431: Is it too late to go to take out now?

Fei Qianshan and Shi Lianhua were both angry and anxious.

Many times of forcible entry was ineffective, and I could only watch the siren sounding downstairs.

"Zhu Tianming, remember me!" Fei Qianshan was extremely depraved, "I don't have a brother like you.

"Humph, you didn't treat me as a brother!" Zhu Tianming looked at Fei Qianshan coldly.

Shi Lianhua collapsed, pointing at Fei Qianshan and cursing, "It's all you!"

"If you hadn't pulled me in, I wouldn't have gone to jail!"

"Grass! Bitch! You called me Your Majesty just now. It's faster to turn your face than to turn a book. Fei Qianshan went back.

"When I took you to Hangyang International before, why didn't you say "three zero seven" when you regarded luxury goods as daily necessities.

"I don't care, you are the one who caused me to go to jail anyway."

"Damn bitch, try again. 35

"Just say it.""

The two fought.

Netizens watching the play in the live room:

"It's really twists and turns, who didn't get to the end of the dog bites the dog.""

"Who said just now that Zhu Tianming will be beaten up. 99

"Lick Dog's Counterattack. (Dog Head)"

"Zhu Tianming is really handsome standing at the entrance of the stairs.

"Maintaining world peace is not necessarily a big hero, but also a delivery boy.

"It's over, my son said he wanted to be a delivery boy, so he shouldn't be allowed to watch Master Lin's live broadcast.

The police acted quickly and both Fei Qianshan and Shi Lianshan were arrested.

Zhu Tianming was about to cooperate with the police to go back to investigate when his cell phone rang.


"Zhu Tianming, the superior leaders of the Mi Tuan saw your live broadcast. You are helpful, brave and upright. Now they have decided to promote you to the supervisor of the Chenglongjing area and report to the company tomorrow. 35


Zhu Tianming dropped his jaw in shock.

Lin Xuan smiles:

"My live broadcast is very popular, and it's normal for some big Internet companies like Mi Tuan to pay attention."

"Zhu Tianming, congratulations, you will be promoted from tomorrow, you can find a good girl, but you must keep your eyes open and don't be deceived again. 35

Zhutian Mingmumu nodded, so happy that he couldn't speak well:

"I know, I know. 39

"The next time I look for a girlfriend, I must put character first, and I will never trust those beautiful women.

The live broadcast room is like being knocked over by a vinegar jar:

"God, just get promoted like this?"

"I ran 10,000 kilometers for takeout and couldn't get a promotion.

‘Damn! Is Mi Tuan such a positive company?’

"I didn't help my grandma cross the road when I delivered takeout yesterday. Did I miss something?"

"Brother, you missed 100 million... That old grandma has no children and no daughters, whoever helps her to the hospital will inherit hundreds of millions of properties."

"I felt sorry for Zhu Tianming just now that he had lost his love, disturbed him, and said goodbye. 33

"Why am I watching this live broadcast when I'm single.

Lin Xuan made a secret calculation.

Zhu Tianming will meet the same mediocre-looking woman a month later.

The two meet, meet, know each other, and then fall in love, get married, have children...

There will be a happy future.

There are more and more barrages in the live broadcast room:

"Master Lin, let's have another person with fate."

"Master, I also want to do fortune telling.""

"It seems to be good to be a good person.

"Master Lin, I want to know when I can get a promotion and a raise.

"Master, how about I go to deliver food now?"

Lin Xuan smiled lightly.

If it was him in the past, he would feel tired after helping others fortune-telling once, but now there is nothing at all.

But he wasn't going to continue either.

Because he felt the Wordless Book beating.

wave your hand:

"Netizens, don't work overtime during the Chinese New Year.

"Tomorrow I will continue to go online, and the Chinese New Year red envelopes will remain the same.



After speaking, Lin Xuan closed the live broadcast.

After driving away the resentful Wang Miaomiao.

Lin Xuan sat cross-legged on the bed.

The wordless book flew out, turned to the eighth page, and the next page kept beating, as if it was about to be opened at any time.


Lin Xuan gave a light drink.

The ninth page of the Wordless Book was opened.

A red string appeared on it.

"This is……"

Lin Xuan has more information in this regard.

causal line.

The gift from the ninth page of the Wordless Book.

The causal line allows him to grasp the cause and effect more accurately when calculating.

It can make him suffer less causal backlash when he changes the fate of others.

If someone is malicious to Lin Xuan, Lin Xuan can even use the causal line to deduce the specific location of that person.

Lin Xuan closed his eyes to perceive.

Using the causal line for the first time gave him a wonderful feeling.

On his body, there are red thin lines, these thin lines extend towards the outside, some extend to the sky, and some extend to the distance.

"The line in the sky represents destiny."

"The line in the distance represents Person 2.7.""

Lin Xuan felt it carefully.

The causal line of fate is the thickest, followed by Wang Miaomiao's causal line.

The remaining lines of cause and effect are subtle, some are the blessings of iron fans to him, and some are the abuse of him by black fans.

Lin Xuan looked for one of the calculations that was close to him.

It was an iron fan who quarreled with his parents because of him, and the mother of the iron fan was being murdered by a villain.

Having trouble with his own iron fan, Lin Xuan couldn't sit still, and even got up and walked in the direction of the causal line.

If anyone sees Lin Xuan at this time, they will be amazed. In just a few dozen seconds, Lin Xuan's facial features are more handsome than before.

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