will also be a prize pool of 2.8 million.

Time ticks by.

It's almost nine o'clock.

The software page displays the words "Start Answering".

Everyone is open at the same time.

First question.

"How many stars are there in the Milky Way?"

a: 70 billion to 250 billion.

b: 100 billion to 300 billion.

c: 100 billion to 400 billion.

d: 100 billion to 500 billion.

e: 200 billion to 500 billion.

f: 70 billion to 500 billion.

Liang Ruixue: "....."

Live audience: "....."

Points +1000

Points +1000

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