Live Wilderness Adventure

Chapter 208 The Adventures of Uncle Fang?

Chapter 208 The Adventures of Uncle Fang?

"Bi Fang, are you asleep?"

"Eh." Bi Fang looked up at the clock and scratched his rough, unshaven chin, "It's only eight o'clock, right?"

Today, Bi Fang and Erwan visited the Camargue Wetlands for a day, and returned to the hotel after further confirming that the geese and birds lived in the wild. Just as they were about to check their task rewards, they received a call from Wang Yongbo.

"Someone here is looking for you, can you see him? If you see him, let me know which hotel you are in, and I will bring him to you directly. It's a big deal of hundreds of millions!"

Wang Yongbo's tone could not contain the excitement, which made Bi Fang puzzled.

A big deal of several hundred million? Still come to the hotel to find me?

Is this too exaggerated? What kind of business activities can involve hundreds of millions of big deals?

I'm a serious person, I don't know how to do big deals worth hundreds of millions, and I don't accept them.

Wang Yongbo, oh Wang Yongbo, I didn't expect you to do something like this with thick eyebrows and big eyes.

After telling Wang Yongbo the address, Bi Fang couldn't help but feel uneasy. Will he accept it or not?

Accept it, he is not that kind of person, don't accept it, people will come to your door, if you just refuse like this, it will be embarrassing.

Amidst the entanglement, there was a knock on the door.

Bi Fang sighed, and finally decided to face the reality. He is an honest gentleman, and this kind of thing is not suitable for him. He came to the door, took a few deep breaths, and opened the door.


"Mr. Bi, hello, I'm Brand Pallstone, nice to meet you, just call me Brand."

Outside the door, a Caucasian male stood beside Wang Yongbo, with a confident smile on his face, while speaking fluent Chinese with an accent but clear articulation.

Silver-gray suit, shiny leather shoes and a rose gold watch, the luxury of a suit matches his robust figure just right. It perfectly interprets the definition of "elegant and successful man". If it wasn't for what he said next, Bi Fang would have thought that this was a male model from some modeling agency.

"Mr. Bi Fang, I am here to seek cooperation with you on behalf of Disney."

Brand sat on the sofa, and Bi Fang was stunned the moment he opened his mouth.

Boy, Disney?

What does a Disney movie maker come to him for?

"What cooperation?"

"We would like to get your permission to film your experience of migrating geese and birds into an animated film, and we plan to release it within three years."

Brand took a sip of coffee, put his left leg on his right leg, and then crossed his right leg on his left leg after a while. For some reason, ever since he entered this room, he felt an inexplicable sense of frustration, and he couldn't help closing his eyes. With a tight aura, the original feeling of self-confidence disappeared, as if entering some terrible beast's lair and encountering a natural enemy.

Wang Yongbo stood beside him, looked at Bi Fang and then at Brand, and still felt that Bi Fang's aura was stronger.

Before entering the room, Brand gave him the feeling of being confident and flamboyant, but after entering the room, Brand sitting in front of Bi Bing gave him a completely different feeling for some reason. He looked like a wolf, but in fact he was a little bit like a wolf. Erha's feeling.

Brand came to seek cooperation, but Wang Yongbo did not expect it, because this matter sounds a bit sci-fi. A large overseas company suddenly came to you, hoping that you would grant the copyright and make your heroic deeds into an animated film for future generations to sing about. .

A normal person's first reaction would be that this is a fraudulent call, which is less credible than Qin Shihuang sending money, but when this happened to Bi Fang, it didn't seem so unbelievable.

Break the harsh and unreasonable rules of the adult world, and take an adventure in nature with your blood and dreams.

Geese and birds migrate, hunt reindeer, confront lynx, and fly a plane above the clouds in a storm.

Teenagers, adventurers, starry sky forests, officials colluded with poachers to traffic wild animals.

Could there be a more fairy-tale real-life story than this?

It perfectly fits the consistent core of Disney animation.

When Bi Fang's name resounded all over the world, Disney was thinking about whether it could be put on the big screen. After several days of meetings and discussions, everyone agreed that it was feasible, so Brand was sent out with honor.

"If you agree, we will pay a copyright fee of 30 million U.S. dollars, and your film will be released around the world, so that more people will know about this animal protection act and call for more people to participate in it."

Brand gave a number that even Wang Yongbo was terrified of. Brand investigated Bi Fang in advance, and the focus of persuasion was not on value, but on influence.

thirty million!

Still ugly!

"Thirty million? So much?" Bi Fang was also surprised. Is there such a large image grant fee?

"You've misunderstood, we're not just paying the image grant, we're buying your entire adventure."

"What's the meaning?"

"Your adventure is so perfect that you don't need any adaptations at all. Even adaptations will make this fairytale less fairytale. Our company has never encountered such a situation, so we agree that 30 million is a reasonable price."

Brand didn't lie. This was indeed the first time they encountered such a thing. In the past, the authorization of real people had to adapt the whole experience more or less, otherwise the story would not be enough.

In reality, no one's adventure can really be like a fairy tale, but Bi Fang did it. Any artificial modification will make this perfect adventure less perfect.

So the 30 million ugly yuan is not only the image licensing fee, but also the screenwriting fee, consulting fee, copyright fee, etc., and considering Bi Fang's influence, this price is not bad.

Disney is not an idiot. They have carefully studied Bi Fang's explosion curve, and there is definitely a lot of potential to be tapped. It can become almost world-renowned in just half a year. Except for Africa and other third world news that lag behind and don't care, Europe and North and South Almost everyone who watched the live broadcast in America knew Bi Fang's name.

When the animated movie comes out, it will take a year after all. How much will Bi Fang's popularity grow by then?

The company's data scientists were a little bit tongue-tied after the research, and the conclusion they came to was ten times higher than the current one!

Therefore, Brand completely treated Bi Fang as a first-line star, without any disrespect.

"And we also plan to develop an animation in addition to the movie, or use you as the prototype. I wonder if Mr. Bi has heard of The Adventures of Uncle Long?"


Bi Fang must know that this animation is too famous, and the quality is very high.

"If you are willing to accept our cooperation, we will also plan to develop a cartoon of the same type in the future. Of course, we will pay for this image granting fee, but we can guarantee that the quality will not be lower than The Adventures of Uncle Dragon. "

I have to say that Bi Fang’s heart was moved. It was a matter of heaven and earth. It was a simple live broadcast. The best animation production company in the world suddenly found you and said that they would cooperate with you and make you into a movie. On-screen, it's any adventurer's dream.

This is the best chance to get out of the circle.

Bi Fang has always known that live broadcasting has its limitations. Many anchors may be famous in the eyes of people who watch the live broadcast, but once they leave the live broadcast circle, they know very few people.

Bi Fang is now well-known around the world because many news reports on him, otherwise he would not be able to achieve this level only by live broadcast.

This is true for news reports, but what about movies and animations?

To what extent can it be done?

Chocolate is deadly to dogs, just a few ounces can kill a puppy, dying from damage to the heart and nervous system.

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