295: Black shop, this is so black shop

Calculated according to Lin Xuan.

Later, there will be a special villain on this road, specializing in killing people who look down at their mobile phones.

As his audience, Zheng Wen, of course, has to remind him.

This guy who touches porcelain will definitely look for the next target after he can't touch porcelain Zheng Wen.

According to Lin Xuan's calculations, plus Zheng Wen, there are 3 people in total.

Just when Lin Xuan wanted to connect with a second fan who looked down at his phone.

His face changed.

Zheng Wen still had an accident.


"Master Lin?"

They didn't understand why the connection was settled so quickly today, and nothing was counted.

Lin Xuan smiled wryly:

"Zheng Wen still has an accident."

Netizens are shocked:

"What happened."

"Master Lin, if you have something to say at one time, it will be uncomfortable to listen to. 35

"It won't be fatal.

A cyber policeman:

"Just two days ago, I had a bloody case that was caused by looking down at my phone."

The netizens were so nervous that they didn't even dare to post the barrage.

Internet Police:

"When a young woman was sitting on a subway escalator, she lowered her head and played with her mobile phone, not paying attention to the road under her feet."

"Accidentally stumbled and fell off the escalator."

"The escalator with dozens of steps, the whole person rolled down like a ball. 35

"I watched the video afterwards, half of my face was covered in blood, and it hurt when I watched it.

Netizens were terrified:

"Shit! I do that often too."

"I was so scared that I immediately put away my phone after posting the barrage. 55

"It's terrifying.

"Master Lin, can you find a normal person to tell your fortune.

"The network police are great, help.

Lin Xuan:

"My live broadcast is helping the audience, so I cannot agree to this request."

The policeman laughed:

"Actually, you don't have to worry, because what I said before is a small probability event."5

"I haven't seen it many times in so many years."

"Even if you step in the air, you will fall down a few steps at most.

"That woman is so unlucky."

Netizens are still worried:

"But I think the audience selected by Master Lin is unlucky.

"Can I be selected without luck?"

Li Zhongguo:

"Don't be afraid, our classmate Zheng Wen is not walking on the steps.

"Yes, bumping into a light pole while walking on the road is no big deal.

Lin Xuan shook his head secretly, netizens still underestimated the danger.

He didn't even say it:

"Below, I connect with the second lucky spectator.

This time, it was a woman in her twenties who seemed to have just graduated from work.

The woman cried on the spot:

"Master Lin, am I going to make a will? 39

Lin Xuan was speechless again.

The netizens are happy again.

Lin Xuan:

"Shen Xiaoxiao, let's get down to business. 55

Shen Xiaoxiao looked at Lin Xuan pitifully, with an unlovable expression on her face.

Lin Xuan:

"You now go to No. 12 Gucheng Road and find a mobile phone repair shop.

"There is only one mobile phone repair shop nearby, I won't admit it wrong."9

Shen Xiaoxiao nodded vigorously.


"Master Lin, don't scare her, we were scared too.

"Is she going to die if she doesn't go right away?"

"Damn! Die at every turn. Is this the end of the world?"

The Internet police also sternly said:

"Master Lin, if you have something, please call 110.

Lin Xuan smiled:

"Don't worry, it's not a big deal this time.

"There is no danger to life.

"Shen Xiaoxiao won't do anything, she's just a witness.

Shen Xiaoxiao landed on the boulder and complained bitterly:

"Master Lin, I probably will never forget this in my life."

...... Ask for flowers·

A group of male fans booed:

"Lin Bushi has already considered everything."

"Really Pick Up Girls Cheats. 39

"In seconds, I'm going to slap my goddess. 55

"Pfft! 99

"Sure enough, licking a dog can't be good to die!"

"Shen Xiaoxiao, you are finished, you will never forget Master Lin for the rest of your life."

Wang Miaomiao, who was beside Lin Xuan, had a nervous face, and a pair of small hands were tightly clasped together, for fear that it would be the same as what they said.

Lin Xuan was angry and helpless, and patted the table hard to calm everyone down:

"Fellow friends, it's important.""

"Our classmate Zheng Wen, although there is no major incident, but a beating is indispensable."

"Hurry up and let Shen Xiaoxiao go take a look, she is a fan closest to the crime scene.

Shen Xiaoxiao immediately ran towards the designated spot.

She often watches Lin Xuan's live broadcast and is very happy to help.

When she arrived, it took a long time to find a mobile phone repair shop that didn't even have a shop name at a corner of No. 12 Gucheng Road.

"This store was built by a resident on the first floor, so it's illegal.

Shen Xiaoxiao was not sure.

It was pitch black inside, and a bunch of flowers and plants were planted outside.

Internet Police:

"It's illegal.

"But generally it doesn't matter."

All netizens:

"It's useless, it's someone else's house, so it can't be sealed."

"Master Lin can't possibly care about such trivial matters.

"This store is open like this, no matter if it doesn't have a customer for a day... It's worse than holding a sign on the side of the road.

Just when they wanted to ask Lin Xuan something specific.

The voices of people from inside the store:



"too expensive!"

"You are a black shop! 99 losses

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