An ordinary top, they played for two hours.

When they were about to return to the yard through the back door, Liang Ruixue pointed to a tree ten meters away.

"What tree is this? Why are there so many caterpillars?"

"Caterpillar?" Zhao Jin took a step back subconsciously.

Xu Muge smiled and said, "That's paper mulberry. The caterpillar is called Gou Xu, and there are many dialects called it. Gou Xu is edible."

"Ah? Is this something edible?" Liang Ruixue couldn't believe it.

They all walked over with curiosity.

Although the paper mulberry is not high, the branches and leaves are dense, and the green flocculents are section by section, really like caterpillars.

Mr. He said: "I often eat it when I was a child, and the taste is still good. Let's pick some dinner to eat."

So Peng Peng went back to get the baskets, and they stepped forward to extract the flocs.

Some people take pictures while picking them, and send them to a circle of friends, looking like they have never seen the world.

Liang Ruixue played with a stick in his hand, "How do you eat this thing?"

"You can mix it with the noodles, steam it and make a salad, or you can remove the outer hair and fry it directly," Xu Muge replied.

There are audiences of all ages in the live broadcast room. Most of the young people who grew up in the city may not know these things, and the older ones basically know them.

"Our dialect here is called Goubangbo, and I often eat it when I was a child."

"I haven't tasted it since I grew up, go back to the village and try it."

"I just asked my seventy-year-old grandfather, and he said it would be nice if they could have this when they were young."

"A good life doesn't come easily."

Go back to the yard.

Mr. He took three people to chop wood, and the remaining three people cooked for Xu Muge.

Construction can be mixed with white flour or cornmeal. The latter is more fluffy and delicious after steaming.

Xu Muge steamed the batter mixed with cornmeal, glanced at the people who were chopping firewood, and smiled.

I can't chop wood.

Xu Muge walked over.

The firewood that has been split in half does not need to be split vertically, it must be placed flat, and the lower tip of the axe is smashed into the middle of the firewood, and then twisted to the left and right sides, so that it can be easily divided into two parts half.

This is all life experience, how can those who don't touch the sun with their fingers know.

Everyone was amazed.

"Awesome, Brother Mu."

Mr. He couldn't help asking, "You are obviously not very old, but why do you feel like you know everything, everything?"

"I usually go back to my hometown to chat with the old man. After chatting more, I will know," Xu Muge replied.

They chopping firewood according to Xu Muge's method, and the efficiency is much improved.

Dinner is relatively simple compared to lunch.

Millet pumpkin porridge, cold mixed flocs, stir-fried leeks to make floc cores, stir-fried dried bamboo shoots, and steamed a nearly three-pound fat head fish.

They couldn't wait to taste the dishes made with fenugreek.

It's not delicious, but the taste and texture are really special and something they have never experienced before.

It was completely dark now, they were sitting under the shed in the yard, drinking porridge, eating fish, and chatting about life.

After eating and drinking, they returned to the house and sat on the ground on the right side of the first floor.

At this time, you need to have some after-dinner entertainment.

There are Xu Muge and Xiaotianhou in the future of the Chinese music scene, and naturally they have to sing a few words.

"Sing what?"

Xu Muge and Liang Ruixue looked at each other, there are too many songs to sing, and I don't know which one to choose.

Zhao Jinmai suggested: "I watched Yaoshen before I came, and the ending song is also very good, why don't you sing this one?"

Xu Muge picked up the guitar and sat on one side with Liang Ruixue, her body shaking slightly.

Fingers plucked the strings, a simple and familiar rhythm sounded, and Xu Muge's voice was deep and deep.

"Maybe far away or yesterday, here or on the other side..."

For those who have seen the movie, when they hear this song, the episodes of the movie will instantly emerge in front of them.

"The prelude sounded, and the tears began to flow."

"I just finished watching Yaoshen in the afternoon, when Mushen said this, I thought of Huang Mao in the play and cried."

"The song is a good song, but it takes too much tears."

"I was watching the live broadcast and eating happily one minute ago, and you will make me cry the next minute?"

Points +555

The atmosphere was really harmonious and relaxed, but the two of them sang directly suppressed the atmosphere.

Zhao Jinmai burst into tears and regretted it very much. Why did he propose to let them sing a song!

Xu Muge said, "If you participate in this show and you just laugh happily, you may not remember for long, but if you cry and laugh, you will definitely remember for a while."

Everyone: "???"

This is the big night, why did you make us all cry? ? !

You can be human!

I could have continued to chat, but this song just sang everyone away.

Before going upstairs, Xu Muge said, "Go to bed early and get up early, and go to the market together tomorrow."


They went back to their rooms.

The live broadcast is not closed, there is one machine left, aiming at the dog little H.

This is the end of the live broadcast of the first day of the first season of the second season of the longing for life.

The effect is much better than expected, the maximum number of online viewers has reached 2.7 million, and the average online audience is about 1.2 million per hour.

In fact, when the program initially issued a statement to inform everyone about this change, many people in the industry felt that this was not a wise choice.

After all, normal variety shows are recorded and broadcasted, and the script is arranged and filmed according to the script. If there is a problem, you can retake it.

But if it is live broadcast, there are too many uncontrollable factors.

The most important thing is that the content of the show will definitely be boring in such a large place from morning to night.

But I didn't expect that the rhythm of the entire show was under the control of Xu Muge, reaching an impeccable level.

The one I regret the most now is Dahua.

The first season of Yearning for Life made him famous and his worth doubled. He participated in many activities during the New Year, and also starred in a film for the Spring Festival, and his worth rose again.

So when the company found them again to prepare for the second season, they felt that the salary should be increased. After all, Dahua's worth was very different from the original, so they definitely couldn't get the same salary.

Unfortunately, Xu Muge didn't have any idea to discuss with them at all, and he gave up immediately when he learned that the price would be increased.

Dahua and his agent are still thinking that the second season may not be effective without him, and the show team will come to him at that time.

But after today's live broadcast, they realized that the clown was actually me.

Longing for a life without Dahua and Mrs. Huang, not only did there not have any problems, but under the leadership of Xu Muge, it became even more popular.

They lost a huge future for a small profit.

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