Live: I’m the Demon King In the Abyss

Live: I'm the Demon King in the Abyss Chapter 158

If it was before today, the Goddess of Light would not have felt this way at all.

But after today... some things have quietly changed.


After Lin En left, the Goddess of Light sat on the window sill of the palace, looking at the vast and boundless land of the Demon Abyss, thinking silently.

She didn't ask, how could there be an angel of judgment under Lin En's command.

As a goddess, the Goddess of Light naturally knows what to ask and what not to ask.

I also know that even if she asks, Lin En will not tell her at all, maybe he will feel that she talks too much, and maybe he will be vigilant.

"Why do I think so much?"

The goddess of light suddenly thought again.

In the past...why did she ever think so much about a demon?

But immediately, she couldn't control it anymore and began to think of a way.

It's just that no matter how the goddess of light thinks, she feels that the difficulty of influencing Lin En has increased by more than a hundred times than before.

"Is... really going to use that method?"

The Goddess of Light had that thought again.

On that beautiful pretty face... there was also a tangled expression.


"Have you heard that the king has conquered the five demon dynasties again this time!"

"Wow, doesn't that mean that our dynasty has six servant dynasties?"

"It's incredible! Our Majesty is amazing~"



In the Abyss of Enchantment, some succubus were chatting there.

The news of the surrender of the five demon dynasties has already spread, which has excited the succubi of the entire Demon Dynasty.

The succubus never imagined that one day, their dynasty could have such a glorious moment.

And such brilliance was entirely created by one person!

Their supreme king!

Therefore, on this day, whether it is the new succubus or the succubus who joined before, everyone is extremely happy and happy!

They adore Lynn even more!

When some succubi mentioned Lynn's name, the admiration in their eyes was almost overflowing.


After Lin En left the Palace of the Goddess of Light, he did not return to the City of Angels.

Instead, he came to the edge of the abyss of magic grace.

Then, Lynn activated the Eye of Delusion.

Lynn did not lie to the Goddess of Light.

He does.

This matter is very simple.

It was Lin En who was going to try the ability of the Eye of Delusion again.

The reason Lynn exchanged for the Eye of Delusion.

Naturally, it's not just for deciphering the real name of Balrog Opis.

The real purpose of the Eye of Delusion... is actually to study the most daunting power in this world, which can only be touched/touched by reaching the tenth level-the power of rules!

But the tenth level is only the power of rules.

The eleventh level is just a little more understanding, and the use of the power of rules is still quite rudimentary.

The more and deeper the power of the rules is, the more powerful and terrifying the combat power that can be exerted will naturally be.

The delusion-breaking eye allows Lynn to see the operation of the rules in an unusually intuitive way.


Like now, after LV4's Eye of Delusion was activated, the abyss of magic has changed in Lin En's eyes.

Under the appearance of the Abyss of Enchantment, it seems that there are countless gears biting together and turning continuously, so that the entire Abyss of Enchantment is running in an orderly manner.

It also seems that there are countless small veins woven together.

Or countless tiny lines.

The threads are woven together layer by layer.

Every line...represents the power of rules.

The blowing of the wind, the heat of the flame, the coldness of the ice, the solidity of the land...these are all concrete manifestations of the power of rules.

As long as you master the power of the corresponding rules, such as those related to fire, then you can make your fire control ability a hundred times, a thousand times stronger.

"It's amazing."

Lynn whispered.

It's amazing.

After the Eye of Delusion was activated, Lin En was able to see the operation of the whole world from another level, which made even Lin En feel a little novel.

"This, right?"

After looking at it for a while, Lynn stretched out his hand and plucked it in the void.

From the looks of it, it seemed that Lynn had simply plucked it.

However, the space in front of him was instantly distorted.

"Sure enough, it's more powerful than before."

Lynn said.

Not only is it more powerful.

Lin En's understanding of space... also because of this pull, invisibly, it is more profound!

Eye of Delusion... If it is used to study the power of rules, it is simply a very buggy skill.



At this time, Sylvie appeared.

After the lords of the four dynasties signed the contract, they were driven away by Lin En.

With Lin En's current strength as the Heavenly Demon King and the horror of his superior bloodline, even if it is an ordinary demon contract, if the lords of the Four Great Dynasties want to violate it, the price they will pay is not so high.

That is the price of losing at least half of one's life.

These four guys definitely won't have any thoughts in a short time.

This is enough.

Because, when they are thinking or ready to take action, they will find that... Lynn's strength has risen sharply, and if they want to violate the contract, it will not be half life... but the whole life.

There are not too many things to deal with in the follow-up. Lynn is not planning to make other big moves for the time being, but is going to develop silently for a while, and wait until the next lottery draw.

Strength is the passport to the abyss.

The power is strong, what can't you do?


"Servy, you did a good job."

Lin En touched Servi's little head and praised.

"It's all thanks to the Lord."

Sylvie blushed slightly.

Even though she has been patted on the head by Lynn many times, Sylvia still feels a little shy every time she is patted on the head by Lynn.

This also made Lin En feel very interesting, and he liked to touch her little head more and more.

"Lord, the Goddess of Light should know that I am the Angel of Judgment."

Sylvie said.

Lynn let out a "huh".

Servi said: "In the heavens, judgment angels are very rare. The Goddess of Light will definitely be very curious, and maybe she will have a strong interest in you, Lord. Lord, you should pay more attention to the Goddess of Light. She may not have any malicious intentions. But I feel...she may be here for you, maybe she wants to lure you to heaven."

Servi guessed the intention of the Goddess of Light.

However, Servi is not the goddess of light after all, and she herself is not very sure.

Lynn nodded: "Don't worry, Servi, don't worry about me."

Servi let out an "oh", and then said, "Then I will continue to splice the abyss."

Lynn said, "Okay, I'll help you."


The current Abyss of Demon Grace has a side length of more than 10,000 kilometers, reaching more than 13,000 kilometers.

The abyss that has been spliced ​​onto the Moen abyss has exceeded hundreds of dollars.

Still, it's far from a named abyss. .

Therefore, Lynn and Servi continued to join together.

In Lin En's view, frequent land relocation is a bit troublesome, and he plans to make the Demon Abyss his lair.

As for the layer of abyss where he lived, it was a more hidden place.

That layer of abyss has been completely sealed off, except for the core succubi, other demons are not eligible to enter.

Even the Goddess of Light didn't know the existence of that layer of abyss, let alone the existence of the City of Angels and the Tree of Fallen Life.


And after possessing the Eye of Delusion, Lynn discovered that he was able to artificially intervene when splicing the abyss.

According to what the Lord of the Fallen said.

Every abyss with a name will give birth to a complete rule.

In fact, in addition to a complete rule, there will be one or two less complete sub-rules.

This is also the reason why the named abyss is being fought over by the demon kings.

Demon kings want to become demigods with this.

Because the prerequisite for becoming a demigod is... mastering a complete rule.

When Lynn activated the Eye of Delusion to stitch together the abyss, he suddenly discovered...

In the process of splicing the abyss, constantly intervene in the rule reorganization process after the splicing is successful... Lynn may be able to make the magic abyss breed the rules he wants.

That is the rule of space.

Also, this process doesn't take too long.

And once the Demonic Abyss has successfully become a named abyss and successfully bred the rules of space...then Lin En's subordinates can use this to understand the rules of space. At that time, as long as they reach the tenth level, everyone will control A certain space shuttle ability.

That's pretty powerful.

That's why Lynn and Sylvia came together to splice the abyss.

He wants to experiment to see if he can do this, and this process can further deepen Lynn's understanding of the rules of space.


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