291: Fox, is this true?

Wang Bolun knelt on the ground hugging his head and crying: "It's not that I don't want to pay back the money, it's that I really can't pay it. My money is all spent!"

"I also want to correct it. I have been to many tertiary hospitals across the country, but no doctor can tell the cause."

"Besides that, psychologists have also searched for it, but they are all useless.

Zhong Liying covered her mouth:

"So you spent my 200,000 dowry in one day? What did you buy!"

Wang Buran lowered his head:

"I bought a small car and drove on the highway for most of the day and hit potholes.

"Finally, I drove to an uninhabited wasteland, ignited the fuel tank with a lighter and burned it into an empty shell."

Zhong Liying's parents are so angry that their eyes are shining, this is the dowry they have saved for their daughter for ten years!

The man in the vest said coldly:

"You're not acting, are you. What fox, do you think you're making a movie, ghosts?

"I warn you, no matter what the reason, you must pay back the money you owe!

So far, Wang Bolun has also admitted:

"Yes, I borrowed the money. If you want to find it, come to me."

"But I can't get the money now, it's useless for you to arrest me.""

"It's true that I start a company out of town to make money. As long as my illness recovers, I will definitely be able to pay back the money. 99

The man in the vest looked incredulous.

Killing a fox becomes greedy and squandering money, listen, does this sound like what people say?

It's an excuse no matter what.

Lin Xuan turned around: "Wang Bolun, your disease, my cure! 55

Wang Bolun was overjoyed: "Master Lin, I saw at first glance that you are different.

"How could our Miao Miao like an ordinary man?"

Wang Miaomiao is angry and ashamed:

"Cousin, you don't think about medical treatment, but also about these irrelevant things."

Wang Bolun's parents were dubious.

No matter how you look at it, Lin Xuan is under thirty years old.

Such a young man, even if he has some skills, how can he be so big?

"Burren, there is an old blind man in his forties under the overpass, he is very good at fortune-telling, we will go and invite him here.

Wang Miaomiao interjected:

"Lin Xuan has a very high level of fortune-telling. He is a popular fortune-telling anchor and has hundreds of millions of fans!"

There are good people in the audience secretly searching for the word Lin Xuan on the Internet.

"I rely on! 200 million fans?"

"Master Lin's plan to save the old-fashioned?"

"This Master Lin has so many deeds? 35

"Honey, I haven't been online for a few months, so much has changed.

"I said how the social atmosphere has changed for the better now, it turns out to be the credit of this Master Lin."

Upon hearing this, Wang Bolun was even more convinced that Lin Xuan was capable, and knelt down on the spot: "Master Lin, please save me!"

Lin Xuan helped him up: "I am Wang Miaomiao's friend, you are her cousin, of course I will save you.

The man in the vest waits impatiently:

"I'll tell you a few of you, whether the lines are enough, save it quickly, our company just wants to get our money back, nothing else matters!

Lin Xuan understands, long story short:

"Wang Buran, it happened to the white fox that once raised.

Wang Buran is nervous:

"Is it because I kicked it out of the house, so it hates me and curses me?

Lin Xuan shook his head:

"Somewhat similar, but different. 95

"That white fox is a natural alien, can cultivate on its own, and has a certain amount of magic power.

"But it has been raised since childhood and has no ability to prey on its own, so if you buy it back and then drive it away, it means cutting its way out.

Wang Buran was sweating profusely:

"You mean I killed it indirectly? 35

"But I don't know...

Lin Xuan:

"What is the specific situation, as long as you call it out, you can testify. 99

When everyone was about to ask how to testify.

Lin Xuan doubled his fingers into swords, chanting words in his mouth.

Sentences of extremely esoteric formulas echoed throughout the hall.

Wang Bolun only felt that something came out of his body, his whole body became lighter, and his greed was also decreasing.

On the contrary, Bin Guan, who was present, shivered one by one, as if the temperature had dropped by five or six degrees.

"so cold."

"Why is there wind?"

"Waiter, is the heating broken?"

"Don't let the ghosts come out."

"Don't talk nonsense, there are so many people in the daytime, how dare it come out?"

Wang Miaomiao knew what was going on:

"Cousin, Lin Xuan has already invited the fox out of you.

Wang Burren's parents are stunned:

"Miao Miao, don't scare us, people will scare people to death."

Although Wang Bolun was afraid, he forcibly stabilized his body and said to the surrounding air:

"2.6 White Fox, since you're out, you should be able to hear me."

"I ask you, why are you hurting me?

"Just because I drove you away?"

"I admit I was wrong, but aren't you?"

"After raising you, I'm like asking a great god to go home, who is the master?

Lin Xuan tapped Wang Buran's forehead at the right time.

After Wang Bolun's eyes blurred for a while, he found a white fox the size of an adult cat floating in front of him.

"It's really you!"

When the white fox was pulled out of Wang Bolun by Lin Xuan, he was already flustered, and when Wang Bolun saw it, he was even more shocked:

"You! How could you possibly see me?"

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