Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 96: Searching for a house, picking up supplies? nonexistent! (One more!)

    Su Wanqing and Cheng Xiaoguo, as well as the fan water friend, are also confused about Qin Xiaobai's actions, jumping in such a desolate place, are they preparing to play wild?

    "Brother, didn't you say this steel gun? Can the jungler be regarded as a steel gun?" Cheng Xiaoguo ran to his position speechlessly.

    Because this parachute jump happened suddenly, almost not many fans jumped down, so the game is still normal, there is no situation of following a group of people.

    "Brother, can we stop first and pick up some supplies? Although this place is poor, but if you look carefully, there should be a few guns..." Su Wanqing followed behind Qin Xiaobai, He opened his mouth to propose.

    "Don't you all like Gang Gun? This one will satisfy you, and I will take you directly to Gang Gun, but I won't help you when it arrives..."

    Qin Xiaobai continued to answer lightly, and then continued to run wildly.

    His words made Su Wanqing and Cheng Xiaoguo, the more they listened, the more confused they became, not knowing how to proceed.

    On the premise of having a gun, you must have a gun, right?

    I don't even have a gun, so I'm going to have a haircut with someone...

    Is that a gift?

    "Hoo! Finally found..."

    At this time, Qin Xiaobai saw a three-way intersection, listened to a dark green jeep, and finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then ran straight over there.

    The reason why he has been running wildly on the road is not to participate in the marathon in the game, but simply to find a car.

    Once you have a car, you can move on to the next plan.

    In the previous life on the earth, this kind of gameplay was called airdrop flow, which means that when you land, you don’t look for supplies at all, and you chase the airdrop after grabbing a car. Generally, when the first two airdrops fall, everyone else is still there. Diligently searching for supplies.

    Therefore, very few people will compete for airdrops, unless they meet someone who is as deadly as them.

    Of course, Qin Xiaobai's plan is not just a drop in the air.


    After getting the car, Qin Xiaobai drove back for a distance, and then parked the car in a relatively high place, and began to wait and see.

    At this time, Su Wanqing and Cheng Xiaoguo finally caught up.

    "Hoo! Little brother, I knew you wouldn't leave me and Wanqing. If you want a car, just say it... Shall we go to Port G? There should be no one there."

    Cheng Xiaoguo asked in the team voice.

    "G port? Of course not to G port, let's wait here for a while." Qin Xiaobai smiled and replied.

    "Aren't we all there already? Who are we waiting for?"

    Obviously, the other three did not see Qin Xiaobai's intention, and after listening to his words, they were still blank.

    "Boom boom boom..."

    At this moment, there was a rumbling sound of planes in the sky, Qin Xiaobai swiped his mouse, glanced at the route of the first airdrop plane, and then said lightly: "Get in the car, let's go to the guns..."

    The fans who were watching Xiaoguo and Su Wanqing live, after hearing Qin Xiaobai's words, couldn't help but complain.

    "Just now, your sister! You're kidding me, my wife, get out of the car, this guy will take you all to become a boxer!"

    "What's the IQ of this house? You don't have a gun in your hand, and you say you're going to shoot..."


    "This person said that he just shot, wouldn't he be planning to drive and hit someone?"

    "Dog, get down quickly, it's a box train, you must be gone..."

    "I feel sorry for my wife, it will soon become a box again!"

     "Brothers, when you encounter this car, don't shoot randomly, whoever dares to accidentally hurt the dog, I have turned on the Zuan liberal arts champion mode."


    Qin Xiaobai drove the car and followed the airdrop plane all the way. After following for a while, his eyes suddenly lit up, and the first airdrop finally fell from the plane.


    Qin Xiaobai got out of the car quickly and came to the airdrop box. The supplies inside were not fat, a handful of big pineapples, a san-level head, adrenaline, and some bullets.

    Almost with the fastest hand speed, Qin Xiaobai had already finished licking, and then quickly drove away from the empty scene.

    "Brother, are you here to grab the airdrop?"

    When the car stopped on another hill, Cheng Xiaoguo understood Qin Xiaobai's intention and asked in surprise.

    "Otherwise? Do you think I'm participating in the Dakar Rally?" Qin Xiaobai replied a little grumpily. He didn't intend to answer such a simple question.

    "Little brother, can't you do this? You took all the airdrops, what should we do?" After Cheng Xiaoguo heard his words, she couldn't help crying.

    Fans in the live broadcast room also exploded when they saw Qin Xiaobai's actions.

    "Fuck, this is a ruthless man, no wonder he is looking for a car, this guy didn't plan to pick up supplies at all, just to grab the airdrop!"

    "The dog is so pitiful, I met such a selfish guy and swallowed everything!"

    "Nima, this person is not taking girls at all! Generally, such a non-dangerous airdrop should not be licked by girls?"

    "Nyima can't figure it out, why do dogs play games with such people..."

    However, soon those who said that the Destiny Dog was selfish, all shut up!

    "I'll give you this big pineapple, and there are bullets. Your marksmanship is a bit more accurate than Su Wanqing, you use it first..." Qin Xiaobai finished speaking, put the big pineapple and All the bullets fell on the ground.

    Cheng Xiaoguo was a little stunned, looking at the gun on the ground, the anger in his heart was temporarily suppressed, "Don't call me right A again, or I'll really block you..."

    "Su Wanqing, take this san-level head and adrenaline first!" Qin Xiaobai said again.

    "Brother, don't you take something?" Su Wanqing asked curiously.

    "I'm driving, guns and armor are useless..."

    After Qin Xiaobai finished speaking, he jumped into the driving seat again. At this time, the fan of Cheng Xiaoguo couldn't help but ask: "Brother, give me something, for I don't have anything at all?"

    "No, the next airdrop will be handed over to you. You are our hope. It's up to you, brother, to eat chicken!" Qin Xiaobai's mouth showed a smile, Said quietly.

    Originally, the fan and water friend of Cheng Xiaoguo still had a trace of resentment in his heart, but when he heard Qin Xiaobai say that the next airdrop would give him everything, he didn't say anything more. now...

    After all, no matter what, he was embarrassed to rob Cheng Xiaoguo for supplies.

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